by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli

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  • ProWomanProLife says a new study has found that the US and Canada are on the list of the top countries with the fewest protections for preborn life. The other countries on the list are China, the Netherlands, North Korea, Singapore and Vietnam.
  • At New Wave Feminists, Holly Fairchild has some strong words for Texas gubernatorial candidate and late-term abortion cheerleader Wendy Davis:

    Instead of assuming that women are weak and incapable (therefore needing abortion), use your own life as an example and show women how much is possible. Remind them that you don’t regret choosing life and they won’t either. Encourage adoption as a loving alternative for those who don’t believe they can raise a child.


  • Reflections of a Paralytic points out the serious inconsistency in the views of those who fight against genetically modified food but don’t bat an eye at the idea of genetically engineered children.
  • Priests for Life’s Kevin Burke shares the story of David, a post-abortive father in prison for murder and robbery, who believes his downward spiral accelerated after his passive approval of the abortion of his child:

    My consent in the abortion of my daughter was a violation of my natural purpose to protect and provide for my offspring. When this occurred, the split in my personality was a defense mechanism that allowed me to exercise denial, so that I would not have to feel the pain of my decision. This denial was forcing me to overcompensate for the damage I caused to my natural masculine identity. The problem was that this denial also meant that I was denying everything that made me human.

  • Wesley J. Smith tells why he is less than impressed with the new prenatal test touted as able to accurately diagnose Down syndrome:

    A blood test to determine problems would be very good news in a world in which all children are welcomed with unconditional love. For example, Sarah Palin has said that her prenatal testing allowed their family to prepare for her son Trig.Technology is neutral, but our hearts are not. Even though people with Down are among the most loving among us, some want to wipe them off the face of the earth by not allowing any to be born. This test, I am afraid, furthers that goal.

  • At Stand True, Bryan Kemper points out that a recent Rolling Stone piece supposedly debunking falsehoods about abortion seems to have left out some crucial information: the fact that abortion takes the life of a human being.
  • The New Feminism has a frank article about how college students really feel about the hook-up culture:

    They are deeply ambivalent about sex having any significant meaning, and in the context of their mostly ironic culture, they are wary of being duped by grand claims about intimacy, sexual or otherwise. As they say, it’s all “just a thing.” And they have plenty of evidence from their own lives, the lives of their families and friends, and from the wider, sexualized culture to prove it. But when I started to really pay attention to what young adults were saying and doing in their hookups, dating, and relationships, I found what I would call a low- level, grinding despair.

  • Secular Pro-Life shares a graphic which turns the pro-abortion “fetus as parasite” meme on its head:


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