by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat

  • In India, an abortionist and others have been sentenced to jail time for the 2003 death of a woman due to an illegal late-term abortion.
  • Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains has issued a press release, which is basically a “no-comment,” in response to Ayanna Byer’s lawsuit against them for forced abortion.:

    Apart from these legal requirements, Planned Parenthood has long maintained its own high standard for protecting the privacy and confidentiality of each of our patients. Thus, we cannot comment on the care we provide to any particular patient, or confirm that any individual has sought our care.“Nothing is more important to us than the safety and well-being of the patients we serve.”

  • The Abortion Gang has a post (language warning) regarding Jennifer Morbelli’s death which boils down to the following absurd claims: Pro-lifers are bad people for reporting Morbelli’s death, pro-lifers apparently had no information about Morbelli’s death even though everything leading pro-lifers asserted has turned out to be accurate, we still don’t know if Morbelli’s health/life was threatened by the pregnancy, and when pro-lifers bring up Morbelli’s death and Carhart’s incompetence abortion advocates should stick their fingers in their ears and “not engage.”
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