Sad news: Inspirational pro-life blogger passes away
I’m so sad to report one of the bloggers we feature in our top blogs section (right side of home page) has passed away.
Barbara Curtis, who ran the Mommy Life blog, suffered a massive stroke on Sunday and passed away yesterday, October 30. See funeral arrangements here. Barbara had nine biological children, one with Down syndrome, and she adopted three more children with Down syndrome.
We often featured many of Barbara’s posts, but one highlight was when Barbara’s daughter Maddy auditioned for American Idol in 2010. Here’s her audition and family backstory, including a segment featuring Barbara…
Life is so fragile. Barbara lived every minute and left a wonderful legacy. She lived her pro-life convictions. We will miss her.

RIP Mrs. Curtis.
Maddy has a nice voice.
May God help all those people harmed by Sandy.
I still cannot believe it.
Really sad to here this, my thoughts are with her family.
This is really difficult news. My prayers are especially with Barbara’s husband and children.
I thank God for her powerful witness and witty, caring posts. Her words and tales will be missed.
This is a shock. I visited her blog many times just to read all the wonderful things going on there. RIP Barbara.
Thoughts and prayers for Barbara’s family and friends.
Another prolife saint working with us from the other side.
That’s heart-breaking news.:(
Get help, Jake. you OBVIOUSLY need LOTS of it.
Jake, Just because you are jealous that she had friends that will miss her doesn’t mean you have to be ugly about it. Do you live a life that would render so many that mourn when you die? Probably not if you advocate for death in the first place. I have noticed that when a pro-abortion person dies, they don’t get much in the way of true grief…just lip service of grief from fellow pro-aborts (see death of Dr. Tiller the Killer) yet in a total twist of irony, they do get many prayers and support from the pro-lifers!
Thanks for sharing this Jill. I am going to attend her funeral this weekend.
I think you misunderstand me. Sad for her family, yet also happy an antichioice voice will not spread lies and shame women for owning their bodies. Hence the “meh” comment. Hope that helps clarify things.
Barbara Curtis was an inspiration to many. Her love of family and friends was evident and I cried when I found out. We shared each other’s stuff on facebook and I was a big fan of her blog.
She in NO WAY spread lies and shamed women for “owning” their bodies.(whatever that means) Freaking stupid comment Jake. But please do cite your sources. Put up or shut up.
My grandma used to say, “If you can’t say something nice don’t say anything at all.”
Try it sometime.
Again thoughts go out to her friends and family. However let’s be honest here, if she was antichioice then she was against women controlling their reproductive rights. Is that untrue?
Ok,I have let my position on abortion cloud my judgement. I have been insensitive and realize my mistake. I am sorry and truly hope her family finds peace in these difficult times.
However let’s be honest here, if she was antichioice then she was against women controlling their reproductive rights.
Let’s be honest here, she was antichoice. Against women choosing to kill their own children.
Get a life and go troll elsewhere.
It’s too bad that our opponents can’t set aside political differences long enough to recognize and to respect the loss of this individual, they’re either silent or they can’t give a simple condolence without a snide political comment (although let’s be honest here, one could say we did the same for George Tiller’s death, although most condolences I saw were ment with sincere intent, unlike Jake’s until comment. Although the apology was a nice touch, if not too little, too late).
Great point about tiller. Often times politics gets in the way, glad to see someone recognize the joy felt over tiller’s death from your side.
*intial, not until. Stupid phone auto-correct & I didn’t get it edited in time.
Jake your faux sympathy means about nothing.
Jake, you’re right, politics do often in the way or respecting the deceased (as you demonstrated above), however I wasn’t acknowledging anything you said but saying the pro-choice side could perceive our condolences to Tiller’s family as anything but sincere (and you proved that point for me), but in fact, most I saw were indeed sincere and genuine. Now out of respect for this woman’s friends and others here, I will not further engage in political discussion with you in this thread. If you wish to further discuss this in a civil manner, by all means do start a discussion (or contribute something constructive) in comments on another post.
Oh Jackie boy, how ever will I sleep knowing you don’t accept my sincere sympathy??
Oh put a sock in it already, Jake…
What part of “Out of respect for this woman’s friends and others here, I will not further engage in political discussion with you in this thread” and take it to another post didn’t you understand?
So ladybug, are you arguing that no one on your side celebrated the death of Tiller?
Do you know for a fact that any of Barbara’s family and friend celebrated the death of Tiller or any other abortionist for that matter? You are cruel beyond belief.
Get real. Owning your body does not start at the abortion clinic. It starts by saying,”Yo hormonal fool driven by lust. Don’t insert that thing in my body. It is MY body after all and you don’t need to cause physical and hormonal chaos for me while you get your rocks off for a couple of seconds.”
You are kidding yourself if you think that succumbing to an expensive medical procedure which causes all kinds of emotional and physical problems really is pro-choice and owning your own body. It is one more way for men to violate women because they don’t have it together enough to take responsibility for what goes on between their loins. Men walk away unscathed while women endure the intense hormonal changes and bear the brunt of the entire act with their bodies and emotional health. Meh, to you buddy. Touting that having to do an abortion is pro choice is brain washing a society to accept male chauvinistic attitudes like yours and disrespect and insensitivity toward the plight of a impregnated woman. Let’s see how pro choice you would think it is if you had to have a rod stuff in your private parts to dilate your small opening to a larger one to extract mutilated tissue. Bet ya wouldn’t be singing that “Own your own body” lie if you men had that done a few times.
I am so sorry to hear about this! God be with her family and friends during this difficult time. :(
Sincerest condolences to Barbara’s family and all who loved her.
Jake, I am pro-life to the core, and I did not celebrate Tiller’s death, although there was relief that he could perform no more abortions. I celebrate life only. I grieved that a man who took life lost his own, and I know that ultimately we all face consequences for the choices we make in this life. I remember wishing he was better known for some other accomplishment. Sincerely.
I can’t remember if I heard about you (Jill) from Barbara, or Barbara from Jill; I think I discovered both excellent blogs in the year before the ’08 presidential election. Regardless, I’m grateful for strong, fearless women who are devoted to Truth. God bless Barbara’s family. God bless you, Jill. God bless all the servants of Truth who connect online to empower and inspire one another in our work.