Actress Kate Hudson featured in abortion ad without her permission
Add “Using images of famous people without permission” to late-term abortionist James Pendergraft’s long list of crimes, this one in the “dumb-and-dumber” category.
Pendergraft is apparently desperate to make a buck after his Orlando clinic was raided by police and closed for five weeks before he scraped together borrowed abortion equipment to reopen it in July.
According to, Pendergraft is currently running a tv ad offering $100 off abortions. The ad features a snapshot of actress Kate Hudson, but her rep says it’s without her permission.
Pendergraft says he didn’t know and will fix the ad.
So was Pendergraft perhaps stupid as a fox? He has gotten lots of free publicity from the episode.
Hudson should sue.
[HT: Susie Allen]
Why do I doubt that Hudson will sue?
Is Hudson not a pro-slaughtering and butchering of baby advocate?
Would Hudson not be counted among other celebrities who gather and put out verbal and financial support for the violation of the Right to Life via taking away a human being’s life through the means of elective, induced abortion, including suctioning baby down a suction device, burning baby alive with chemicals, chopping, slicing, and dicing baby’s body, ripping and tearing baby to pieces,dismembering her, stabbing her, inducing birth then puncturing baby’s skull while she is being born, inserting a suction device, then extracting the contents of her skull, causing baby’s skull to collapse in on itself, killing her.
There are also various abortificient-pharmaceuticals employed to kill a new human being.
Moreover the methods executed to kill baby also injure and kill mother, causing hemorrhaging, perforations, scarring, infertility, pre-mature birth, infection, severe pain, often ongoing pain, and death.
Is Kate Hudson a person who would object to these atrocities? Will she stand against the violent aggression against babies and the misogynist abuse of women at the hands of the abortion – baby slaughter industry and the Left-pro-baby butcher lobby?
One huge tragedy in this foul act of baby slaughter is that true compassion and goodness is lost in the definition as the media, entertainment industry, and much of mainstream citizenry actually believes that supporting, promoting, and enacting the mass slaughter of babies, and the massive abuse and injury and even death of women, is an honorable, “good” thing, rather than the abhorrent, offensive, disgusting, malevolent act and subculture that it is.
The actress will likely not sue Pendergraft, because he doesn’t have any insurance and he already doesn’t pay his obligations.
If she wants to protect her good name and retaliate against this sort of damage to her reputation, she should speak out publicly against Pendergraft, condemn his theft of her image, and publicize his status as an outlaw and a menace to women’s health.
Idk where she stands on the abortion issue. Ive never seen her name on a long list of celebrities in support of it. I hope if she’s not pro abortion she does something to correct it.
That’s really creepy. And what about the rest of the people in his ad? Do they know they’re in it?
I surfed the web and heard Hudson wants her face removed.
I am certain that you mean that she wants her face removed from the advertisement for the abortuary.
Nevertheless, I enjoyed the way you typed your message, for it has multiple meanings.
She most likely does not want her actual physical face removed.
“Heather says:
August 23, 2013 at 12:19 am
“I surfed the web and heard Hudson wants her face removed.”
The explanation is fairly simple and Pendergraft is this one time telling the truth. He didn’t know about the ads. Pendergraft hires an SEO company to drive his websites to the top of search engines. As part of the package they produced 40 YouTube videos that had links to each of Pendergraft’s websites. The ads were most likely outsourced bu the SEO company to some third world video producer operation out of a one room flat im Mumbai — or some place like that — with only general instructions. We’ve known about these ads for a few years and I recently did an article abotu the YouTube ads. I had no idea this was Kate Hudson though until an Orlando TV news story took notice. That shows you how out of touch with our nation’s fascination with stardom. Thank goodness.
That Kate Hudson is used in one of the images isn’t a big deal — every other photo used in the ads is stolen — as are the numerous medical articles “by James Pendergraft” on the Internet. These are posted each day to drive trafic to his websites. He never sees his videos or the articles he “wrties.” It’s unethical and immoral, but it’s not illegal. In fact, it is what the Internet is built on. No one is going to sue that bloodless turnip James Pendergraft at this point.