NYC Parents Union prez: Plan B “population control” on minorities
What gives the mayor the right to decide, without adequate notice, to give our children drugs that will impact their bodies and their psyches? He has purposely kept the public and parents in the dark with his agenda….
This was population control on blacks and Latinos without our knowledge.
~ Mona Davids (pictured), mother and president of the NYC Parents Union, commenting on the news that “40 separate ‘school-based health centers’ doled out 12,721 doses of Plan B in 2011-12,” more than double the number from two years prior, as quoted by the New York Post, February 3
[Photo via NYC Parents Union]
Plan B is supposed to prevent sperm from fertilizing eggs. I know there are those who fear it may also cause one-celled zygotes to fall from the uterine wall.
Teen girls are at the highest risk of LATE abortions. Preventing a pregnancy is best.
I believe the point is that the parents were not informed nor did they give permission for their daughters to be given this drug. They were simply overruled by the nanny state.
A “one-celled zygote” is a human being if from two human parents. Killing it results in a dead human.
Think about that. 12,000 doses of Plan B. In other words, Plan A in which these children were supposed to be taught (and likely were taught) about all the available birth control from Planned Parenthood and how to put condoms on bananas and how to achieve the most awesome orgasm ever, FAILED. F-A-I-L-E-D.
Plan B. For those who are too immature and irresponsible to show any semblance of self-control.
There is money in this because teenagers are notoriously irresponsible. Follow the $$.
From the article:
Besides “emergency contraception,” about 40 school-based clinics have dispensed prescriptions for birth-control pills, intrauterine devices (IUDs), hormone-delivering injections and Patch and NuvaRing — covering a total 93,569 monthly cycles through June 2012, the report says.
Handouts of birth-control packets rose from 6,027 in 2009-10 to 10,462 last year. Depo-Provera injections rose from 1,213 to 2,117. Staffers also insert plastic IUDs in the uterus, where they can remain for years.
Officials refused to discuss the project.
I have no words for how sad this makes me. The overreach of schools and the under-involvement of parents. Every day I understand more and more why people choose to homeschool.
Smells like legalizing prostitution.
I know a lot of people oppose this but we must go back to teaching abstinence until marriage. Whether children are going to have sex with each other or not, we need to be teaching the right thing, which is responsibility and accountability, self control, self esteem, the value of the human body and the soul it caries within.
If we translated the whole sexual agenda into drug terms, we would be giving pot to children in elementary and middle school because there is a chance they are going to do it anyways in college. So we might as well prepare them and expose them to all these gateway drugs in a controlled environment. Then when they get to high school, introduce them to the heavy weight drugs. But don’t worry, if any of them develop an addiction, we’ll take care of them in our rehab clinics. We’ll take care of it. I mean think about it, doesn’t it sound insane to even propose it? Why is it that it is such a drive with sex and why parents are so willing to say that they hope their kids will wait until marriage but give them a condom or put their girls on the pill just in case?
I agree Cristina. We don’t teach kids how to protect themselves while driving drunk. We teach them “Don’t drink and drive”!! If you drink and then drive you may get home in one piece…or you may crash and kill yourself and others. The risk is too great. Same with sex outside of a faithful marriage. You may have sex and never get pregnant or get an STD. But the risk is too great. You’re young and your heart and your health is on the line. Save yourself till marriage and then BE FAITHFUL. This is what protects kids. No emotional baggage, no diseases, no dead babies, no carcinogenic pills…
This is why I’m homeschooling. Well, among other reasons.
But seriously. I would be so PISSED if my kids were given even anti depressants or – well even supposedly safe drugs. I mean – how do they know what’s good for my kid? They are not the parent – I am. Not to mention pumping their bodies with harmful, life-altering drugs!! So disgusting.
Hand out birth control to students, but ban soda from the schools. This isn’t just cognitive dissonance, but moral dissonance as well.
“If we translated the whole sexual agenda into drug terms, we would be giving pot to children in elementary and middle school because there is a chance they are going to do it anyways in college. So we might as well prepare them and expose them to all these gateway drugs in a controlled environment. Then when they get to high school, introduce them to the heavy weight drugs. But don’t worry, if any of them develop an addiction, we’ll take care of them in our rehab clinics. We’ll take care of it. I mean think about it, doesn’t it sound insane to even propose it? Why is it that it is such a drive with sex and why parents are so willing to say that they hope their kids will wait until marriage but give them a condom or put their girls on the pill just in case?”
Well drugs are a bad analogy. Not everyone will do drugs, and drugs are objectively harmful in the majority of cases. Sex is something almost every single person on the planet will do eventually, and it’s not necessarily harmful. And I suppose people who hope their kids will wait but give them information about birth control or make sure they have access to condoms simply think that’s a risk management that they need to be take. If it’s their kids, it’s their right. This school taking charge though, I don’t agree with that. I understand people wanting to homeschool, even though I think a lot of people are terrible at homeschooling it’s still their right to do so if they think the schools are overstepping their bounds.
Well, Jack, I’ll be the one to say that sex outside of marriage IS harmful. Emotionally, spiritually, physically, sexually, harmful. But yeah, I know, our sexually-free and obsessed society won’t see it that way at all. Too bad. The evidence is on MY side. The parents of Nanny Bloomberg’s city should be outraged and I hope they raise hell. He’s doling out powerful hormonal steroids to growing girls without parental knowledge or consent. He’s messing with their health and well-being in EVERY way, under the guise of “protecting” them. He’s only teaching them to keep behaving stupidly and dangerously, and then rely on a pill to save them from the consequences. Where are all the adults these days?? Oh that’s right. They’re sleeping around, too. They’re on Capitol Hill legislating that this insanity is now “health care” that must be paid for by all of us.
I wouldn’t refer to him as “Nanny Bloomberg”. Nanny’s are (usually) caring, nurturing individuals.
I think I’d refer to him as “HEIR BLOOMBERG” as in ” a Nazi”.
You Josef Mengele.
*Ironic, I know. Bloomberg is a Jewish name*
I disagree. Sometimes sex WITHIN marriage is harmful, sometimes it’s not. Sometimes sex OUTSIDE marriage is harmful, sometimes it’s not. It just depends on your circumstances. What I find the most disturbing in this story is the fact these things were done behind parents’ backs. I definitely agree that kids that age SHOULD NOT be engaging in sexual activities of any kind. And, as a parent, I’d be far beyond “irate” or “livid” with the school if I found out they were aiding and abetting my child’s sexual escapades behind my back. Especially if I found out they had actually been conducting those escapades at school somewhere/somehow.
“Well, Jack, I’ll be the one to say that sex outside of marriage IS harmful. Emotionally, spiritually, physically, sexually, harmful. ”
Well, that’s your opinion. And I certainly think that nonmarital sex CAN be damaging, especially for people who are too young, or those who feel like it goes against their beliefs, or those who aren’t ready in other ways. But for consenting adults I don’t think it’s necessarily damaging.
I do think it’s completely wrong to disperse this type of stuff in schools without parental notification and consent. I don’t think that is a school’s place to do so.
These poor children don’t stand a chance. If the school nurse were to administer an aspirin or Tylenol for headache without doctor’s orders she would be fired and loose her license. However, hormones and surgical abortions without parental consent are just fine.
It’s predation. It’s the commodification of children and their bodies, and we will reap a bitter harvest from the poisonous seeds we are sowing. Only with abortion and contraception do we throw our medical ethics and standards to the wind, especially where children are concerned. What kind of informed consent can a child give? That’s why the law requires the parents or legal guardian to sign the consent in all other cases.
But abortion/contraception get a pass in spite of their dangers. Soon, we will follow the practice of the Netherlands with regard to physician-assisted suicide. In current practice, if two doctors agree that a patient is suffering (and mental illness is included here), then they can agree, sign the order, and administer the lethal drugs WITHOUT THE PATIENT’S HAVING BEEN CONSULTED!!
And why not? If we throw out the ethical principles with the children, why not the elderly or infirm? Coming soon to America, compliments of the pro-abortion looby’s desensitization of the nation’s conscience.
“if two doctors agree that a patient is suffering (and mental illness is included here), then they can agree, sign the order, and administer the lethal drugs WITHOUT THE PATIENT’S HAVING BEEN CONSULTED!!” – if they do so then they are acting outside the law and exposing themselves to prosecution.
The Law in the Netherlands requires:
the patient’s suffering is unbearable with no prospect of improvement
the patient’s request for euthanasia must be voluntary and persist over time (the request cannot be granted when under the influence of others, psychological illness or drugs)
the patient must be fully aware of his/her condition, prospects and options
there must be consultation with at least one other independent doctor who needs to confirm the conditions mentioned above
the death must be carried out in a medically appropriate fashion by the doctor or patient, in which case the doctor must be present
the patient is at least 12 years old (patients between 12 and 16 years of age require the consent of their parents)
The Remmelink Report in 1991 found that there were instances of doctors acting beyond or outside the legal requirements. This is much the same as we know often occurs in many western countries via such methods as excessive pain medication or withdrawal of life sustaining interventions.
“If the school nurse were to administer an aspirin or Tylenol for headache without doctor’s orders she would be fired and loose her license.”
This is exactly what I came in to say. The absurdity drives me insane. That you can get suspended for having a little travel-sized bottle of mouthwash in your backpack or locker – available to everyone at basically every store ever – but you can just walk on over to the nurse and get prescription medication without any parental notice – not even permission but just notice – whatsoever. The irony is that a lot of schools will not dispense OTC painkillers even with parental consent – but dispensing prescription medications without parental consent renders them UNABLE to legitimately consent to other medications or procedures since they don’t know what their children are even taking.
What if a kid gets sick and needs antibiotics? Who is monitoring that medical care to even know talk to the kid about how antibiotics can render birth control ineffective? The parents may not know their kid is on birth control and therefore won’t bring it up; the kid doesn’t visit the school nurse regularly and there’s no reason the nurse would be informed that the kid is on other medication temporarily. Same goes for migraine medication, some medications used to treat things like athlete’s foot, and other things. What if a parent catches their kid smoking – how can they adequately convey to their child the elevated risk of smoking while on birth control if they don’t know that that’s a factor? Even if you don’t disagree with hormonal contraception at all, even for teenagers, there is a LOT to be concerned about when you have a sporadic nurse stepping in and taking the role of primary doctor AND parent.
You’re 21 years behind in your reading. I suggest some more contemporary accounts of the abuse. Yes, the law says one thing, but things have changed since you last read about the Netherlands in 1991.
The stepping on parental rights irks me to no end.
The school guidance counselor contacted me this week because she needed my permission for my sixteen-year-old to change an elective class at semester. This is the same counselor who had been pulling my son out of classes into her office to counsel him about anxiety without contacting me.
My son is not old enough to decide if he wants a business class over a shop class but he is old enough to decide if he wants to miss classes to be counseled by an attractive, fresh-out-of-college, proabort woman.
Smoke and mirrors.
” My son is not old enough to decide if he wants a business class over a shop class but he is old enough to decide if he wants to miss classes to be counseled by an attractive, fresh-out-of-college, proabort woman.”
I was just wondering, what about students who have abusive or otherwise harmful parents? Do you think they should be able to access counseling services without telling their parents? A lot of kids won’t admit that anything bad is going on at home until they fully trust their counselor or whatever. I think that being reassured that their parents can’t hear what they say in counseling might encourage some kids to talk (of course mandatory reporting laws still need to be in place). I think it’s a fine line, because obviously good parents shouldn’t be cut out of their kid’s decisions like that, but I worry about kids who otherwise won’t be talking to anyone because they need to keep themselves safe. What do you think?
I totally get what you are saying, Jack. I understand that fine line all too well and the counselor told me that I needed to understand her role with students, stating similar things that you have.
I expressed to her that I totally get the fine line. I work with EBD, many times also abused, children at a middle school and refer those children who confide in me to counseling and report their parents to social services. I have also referred students who don’t confide in me but who show what I believe to be signs of abuse.
This counselor is at the high school in the same district that I work for right across the street from me and knows what students I work with. It’s a small community and people know me and my history. This counselor admitted in an email that she had no concerns with me or my husband’s parenting when I pressed the issue (so not sure why I got the earlier speech about needing to understand her role). She also pulled my son aside AFTER I told her I wanted to be contacted if she talks with him again.
I am also a parent who teaches religious education classes and speaks out against abortion in a highly democratic area. Unfortunately, this rubs some people the wrong way and I believe others have formed opinions about me without even knowing me. I have also found some educators to be quite arrogant – they know better than parents what is best for the child. After all, they have the degree(s) and some parents don’t.
Unless there are signs or the child states he is being abused by a parent(s), I believe the parents should always be contacted. To do differently only fosters mistrust. If your child was showing no signs of abuse but was talking with the school counselor about anxiety/depression, would you expect a call or email?
My advice to any parent is to stay very involved and talk often with your kids.
If I could *like* your post 100 times, I would Praxedes. Unfortunately, I’ve been involved in too many instances where the teacher(s) assumed to “know better than parents what is best for the child.”
To do differently only fosters mistrust.
YES! I have lost trust in my children’s schools. Far too many incidences where the school overreached into an area of parental responsibility WITHOUT parental knowledge or consent. And I abhor the “permission” forms that are actually anti-permission forms, where consent is assumed unless your child turns in the form saying otherwise. So. not. acceptable.
Thanks, Lrning. I’ve always been quite passive except when it comes to my kids and abuse of kids. Abortion being the main abuse of kids.
Parents need to teach the anti-lifers (like the mayor in the article above) how it is going to be. Not vice-versa.
Gerard, no I’m not. The reference regarding the 1991 report came from a contemporary source. As did the other information I supplied. Several sources, all current.
Your claim for how assisted suicide functions in the Netherlands is simply untrue.
What I really wanted to say to the counselor was, “You would have advocated my right to kill this child before his birth, what makes you think you know what is best for him now? How can I ever believe that you have his best interest at heart?”
Praxedes at 4:26pm, thanks for your comment, that does make sense how you would see it that way. I just worry about the kids who don’t have decent parents, where it would actually be dangerous for their parents to be informed their child was seeking counseling. But I do agree, I wouldn’t want my kid being treated/counseled for something that I knew nothing about.
seriously I remember this news story last summer about a teacher who refused to share her sunscreen bc of school policy….but here is another school in the same country handing out TONS of “birth control” (which is known for “accidental” abortions in the event that sperm did fertilize the egg the zygotes wouldn’t be able to attach itself to the uterine wall. Therefore : death.) withOUT parental consideration???? Sick.
. .This world is hopeless. When is Jesus comin’????