Past three years have taken a “dramatic toll” on US abortion clinics
This kind of change is incredibly dramatic. What we’ve been seeing since 1982 was a slow decline, but this kind of change … [is] so different from what’s happened in the past.
~ Elizabeth Nash, state issues manager at Guttmacher Institute, commenting on a Huffington Post report (“Anti-abortion laws take dramatic toll on clinics nationwide”) that “54 abortion providers across 27 states have shut down or ended their abortion services in the past three years,” August 26.
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Notice the utter lack of coathanger-impaled women in the nasty red and orange states? Hm?
Seems the abortion industry is choosing profits over accessibility. The clinics must be run by evil Republicans.
Get used to it, Liz.
It is most interesting that no one seems to notice the loss of these clinics — except for the abortion industry. They are closed, and no one misses them!
Sure, the pro-lifers continue to celebrate, and HuffPo can try to raise the alarm — But the general public is treating it like the closing of 10% of the nation’s Subway stores.
It is no surprise: The Abortion Industry is not so vital to women and women’s health as they think themselves to be.
Guess they don’t want to include the one in Rockford that closed for illinois.. LOL.
Exactly Christina!!
In my nasty orange state there should be blood in the streets as desperate women use sharp instruments to “terminate their pregnancies.”
Shocking that people can somehow function without them.
Also, could it be that this is a market response to less demand?? Or are more women just using over the counter chemical abortifacients? Praying it’s the first one.
The PREGNANCY RATE is down, overall. Good news for everyone.
Except people who like abstinence-only sex ed. in schools, since the states with the most dramatic decrease in unplanned pregnancy rates had comprehensive sex education with an emphasis on abstaining from sexual activity (California was one of those).
I prefer to exempt my children from sex ed. at school and tell them what I think they need to know when I think they need to know it, and wish more parents would do the same.
This is change I can believe in.
Good, I hope more of those places close.
They do it to themselves again and again! Not pro lifers to fault here.
Just like Cleveland abortionist Martin Ruddock has been shut down for numerous health code violations including dirty equipment nurses not monitoring vs before an abortion procedure butchering women and leaving them sterile. He gets angry and cocky with 911 dispatchers who are trying to get basic info on a deteriorating patient. He lost a one million dollar lawsuit after leaving a woman sterile after her abortion. Gee I can’t image why they are closing.
Heather, many of these abortionists are the bottom of the barrel.
Working on turning that gray Florida red!