Drudge has this photo and caption up right now…

Now I know this is all tongue-in-cheek, not an actual example of President Obama looking up to God for a miracle win while holding a baby.

But I would mention to the president, if he has such a thought in mind, ix-nay on the aby-bay when reaching out to the One in whose image babies made for any sort of help.

As an aside, I do get upset every time I see photos of Obama holding a precious baby. Such photos make my skin crawl, and I want to snatch the baby away from him. I can’t fathom any mother who would let Obama touch her baby.

But I digress. The Drudge headline and photo reminded me of this…

… published in the Chicago Sun-Times on August 25, 2004, in the thick of Obama’s U.S. Senate campaign, and in response to Obama’s opposition to the Illinois Born Alive Infants Protection Act.

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