$10,000 offered to surrogate to abort her baby
“They were both visibly upset. The mother was crying,” she remembers. “They said they didn’t want to bring a baby into the world only for that child to suffer. … They said I should try to be God-like and have mercy on the child and let her go.”
“I told them that they had chosen me to carry and protect this child, and that was exactly what I was going to do,” Kelley said. “I told them it wasn’t their decision to play God.”
Then she walked out of the room.
“I couldn’t look at them anymore,” she said.
~ Surrogate mother Crystal Kelley describing the moment when the biological parents of her unborn child, Baby S. (pictured), attempted to convince her to abort the baby because of fetal abnormalities.
They later offered to pay Crystal $10,000 to abort, but she escaped to Michigan to avoid a legal showdown in her home state of Connecticut, as reported by CNN, March 5
[HT: David]
So this is the new normal….
Children are a commodity to be purchased when wanted and discarded when unwanted. (Ashley Judd thinks that we should avoid wanting a child. It’s selfish, crass consumerism.)
Death is the normal and acceptable solution to most problems, especially suffering and inconvenience.
Refusing to kill and stubbornly protecting life will get you threatened, hated, and sued.
“They later offered to pay Crystal $10,000 to abort, but she escaped to Michigan to avoid a legal showdown in her home state of Connecticut, as reported by CNN, March 5″
The sperm and egg donors obviously don’t want to be ‘punished’ with this child.
Will the obamanator deploy an armed predator drone to ensure that the biological contributors right to a dead baby is protected?
Will he just wait for the child to be born alive and allow the high priest of Moloch to isolate the newborn infant in a storage closet and wait for her/him to die from starvation, dehydration, hypothermia and general nelgect?
“So then the dragon was furious (enraged) at the woman, and he went away to wage war on the remainder of her descendants—[on those] who obey God’s commandments and who have the testimony of Jesus Christ [and adhere to it and [a]bear witness to Him].”
Rev 12:17
I saw this on the news the other day…good for her!
Circumstances can and will conspire against you and attempt to coerce you into a compromised ‘choice’.
The story at the CNN website incidates Kelly wavered for a bit, but then went with her maternal instincts and the dictates of her conscience and chose life for the child she had nutured in her womb.
The biological father and his wife [the story indicates she did NOT provide the egg. A third woman donated it.] have gone to visit the child at the home of the adoptive parents.
“And whose wife will she be in heaven…?”
Crystal did the right thing. She welcomed Baby S into the human community rather than rejecting her. The adoptive parents also welcomed her. And now, it seems that the biological parents are welcoming her. God bless them all.
So you just delete the part where she demanded $15,000 to abort the baby and when this ransom was refused, fled to Michigan where she gave the baby up to another couple, as a ward of the state?
I see honesty is not a strong suit here.
John, your comment was deleted because you can’t seem to post one while following the commenting rules of this board. If you would like to post without throwing out puerile insults, your comments can remain.
How’s that for honesty?
Was this other couple forced to take the baby? Obviously they want her and are willing and able to give her the care she needs. Why would you have a problem with that?
Also, what if this child suffered various disabilities and problems because she was in a car accident or had contracted a serious illness within months of her birth? Would you have an issue with her being loved and cared for?
Oh, by the way, John, this is actually IN the article linked to, above:
“She painted a picture of a life of a person who had a child with special needs. She told me how it would be painful, it would be taxing, it would be strenuous and stressful. She told me it would financially drain me, that my children would suffer because of it,” Kelley remembers.
Kelley had a counter offer. “In a weak moment I asked her to tell them that for $15,000 I would consider going forward with the termination,” she said.
But as soon as she got in the car to go home, she regretted it, Kelley said.
Kron let Kelley know the parents had refused to pay $15,000. By that point, it didn’t matter to Kelley — she’d decided against abortion no matter what. Kron sent her an e-mail asking if she’d scheduled the appointment for the abortion.
Kelley wrote back a one-word answer: no.
It doesn’t look like any of that information was deleted from the article we linked to at the bottom of the quote.
Surrogacy (and egg donation as well) thrive because of desperate women in desperate circumstances. One is desperate for children and the other is desperate for money. This surrogate was in financial need and decided to rent out her womb, because that option was available to her at the time. If you step back and take a look at the whole picture, this is just one big mess, created by the fact that children are treated as commodities to be bought and sold at will.
I don’t expect abortion advocates to suddenly connect the dots on this story: who treats a woman like an incubator?
This is why it’s so inhumane and illogical to abort one set of babies while artificially creating another set.
Kel is right: something is wrong with this picture.
Cash for babies, or dead babies – the whole picture makes apparent the truth of that old saw:
The road to Hell is paved with good intentions (and perhaps not so good intentions).
I am glad the baby is alive. That was an infinitely good result all by itself.
It reminds me of the case of the Michigan surrogate who became pregnant with twins. She had been fertilized by the husband’s sperm so the children were biologically hers. The couple wanted only one baby, and they wanted only the girl. Sort of like picking puppies from a litter. Whatever happened to the boy would be his problem. Give him to social services to find him a home.
The surrogate would have none of it and went to court to fight for the return of the girl, and got her back. She and her brother were reunited and adopted by the surrogate’s husband.
This lady… bargained for $15,000 and when she didn’t get it that’s when she had this “revelation” that it was wrong to abort her? I’m sorry, I don’t really buy it. I don’t think she’s some kind of hero. But I am really, really glad this baby’s so-called parents didn’t meet her price.
The woman that Mary mentioned seems a lot more deserving of praise.
Hi JackBorsch,
While you’re here I saw the movie Kramer vs Kramer the other nite, I also saw it years ago when it came out, and it made me think of you. I don’t know if you’ve ever seen it. As a divorced father raising his children, you’d probably be appalled at the double standard that was considered acceptable for so long…that a woman is a more fit parent by virtue of her sex. I don’t know what experiences you’ve had or how much things have changed, but this movie did a wonderful job of bringing out the bias and double standard by courts and society concerning who is more fit to parent. It starred Dustin Hoffman and Meryl Streep.
About the Michigan surrogate, there was a movie made about her though I don’t recall the name. I’m sure you could google it.
Oh I have seen Kramer vs Kramer, it’s pretty good and Streep is one of my faves. And that double standard is finally lessening just recently, the “Tender Years” doctrine (that women should automatically get custody of children under five no matter what, the father couldn’t fight it at all) isn’t enforced in most states anymore I believe and it’s not impossible to get full custody if you’re the dad, it’s just very difficult.
I do think it’s funny that NOW opposes default joint custody, and then turns around and complains that dads don’t spend enough time with their kids and that women just HAVE to abort because they take the majority burden of childcare.
@John Public: Kelley didn’t give her baby up as a ward of the state, she placed her baby for adoption. Foster care is not the same as adoption. Stop trying to make them the same. They’ll never be the same.
Hi Jack,
Thanks for the feedback. I’m glad to see the change. I’m from the era when it was a “given” that the mother got custody, even if she was unfit. If she didn’t want the children, maybe the father could get custody, but it was more likely the mother would be forced to take custody.
The movie brought out the double standard so well. A mother leaves her husband and child but returns when she feels she’s ready, fully expecting the child to be returned to her custody. Imagine a father doing that? Also, Mrs. Kramer’s friend praises her “courage” to Mr. Kramer for making such a “major decision”. Somehow I don’t think a man would be so admired for doing the same thing.
Women are not incubators! Abortion is all about having control over your own body!
Oh wait, no, the biological mother wasn’t even carrying the child, she just wanted her daughter dead.
Many men make better fathers than women do mothers. In Cleveland we sadly have a drug epidemic…..a lot of men are getting custody of their kids if the mother needs help. Ive met many single excellent fathers.
Custody is def not default to the mother anymore. I was scared to death when my ex threatened to pursue custody during the divorce, despite his record of abusing me (but see, he’s “safe” with the kids, though! LOL actually had my former pastor tell me that). At any rate, men make just as excellent single parents; however based on child development research, kids emotionally thrive the most when they stay with whomever it was they bonded with during their first years (proper care assumed). So, gender doesn’t matter per se, but you can understand the need to not switch primary custody unless safety – emotional or otherwise – is an issue.
So glad this child’s life was valued over her parent’s “contract” . So sad a state of affairs.