Parshall: If RU-486 is bad, month-after pill will be worse
Developers of the month-after pill are advocating the concept that women could use the drug continuously for months as a pregnancy preventive up to four weeks after sex. Four weeks after sex? Doesn’t that mean a woman could possibly be pregnant and the drug is no longer a contraceptive?
But stop for a moment and ask whether researchers have answered the question of what would happen to women who continue to use an abortifacient continuously. What happens to her physically and what impact will it have on her ability to have children in the future?…
Unfortunately our culture is filled with change agents who work diligently to promote the concept of ‘choice’ without consequences. Like Alice, having fallen down the rabbit hole, women are being told to simply ‘take a pill’ and there are no negative outcomes for bad choices.
One of these ‘after’ pills, RU-486, has already claimed the lives of over 2 million children. Nearly 16.5 % of the almost 1.2 million abortions that take place each year are a direct result of RU-486. How terrible that a drug that supposedly is marketed as pro-woman is so utterly anti-woman. 14 women have died from the drug, 612 had to be hospitalized, 339 experienced blood loss requiring a transfusion, 256 experienced infections and 48 women experienced what the FDA labeled as “severe infections.”
Given the track record of RU-486, one can only imagine what the ‘month-later’ pill might potentially do to harm women….
The purveyors of reproductive rights will continue to push their deadly pills but perhaps they should recall the words of Lewis Carroll. “If you drink much from a bottle marked ‘poison’ it is certain to disagree with you sooner or later.”
~ Janet Parshall, Christian Post Opinion, October 14
Yes lets keep handing out the poison thats killing women. What kills me is that feminists support this. Abortion on demand…Yes! Jusr ignore the proof and facts but we must keep abortion coming.
In the movie Girls Will Be Girls one sick line goes ” Ive had more kids pulled outta me than a burning orphanage.” Of course the PC crowd just loves that sick line.
RU-486 is not an “after pill” in the same way that the morning after pill is. RU-486 is an abortion pill given at up to seven weeks gestation (five weeks after conception) and often used in combination with misoprostol to kill a baby, whereas the primary mechanism of action of the morning after pill is to prevent ovulation.
It sounds like this pill you are talking about is also an abortion pill (not a birth control pill with abortifacients properties but an intentional abortion pill) and not much different from RU-486 except they’re proposing that a woman basically perform a chemical abortion on herself once a month “just in case.” Ick! Because that sounds healthy…
You cannot convince me that many feminists are not sociopaths. Just as every murderer in prison isnt. A close friend of mine has a father in prison for murder. It was a bar fight over a woman that both men had been seeing. Her father retrieved a pistol from his car and shot the guy dead. He was very intoxicated. He has 2 more years to go on his sentence. He is now in his 70s and very sorry. He says I took away someones son dad friend. His own daughter sees it thivs way though she lo
Oops sorry…she loves her dad but still sees the many years hes spent behind bars is fair. However he has repented and his sin is forgiven. Other murderers are NOT sorry. Scott Peterson maintains his innocence as does husband killer Pam Smart. Some feminists are evil!!
This brings me to questioning the efficacy of the FDA. I think that is the route to be taken. The agency has a lousy record of due-dilligence in their approval process. Lobbyists rule.
Well, one thing is for sure. The lawyers will be very excited about this one.
Breaking news…abortionist Martin Ruddocks Ohio abortion mill closes. Protested him for 2 years!!! Bye Marty!
I probably have said before but will say it again “anything that is strong enough to dislodge a healthy embryo or unborn baby embedded into the endometrial lining of a healthy woman is powerful, sickening, nauseating and bloody stuff. And thank you for calling it what it is in this article Janet Parshall, your quote from Lewis Carroll is appropriate ”IT IS POISON”. Every mechanism in the healthy, female carrying a healthy pregnancy is designed to protect and keep the healthy unborn baby protected from conception to term delivery.
Not until her baby is full-term and fully developed does the mother’s body usually go into labor, that is why OBs are not supposed to even do elective inductions anymore which has caused almost a 70% late pre-term prematurity rate increasing the risk of breathing problems, thermo-regulation problems, feeding problems, fetal distress, C-Sections, learning disabilities, SIDS, Special Care nursery admissions, etc. So they are to back off with NO MORE ELECTIVE INDUCTIONS, let the mother go into labor or at least wait until over 39 weeks unless the mother or baby have medical complications like diabetes, a ruptured bag, pregnancy induced hypertension, fetal growth problems, etc. Not all OBs are following this like they should but they are supposed to have an oversight committee questioning them if they don’t follow the guidelines and be reprimanded. That is why I say it takes powerful hormones to deliver a baby even when it is medically warranted but it is pure butchery to do it to kill an unborn for convenience. God Help Us!!!!