16 and pregnant anti-abortion pro-life extremist

Last week Catelynn posted the following checklist on Instagram with the hashtag #prolife:

16 and pregnant star chooses life for unborn babies

… Catelynn isn’t just an advocate for adoption. She’s an advocate against abortion as well. Her tweets use anti-abortion rhetoric (“kill an innocent child”) and she’s even against abortion in the case of rape, which is the same extremist anti-abortion position held by conservative Republican politicians like Mike Huckabee and Richard Mourdock.

It’s possible to advocate for adoption and still support a woman’s right to choose, but that’s not what Catelynn is doing. She is assuming her choice was the only choice that was the right choice, thus ignoring the very real fact that Catelynn and Tyler’s adoption was a privileged one considering they are both Caucasian (which, unfortunately, helps find an adoptive home) and their child was born without any physical or developmental abnormalities….

I’m sincerely happy that [they] made the decision that was best for them; my dad and his first wife dropped out of college when they were 21 to raise my eldest sister and I’m happy about that, too. I’m also happy another family member chose to terminate a pregnancy instead of bringing a child into the world that could not have been properly cared for at the time.

I’m glad I live in a country where all these choices are viable options supported by the law.

~ Jessica Wakeman at The Frisky, criticizing Catelynn Lowell of MTV’s 16 & Pregnant, December 3  Update:  16 and Pregnant Stars Speak at Pro-Life Conference

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