Word of wisdom for Obama: Don’t pray for help while holding a baby
Drudge has this photo and caption up right now…
Now I know this is all tongue-in-cheek, not an actual example of President Obama looking up to God for a miracle win while holding a baby.
But I would mention to the president, if he has such a thought in mind, ix-nay on the aby-bay when reaching out to the One in whose image babies made for any sort of help.
As an aside, I do get upset every time I see photos of Obama holding a precious baby. Such photos make my skin crawl, and I want to snatch the baby away from him. I can’t fathom any mother who would let Obama touch her baby.
But I digress. The Drudge headline and photo reminded me of this…
… published in the Chicago Sun-Times on August 25, 2004, in the thick of Obama’s U.S. Senate campaign, and in response to Obama’s opposition to the Illinois Born Alive Infants Protection Act.

True story: A pro-life couple were still in the hospital, recovering from the recent birth of their son.
This was in Madison a few weeks ago, the day after the first presidential debate. Pres. Obama came to the U. of Madison for a photo-op, to be seen surrounded by a crowd of adoring young people.
The couple’s five-year-old son had to be comforted and re-assured: The kindergartener doesn’t fully grasp what abortion is, but he seems to understand that “Obama wants to hurt the babies.” He didn’t want Obama to come and hurt his baby brother.
He looks likes he’s going to get punished. With a baby.
Is he looking up at the sky to see if lightening is about to strike him for holding the baby with all of his hypocrisy? I agree 100% it makes me sick to see him even touching a baby. Shudders.
Just a simple concur. Not sorry to say, I got the same “skin crawling” feeling when ever I saw Hillary with a baby too!
Yes it creeps me out to see a baby in Obama’s arms.
Anyone else reminded of the character played by Martin Sheen holding up a baby at the end of “The Dead Zone”?
That drawing above never fails to emotionally touch me. God and the baby are communicating in love while BO is filled with his own hateful agenda. LL
I hope the parents of the child in the picture immediately had her disinfected after being held by him.
Ugh. That poor baby.
Hey, maybe he’s watching as an irate mama grizzly is coming towards him to see who dared to hand her baby to that monster. ;)
In 2004 there was a semblance of credibility yet at the Sun Times. They were silent in 2008 when the same man they criticized four years before was running for the highest office in the land. The main stream media in its silence allowed this total fraud of a presidential candidate to be foisted upon our country as though he were some kind of a messiah.
There is a pro-abortion cabal and its greatest enabler is the main stream media.
“…and I want to snatch the baby away *from* him.”
Sorry. Grammar Nazi, reporting for duty.
I love grammar Nazis… :) Fixed.
Thanks, Jill. I *heart* you too. :)
Obama seems to be a very good father to two wonderful girls. Maybe you can find something else to attack him for?
The two living girls he’s fathered doesn’t make up for any number-even one-he has helped to kill through his actions (voting records, personal support, etc).
Fancy that…that same statement can be applied to YOU, Hal.
Today our paper, Traverse City Record-Eagle had the audacity to publish a picture of Obama holding up a bay in the air. Is this the same man who favors laws that allow any and all abortions at any time during the pregnancy. Worse yet, if it can get any worse, is this the same man who favors “no help for babies born alive during an abortion.” If babies knew who was holding them, I am sure they would crawl for cover!!!!