Pro-life blog buzz 11-30-12
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
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- Pro-Life in TN writes that with all the warring over the looming fiscal cliff, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is busy doling out $100,000 to teach at-risk girls how to better “negotiate” condom use with their sexual partners.
- Abortion in Washington exposed the fact that Group Health Cooperative was running an abortion clinic in Seattle and training future abortionists on site. After filing a public records request (since GHC refused to disclose its data), it was found that 294 babies were killed in 2011 at the facility.
- Euthanasia Prevention Coalition publishes a letter from an Oregon woman who had been diagnosed with terminal cancer and voted for assisted suicide so she could end her life. Her doctor instead encouraged her to choose life and seek treatment. 12 years later, she is grateful to be alive and no longer supports assisted suicide.
- Live Action reviews their personal favorite pro-life statements of 2012, including one about Bella Santorum (pictured left with her father, Rick Santorum) from Time’s Joe Klein, who wrote:
I am haunted by the smiling photos I’ve seen of Isabella with her father and mother, brothers and sisters. No doubt she struggles through many of her days — she nearly died a few weeks ago — but she has also been granted three years of unconditional love and the ability to smile and bring joy. Her tenuous survival has given her family a deeper sense of how precious even the frailest of lives are.
All right, I can hear you saying, the Santorum family’s course may be admirable, but shouldn’t we have the right to make our own choices?
Yes, I suppose. But I also worry that we’ve become too averse to personal inconvenience as a society — that we’re less rigorous parents than we should be, that we’ve farmed out our responsibilities, especially for the disabled, to the state — and I’m grateful to Santorum for forcing on me the discomfort of having to think about the moral implications of his daughter’s smile.
- Accepting Abundance points out how preborn children are now routinely – and almost nonchalantly – destroyed in the hopes of curing “more developed” people.
- Life Training Institute promotes a great read on raising a child with Down syndrome.
- Secular Pro-Life expresses support for the American Center for Law and Justice’s film, Life Happens:
“Life Happens opens with a short, accessible, and useful history of the abortion conflict in the United States. The film’s coverage of the question of when human life begins is also excellent, with numerous expert interviews. But the heart of the film consists of personal stories.Though some inaccurate adoption language is used in the film, it covers “hard cases” such as special needs children and rape:
One reason large families went out of fashion is that we moved from an agricultural to an urban society. Another is that the extended family was to a large extent replaced by the nuclear family.
Is it either possible or desirable to return to a more agricultural society?
Same question regarding the extended family.
Is it possible to make it unfashionable for teenagers and young adults to have romantic and intimate relationships?
Possibly Denise, maybe once the power and telecommunications grids have been shut down, people have tossed away their car keys, medical science has been abandoned and the world returns to black and white.
Even Shakespeare wrote of young people having romantic and intimate relationships.
@Reality: We have seen extraordinary changes. Leading young people to shun any kind of romantic relationship might not be impossible.
Not too long ago, the computer on which we communicate was science fiction.
“Not too long ago, the computer on which we communicate was science fiction” – yes, and you would have more luck getting it uninvented than getting young people to shun any kind of romantic relationship.
Films like this one area really important, because they show that there is a line of acceptability and that it’s a fairly thick line. Your either on one side or the other, and it’s that simple. You either think it’s ok to kill babies in-utero=or you believe they should be protected from murder, like every other human being, and that the in-utero are not inferior to us, and don’t deserve inferior rights and protections.
All the wars, where you had one tribe against another. One nation trying to destroy or exploit another, one man trying to kill his brother, is being whittled down into the most basic human argument. What are we willing to give to save another innocent human being from harm, or even to protect ourselves from finding ourselves in a position of not stopping another person from suffering when it’s well within our means?
What grudges are we willing to forgo in order to create the serene environment in which any life, under any standard of review, will be not only permitted to live, but nurtured and anticipated?
It’s as if all the human history of hate and war has boiled down to this moment in time, in which we must recognize the sheer importance of a woman’s critical health-care role in the creation of life-and women’s priceless role in the creation of whole societies…and that threatening the first homes of our fellow citizens, thus the wombs naturally-lawful owner, in any way shape or form, is unnacceptable. And then in the same turn, the critical importance of the father in protecting that environment in way which nurtures the stability of the development of the child, is also seen as a righteous duty. A sacrament, even.
abortion is not an answer to rape or any other form of violence towards women.
it does just the opposite, in fact, further reducing her societal role and thus physical material value.
And like all great movements in history, the LIFE movement will have it’s heroes and villains. In not-so-distant hindsight we will see clearly where the dividing line was drawn early.
In the rearview will we see where exactly we ourselves, personally stood in the fight for life.
One thing is for sure.
Obama, and all abortion advocates in favor of using “women’s critical reproductive health,” as a euphemism for maintaining the cost of so-called “free health care,” for the rest of the population, (as in population reduction, does not exhaust-but pool current resources in a way in which a maintaining or growing population would not) are on the wrong side of this fight. The plain light of day reveals the truth, of who was a hero, who fought for life, and who fought for death.
In no previous war or movement was the fight for good and evil so well defined.
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