MSNBC host wears tampon earrings to protest new pro-life law in Texas
My producer Lorena made for me last week some tampon earrings because, of course, you’ll remember that the Texas state legislature said that you couldn’t bring tampons in, when they were going, these women, to, in fact, stand up for their own reproductive rights. You weren’t allowed initially to bring tampons.
So, just in case that ever happens again ladies, you can just bring them on your earrings.
~ MSNBC contributor Melissa Harris Perry, in an act of protest against the Texas state legislature, Newsbusters, July 21
[Click photo to enlarge; video at the link]
What a goof. LL
Keep it up proabort ladies.
You look insane.
So that whole Texas thingy was about tampons???
WOW! Tell me more about the TEXAS TAMPON LEGISLATION!
Dear Melissa Harris Perry,
The reason feminine products were being confiscated was because your people (pro-“choicers”) were threatening to throw soiled feminine products inside the State Capital. Your earrings look ridiculous.
Is this the same genius who said we ought to hold our children in common? You know, like in Plato’s Republic? This tampon thing came from the same diseased lobe of her brain as the common children thing.
Remember how disappointed we were (once again) that the MSM failed to report on the childish tantrums and disgusting behavior of that mob in the Texas legislature?
This is good. Let them mock themselves in their own media. Let the unaware public be prompted to ask, “What’s this deal with the tampons?”
Stay classy, Melissa Harris Perry.
Ok, so let’s see if I can keep up with the new narrative: Conservatives have been trying to make all birth control illegal, and now they’re trying to make tampons illegal!! Did I get that right?
Anything to deflect from destroying small pain-capable human beings in their mother’s wombs, anything to deflect from narrow hallways and unsanitary conditions, anything foolish and immature to deflect from expecting safe conditions for women who want to have their unborn legally destroyed from conception to 19 weeks!
I think the misguided woman should wear those until the first baby saved by this passing needs them! Remember, it’s not your body, it’s another human being..
How about making earrings that look like broken embryonic body parts?
Jewelry of tiny arms and legs that were torn off during an abortion?
Now she’ll know where to look when she can’t find her earrings.
Wow. Just when you think pro-aborts can’t get any klassier…
Doesn’t she know it would be more accurate to be wearing fetus earrings with little nooses around their necks Since after all that is the kind of thing she’s supporting.
“Doesn’t she know it would be more accurate to be wearing fetus earrings with little nooses around their necks Since after all that is the kind of thing she’s supporting.”
Accuracy is not their side’s friend.
Salutes to the dung goddess, voodoo dolls and tampons for ear rings.
Now there is a wart on women if ever there was one?
You go girls!
They could combine the tampon earrings with the vagina costumes, pink running shoes and catheter to display the completely prepared pro-abort feminist activist.
As I said before – they are hellbent on putting The Onion out of business.
If you think an iPad is a feminine hygiene product
You believe tampons are earrings,
Then you might be redneck!
You weren’t allowed initially to bring tampons.
You weren’t allowed to bring in jars of feces either so why not hang those jars around your neck and call them a crappy necklace.
Maybe she’s so clueless because her head doubles as an applicator.
Nothing like tampon earrings to get your point across!
My phone won’t let me give “thumbs up” to any comments. :(
“Now she’ll know where to look when she can’t find her earrings.”
Praxedes, if I would have read this during my morning coffee break, I’d have needed a new keyboard from spewing coffee. Thanks for the good laugh.
She may as well wear them as earrings. She won’t need them for anything else under a culture of enforced gestation.
I’m glad that she brought the absolute insanity and classlessness of the pro-abortion protestors from Texas onto MSM. Keep talking, Melissa. We love to hear about your pro-tampon stance, although they should be soiled in keeping with what your fellow abortion rights advocates were trying to bring. Maybe next time.
“She may as well wear them as earrings. She won’t need them for anything else under a culture of enforced gestation.”
Lol yes Reality. That’s what pro-lifers are after, you caught us. Every single woman pregnant at every opportunity ever, right after puberty.
Well Jack, sometimes it seems that the clowns from the Barking Mad Circus might as well cut to the chase and just use their elected positions to criminalize any sexual act which doesn’t result in a pregnancy.
Oh, yes. It’s a straight line from outlawing the killing of unborn humans after 20 wks gestation to criminalizing non-procreative sex. Would suck to be post-menopausal or sterile! Yessiree. That’s “reality” for ya.
The people of Texas want safe abortions for the protection of women, and they want restriction on abortions of viable children after 20 weeks.
The tampon-earring, coathanger-broach, pink running shoe fashionistas do not want safe abortion clinics or safeguards to protect viable children from torture & murder. They don’t care how many women are injured and killed, just so long as it’s “legal.”
The fashionistas are irrelevant because they oppose what reasonable people want. And not just because they look stupid.
“Oh, yes. It’s a straight line from outlawing the killing of unborn humans after 20 wks gestation to criminalizing non-procreative sex.”
That’s why Sweden, with it’s 18 week abortion limit, is on the verge of out-lawing non-procreative sex. :)
So tell me Lrning, if the abortion cut-off became 16 weeks, or even 12 weeks, across the board, would you all stop the activism and go home? I doubt it.
If legal abortion ended in full would you all stop the activism and go home? A good chunk of you possibly.
But there’d still be that sizable group who’d be activist because ‘contraception kills babies’.
So until such time as every sex act led to pregnancy, there would still be some who would not be happy. The post-menopausal or sterile just wouldn’t be captive to the law.
“The people of Texas want safe abortions for the protection of women” – shame about the politicians though.
“That’s why Sweden, with it’s 18 week abortion limit, is on the verge of out-lawing non-procreative sex.” – they’re not that stupid.
Your argument kinda sounds like “Since some people are rather crazy and don’t believe in any discipline for children, even non-physical, we shouldn’t try to prevent child abuse because those people might latch onto our cause”. I mean, come on. It’s poor logic. I realize there’s the fringe who wants to make it illegal to use condoms or whatever, that has no bearing on whether or not it’s moral to kill developing fetuses.
Who is it that is analogous of ‘don’t believe in any discipline for children, even non-physical’ in this situation Jack?
I thought the analogy was clear. They are the extremes of the “don’t beat your children and put out cigarettes on them” crowd. Just like the “criminalize all non-procreative sex” people are the extremes of “don’t kill your baby just because he/she is a fetus still” crowd.
Anyway, what I’m saying is that you can’t disregard something because some crazies attach to it (not that people are actually trying to disallow non-procreative sex, I’m just humoring you because I’m kinda bored). Otherwise I definitely couldn’t be a vegetarian lol.
Praxedes – I was going to suggest that she wear turd earrings next, in honor of the jars of feces confiscated from abortion advocates.
Reality, there’s your ol’ lack of human reproduction knowledge rearing its ugly head again. Not all sex results in procreation, even if you’re trying to procreate. I think the statistic is that a woman has a 20% chance of conceiving on any given cycle (and that % goes down the older you get). So no worries, tampons will still be needed even if the TX, Britain, Sweden et al start banning non-procreative sex. :)
So until such time as every sex act led to pregnancy, there would still be some who would not be happy.
Yuppers. DOWN WITH THE MENSTRUAL CYCLE! YES TO FULL-TIME FERTILITY!!! Get ON IT scientists! Discover a way for every sex act to become procreative!!! Hurry! “Reality” is counting on you!
”even if the TX, Britain, Sweden et al start banning non-procreative sex.”
Scary thing is that France is even closer than those three, with an abortion limit of just 12 weeks. I suppose they will be passing a condom ban any day now. :)
The problem being Jack, that the anti-contraception crowd are bigger and more influential than you might think.
Thanks for the sex-ed lesson JoAnna. Do you need one in getting the point?
“So no worries, tampons will still be needed even if the TX, Britain, Sweden et al start banning non-procreative sex.” – Britain is no more stupid than Sweden, nor is France :-)
Did you not read it properly Lrning, or do you feel a need to practice your creative writing skills?
“Reality” is counting on you!” – hey, I’m not the one who thinks that wanting to have sex without getting pregnant is a sin.
I suppose they will be passing a condom ban any day now.
Why stop there? Every m@stur*****y emission must also be outlawed! (Hmm, time to watch Legally Blonde again. I love that movie.)
hey, I’m not the one who thinks that wanting to have sex without getting pregnant is a sin.
Me either! So, I guess there’s actually something we agree on.
“Every m@stur*****y emission must also be outlawed!” – erm, haven’t you heard? Aren’t you aware of the sinfulness?
“So, I guess there’s actually something we agree on.” – maybe we should start a group and see if we can change peoples minds.
“The problem being Jack, that the anti-contraception crowd are bigger and more influential than you might think.”
I think you overestimate it since you spend a lot of time on this blog, honestly. Most pro-lifers I’ve met IRL don’t care about contraception. I think the anti-contraceptive pro-lifers are overrepresented here.
I think the anti-contraceptive pro-lifers are overrepresented here.
This might be true. (Although I know some places on the internet where you’ll find waaaaay more than here.) However, are there any anti-contraceptive pro-lifers here that actually want contraception outlawed?
“However, are there any anti-contraceptive pro-lifers here that actually want contraception outlawed?”
Lol I’ve only met one or two. But Reality knows that it’s not a common viewpoint, he’s not dumb.
Then there’s the questions raised about the pill under various ‘personhood’ statutes.
Aw, once again, Reality, I’m going to have to intrude on your bizarro fantasy world with cold hard facts. :(
I don’t want the government to fund it through Planned Parenthood, but that’s different than wanting to ban it; the idea I’m coming after your birth control is absurd. I was making a statement about my moral beliefs, but I won’t impose them on anyone else in this case. I don’t think the government should be involved in that. People are free to make their own decisions.’’ – Rick Santorum, Washington Post
Saying states should have the right to ban something =/= stating something should be banned. For example, there are pro-choice libertarians who believe the federal government should not have the power to unilaterally permit abortion; they think it is a decision that should be left to each individual state.
Thanks JoAnna, nice to see he back-peddled. There are still those who would ban contraception if they could of course.
From the same article – “the idea I’m coming after your birth control is absurd. I was making a statement about my moral beliefs, but I won’t impose them on anyone else in this case. I don’t think the government should be involved in that. People are free to make their own decisions.’’ – so he won’t oppose abortion either?
The only bizzaro fantasy world is the one where it is claimed that abortion will end.
Xalisae…Praxades…I cannot stop laughing. Thank you. Thank you so much. I know I will wake up at 3 am and recall your comments and be in hysterics once more.
Backpedalling =/= correcting a flagrant (and, knowing HuffPo, maliciously deliberate) misinterpretation of his words.
so he won’t oppose abortion either?
Using that logic, Reality, all laws banning murder are unjust, because they amount to one person imposing their beliefs on someone else. After all, if you think it’s just fine and dandy to murder two-year-olds, who am I to impose my belief that it’s wrong to murder two-year-olds on you?
A human being’s intrinsic right to life supersedes your desire to kill him/her.
My baby died 7 years ago. He was 17 weeks along and 8 inches long. One day, he kicked like crazy and I just thought he was a very active baby. Later, I did not feel anymore kicks, I went to the doctor and I found out that my baby was dead. There was a blood clot was blocking the umbilical cord so the oxygen was blocked and my baby was struggling for oxygen. Do not mock my baby’s painful death or any mother who loses a baby. Many of us have felt our baby fight for their life and then eventually the baby stopped kicking. Our babies felt pain and they died and you mock our pain when you fight this bill. Let greiving mothers greive their children.
His words were reported in a whole lot more places than HuffPo. The Washington Post sought clarification from him. Why did he choose contraception and sodomy as examples anyway? Unless he’s a fool (ok, shall I stop right there? :-) ) he would have known what would happen. Couldn’t choose something less innocuous? Nah, let’s see how much support we can get for this idea.
“Using that logic” – you haven’t.
Contraception is legal but it’s against his moral beliefs – but he won’t impose them on anyone.
Abortion is legal but it’s against his moral beliefs – but he…..oh, wait
Oh, Reality, your posts always give me a chuckle. :) Of course, it’s not the fault of the innocent and blameless MSM for deliberately and maliciously misconstruing Santorum’s words – it’s HIS fault for not spelling it out for people who aren’t logical and rational! And of course it’s too difficult for HuffPo et al to ask him for clarification BEFORE running with a false and libelous headline. What was I thinking? You’re absolutely right; the liberal media is absolutely hopeless when it comes to objective, responsible journalism. Thank you for clarifying that.
I wasn’t aware that we had the technology to conclusively prove each instance that abortifacient contraception kills a human being! That’s great news! Please share this technology with me. I’m eager to learn more about it.
Non-abortifacient contraception doesn’t kill a human being, so, distasteful as it is, no human rights are being violated when it’s in use during consensual sex.
Abortion always violates the rights of a human being by killing him/her. And you still haven’t answered my question. If you think it’s just fine and dandy to murder two-year-olds, who am I to impose my belief that it’s wrong to murder two-year-olds on you?
He’s the one who chose contraception and sodomy as examples when he knew that most people knew his views on both topics. Like I said, unless he’s a fool he knew exactly what he was doing.
“I wasn’t aware…..abortifacient contraception kills a human being…..share this technology with me. I’m eager to learn more about it.” – where did you get that idea?
“Non-abortifacient contraception doesn’t kill a human being, so, distasteful as it is, no human rights are being violated when it’s in use during consensual sex.” – what’s your point?
“If you think it’s just fine and dandy to murder two-year-olds, who am I to impose my belief that it’s wrong to murder two-year-olds on you?” – murder is illegal, including that of two-year-olds. Abortion is not illegal. Neither is contraception. Do you have a point?
Now she’ll know where to look when she can’t find her earrings.
Prax – may I call you Prax? That’s almost as funny as she is ridiculous. By the way, if she married the governor, would she be Melissa Harris-Perry-Perry?
And if she divorced the governor and went to New York, she could marry Halle and become Melissa Harris-Perry-Perry-Berry lol.
I think I’ll just repeat your words back to you, Reality, since you seem so fond of that strategy: “Do you need [a lesson] in getting the point?”
Keep thinking hard and I’m sure you’ll see the connection. I know the concept of “all human beings have the right to life” can be a difficult one to grasp, but I have faith that you’re smart enough to get it someday! Have a great evening. :)
Have you started a conversation with someone else JoAnna, someone whose comments only you can see?
It’s just that your last couple of comments about abortifacients, non-abortifacients and murder bear very little resemblance to what we were discussing.
She may later become enarmoured with Rick Perry and Bryan Ferry Jack.
At first glance she looks like an over the top Rosanna Rosanna Danna sketch from the 70’s SNL
Pretty sure Rick Santorum chose contraception and sodomy because they were related to Supreme Court decisions invoking a constitutional right to privacy (which he questions the merits of), not because he personally wants to make them illegal.
My friends, it only gets worse.
Not only do we have the tampon lady we now have Geraldo Rivera exposing his inner (Anthony)Weiner. Yes you read that right. The aging lethario has graced the internet with a picture of himself with only the essentials, to whom I’m sure gravity has not been kind, covered. Apparently in his fantasy world, “70 is the new 50”. What is it with these men who think every woman is fantasizing about them? Honestly, just thinking of the hysterical laughter and gagging I would generate if I…well let’s say it would certainly discourage me to say the least.
I recall fondly the days when gramps might be less than discreet because of his dementia and a bathrobe quickly remedied the situation. Now we have the internet and gramps is putting himself on display.
Geraldo please, you look exactly like what you are, a 70y/o man making a complete fool of himself. Do us a favor and keep your clothes on and we’ll all try to forget this happened. Believe me, a Chippendale you ain’t.
Reality needs an education on how a law is formed. Evidently, the magic fairy of law comes and gives us laws which we then follow. No morality is ever present in the logic process when laws are instituted.
Because what defines “killing a person in the uterus” as acceptable is the fact that it is legal, whereas what defines “killing a person who has lived outside of the uterus” as unacceptable is the fact that it is illegal. Nevermind how that happened.
So, Reality, is it safe to assume, then, that if Roe v Wade were overturned, you would stand against abortion as an option?
Maybe the cotton stuffing is just falling out of Melissa’s skull.
“Apparently in his fantasy world, “70 is the new 50?.”
And that was ever even appropriate for a 50 year old?
So, Reality, is it safe to assume, then, that if Roe v Wade were overturned, you would stand against abortion as an option?
I’ve asked the Realster this before but don’t believe he has ever answered me.
may I call you Prax?
You bet. I’m thinking about sticking a bunch of feminine hygiene pads on myself today to see if I can start a new fashion trend. Then you can call me Maxi Praxi.
I’m sure as soon as the man comes to what senses he has, he will have the grace to be as embarrassed for himself as everyone else is.
Hi Carla 7:21am
LOL. I swear these PAs are only getting loonier. I thought a pushing 80y/o Gloria Steinem looked ridiculous in her “I had an abortion” tee shirt, but next to this ditz and her tampon earrings, and Geraldo’s delusions about being a Chippendale, Gloria looks positively classy, and certainly more sane.
No wonder MSNBC’s ratings are in the toilet, or should I say the sanitary disposal can. While I never watch Geraldo, I have a new found appreciation for him with his clothes on.
MaryRose, we were talking about how some folk would like to see contraception banned and that some would actively strive to do so. We also talked about the apparent inconsistency of santorum’s claims regarding contraception given his stance on abortion.
Why you suddenly started going on about abortifacients, non-abortifacients and killing two year olds I’ll leave for you to explain.
And now you’ve chimed in with magic law fairies, our adherence or non-adherence to laws and the roles morality and logic may or may not play in the formation of laws. Why?
“So, Reality, is it safe to assume, then, that if Roe v Wade were overturned, you would stand against abortion as an option?”
1/ I doubt that will happen
2/ even if it did there would still be laws enabling abortion in at least some states
3/ gay marriage is illegal in some places but I certainly don’t, and wouldn’t, ‘stand against’ gays getting married
Since Roe v Wade hasn’t been overturned, why do you stand against abortion as an option? – do you see the flaw in your question?
Does your brain turn off when you run across logical inconsistencies in your arguments?
Just curious.
The question is moot MaryRose.
Do you have two brains, like Dr Who has two hearts? Is that why your comments swerved to a realm which is disconnected from what we had been discussing?
“Reality,Does your brain turn off when you run across logical inconsistencies in your arguments?”
Your assuming the brain was on in the first place…
More of your rivetting and incisive contributions JDC!
So are you just ignoring that abortion or any death is painful to the baby?
“I’m thinking about sticking a bunch of feminine hygiene pads on myself today to see if I can start a new fashion trend.” – do they come in different colors?
I’m too old to remember.
Well I wouldn’t try to color them if they don’t. They’d soak up an awful lot of dye or paint. The cost would be astronomical.
But who wants to wear white all the time!