Why? Planned Parenthood spends record $12 mil on presidential election
Planned Parenthood, through its political action affiliates, has spent more on this election than any in the past – more than $12 million, with about half the money going for TV ads in Florida, Virginia, Ohio and other battleground states.
~ Wall Street Journal, October 19. Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards also just announced she has “taken a break from my day job in order to volunteer full-time in order to reelect President Barack Obama.”
The question is, why all the fuss?

I’ll answer that. Planned Parenthood knows its goose is cooked a thousand different ways if Barack Obama is defeated.
I can only ‘hope’ you are correct.
If there were no GOD and there were no spiritual component to this present system we operate in, then reason might prevail and rational citizens would be upset about subsidizing a private entity as blatantly partisan as the mother of all whores, pp.
But there is a GOD and there is a spritual dimension and pp’s tentacles extend all thru our political/social/religious systems.
Separating the wheat from the tares will be a herculean effort that only GOD is capable of pulling off without throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
We are stuck with resisting and exposing evil tl such time that GOD’s justice exceeds HIS patient lovingkindness.
I confess I have a blind spot which inhibits my ability to identify a politically conservative privare organization that receives hundreds of millions of dollars in federal funds and is as blatantly partisan as pp.
But if I could identify an entity that fits the bill, the I wonder what the reaction would be if the CEO announced she was setting aside her day to day duties, [I doubt Cecile is refusing her paycheck.] to actively campaigne for a republican candidate.
Gee, I wonder where Planned Parenthood got that money from?
I guess the fuss for Cecile would be to keep her hefty salary; she knows which side her bread is buttered on.
Just had a FB “discussion” with a female Epis. priest who truly believes that PP is poor women’s salvation. Nothing will dissuade her. And if I (meaning my political leanings and candidates) refuse to support all poor women monetarily and agree to raise the unwanted child in danger of abortion, then I should sit down on my needlepointed cushion and shut up.
This from a woman and a mom who claims to be sold out to Christ.
If Richards is not completely off the PPA payroll, then they are violating the 501(c)3 non-profit tax status big time. Obviously Obama’s admin won’t pursue this, but Romney should.
what I don’t get – is really — TWELVE MILLION dollars? how about putting all that money towards really helping poor women who really need health care, that could go a longgggg way!
can we say DAH? do these people have any kind of brain?????
$12 million! I wonder how many poor people could be helped by that…
Not I had not yet seen Donna’s comment when I wrote mine.
Perhaps Cecile is secretly doing a test run to see how she’ll survive without her hefty paychecks if the Big O loses…
“if I (meaning my political leanings and candidates) refuse to support all poor women monetarily and agree to raise the unwanted child in danger of abortion, then I should sit down on my needlepointed cushion and shut up.”
The next time someone brings that up, ask if they are against the war in Afghanistan. If they say yes, then say, “well how many Afghan children have you adopted? Oh, none? Then you have no right to say they shouldn’t be killed.” Then prepare for lots of awkward rationalizations :)
Taken. :)
Good one, SM.
But I have to say, it’s like arguing with a 9 year old.
“But I have to say, it’s like arguing with a 9 year old.”
Courtnay, that comparison is kind of demeaning . I think you owe 9 year olds everywhere an apology. :)
I have a 9 year old, John. We’re just biding time til prison.
“I have a 9 year old, John.”
Who is this John to whom you speak? :)
I suspect and hope that the more Obummer’s ties to and passion for PP is pushed, the more likely it is that he and Cecile may both be relieved of their “day jobs” as of November 6, 2012.
I don’t understand how PP gets to keep their 501(c)3 status. If my bishop so much as sneezed out the name of a Republican candidate, local liberals would be filing lawsuits.
But we have to be encouraged by Cecile’s desperation. She knows that, if PP has any brand cred left, then she has to spend it trying to keep Obama in office.
PP’s brand doesn’t have much cred left. Just a few hardcore Episcopalian priestesses.
And some pro-lifers say Romney is no different from Obama when it comes to abortion.
Yeah, right.