Refuting the false claim that babies don’t survive abortions
RH Reality Check’s Andrea Grimes and Sharona Coutts wrote a piece last week deeming it a “myth” that babies survive abortions:
RH Reality Check’s Andrea Grimes and Sharona Coutts wrote a piece last week deeming it a “myth” that babies survive abortions:
Add “Using images of famous people without permission” to late-term abortionist James Pendergraft’s long list of crimes, this one in the “dumb-and-dumber” category. Pendergraft is apparently desperate to make a buck after his Orlando clinic was raided by police and closed for five weeks before he scraped together borrowed abortion equipment to reopen it in […]
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
Twenty-six states have laws that require abortion clinics to meet varying levels of hospital standards, according to the Guttmacher Institute, which supports abortion rights. Pennsylvania, Virginia and Missouri passed strict health and safety rules similar to Texas, it said.In those three states, however, most clinics were able to stay open after the laws passed, some by reallocating dollars to comply with building upgrades, according to abortion providers and state health department officials interviewed by Reuters….
Elizabeth Nash, state issues manager for the Guttmacher Institute, which favors abortion rights but does research cited by both sides, said the new law will have an impact in Texas but maybe less than the worst fears.
“Clinics will close,” she said. “But I can’t say we are going to go down to six.”
Only one clinic has closed in Virginia since a new law was implemented there earlier this year, the state health department said. No clinics have closed in Missouri because of a tough law passed there in 2007, abortion provider Planned Parenthood of Kansas and mid-Missouri said.
The rap sheet against late-term abortionist James Pendergraft is long. A convicted felon, Pendergraft’s medical license is currently suspended for the fifth time.
The movie 22 Weeks was based on a true story about Baby Rowan, who survived his abortion at one of Pendergraft’s clinics but was refused help by staff.
The man is as abortion-crazed as can be, offering $50 discount coupons for Sunday abortions in the past. Even today, if you click on his website, a pop-up coupon for discount abortions – up to 50% off late-term! – will appear…
I’ve been in Florida since March 1 (hence the lowered rate of posts – thanks to Kel, Carder, Jivin J, Susie, Hans, and LauraLoo for standing in the gap!).
Last week I so happy to get to meet up with Carder, who has been a moderator on the blog for several years and also posts our Quote of the Day on M-W-F…
I also got to connect with pro-life heroines Michele Herzog (below right) and Allura Lightfoot (below left) where they do sidewalk counseling several times a week at All Women’s Health Center abortion clinic in Altamonte Springs. I’ve written about Michele’s work a couple of times (here and here)…
Florida late-term abortionist James Pendergraft’s rap sheet is so long it is hard to believe he is still walking the streets, never mind practicing medicine. It’s only because Pendergraft is an abortionist that he has gotten away with so much for so long. Here’s a thumbnail of his history, via…
Yesterday, as the March for Life was taking place, pro-life Arizona Congressman Trent Franks (pictured right) introduced the District of Columbia Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. The backdrop, according to the National Right to Life Committee: Article I of the U.S. Constitution established that the national seat of government would be placed forever not within […]