Colorado funds confidential birth control for 12-year-olds
A yearlong investigation in Colorado uncovered shocking information. Colorado state law allows children to have access to “reproductive health services” without needing their parents’ knowledge or consent first. And at these “BC4U” — Birth Control 4 You — clinics, funded by taxpayers, children as young as 12 are able to get birth control pills, IUDs, and even Plan B….
If the child went to the pediatrician’s office without telling their parents, the pediatrician would not be able to disclose the reason for the visit, or even call and notify the parents. But parents would still receive a bill, letting them know that their child had seen a doctor without them knowing it. These clinics offer an easy way to get around that possibility, and they’re funded by taxpayer dollars and federal grants….
Unsurprisingly, if a child has any kind of complication after receiving birth control or Plan B from the clinic, things get complicated… because in Colorado, a doctor must have parental consent before treating a child….
The blatant hypocrisy in Colorado law is, frankly, stunning. Children must have parental consent in order to be seen and treated by any doctor, but the exception is reproductive services: birth control and abortion. But both of these have risks like any other medical procedure.
Teenagers also are literally incapable of weighing the risks and benefits of, say, getting an IUD implanted or choosing to have an abortion, because the area of the brain that controls reasoning and long-term thinking has not yet been fully developed in teenagers. It’s why so many teens engage in reckless, high-risk behavior. They can’t understand the potential consequences of their actions.
A 14-year-old couldn’t choose to get a tattoo, have a boob job, or even whiten their teeth without parental consent, so why is it that birth control and abortion should be the exception?
~ Cassy Fiano,, May 20
[Graphics via]
It is all part of isolating and grooming children for future sexual behavior and exploitation.
Part of the problem is liberal elitism:
The belief among liberal leaders and legislators that parents are not adequate in caring for our children, and that the liberals know better than we do.
Every child predators and sexual abusers dream-BC4U and Planned Barrenhood. Take a minor to get free, confidential b/c or Plan B (which I am hearing doesn’t work a lot of the time btw). Talk about a “false sense of security”, PCPs that I have contact with say that they are seeing plenty of teens and women who took Plan B and it did not work and they are still pregnant. Trying to talk them out of an abortion is very difficult “I took Plan B, I’m not supposed to be pregnant, I was trying to be responsible”. Hmmm. How’s that working for you?
Have others working or volunteering at PCPs noticed the same thing? I would like your feedback. Is anyone keeping statistics on this mess and also how many women are using Plan B as b/c instead of rarely using it. How many years will it take to find out all the side effects on these women and their babies (who they conceived then took Plan B) and their future fertility when they want a baby? Will anyone ever really report the side effects or just keep them a secret?
Hi mods. My post came up “undefined” instead of Prolifer L after I tried to edit it, is there a reason for that.
Thank you for alerting us to yet another program to get to our kids without parental involvement!! I couldn’t agree more with the comment about the predators and abusers. And I think this goes further to pimps who traffic young girls. They can sell our girls into sexual slavery and the tax payers pay for their contraception. How stupid can the policy makers be!!! This just boils my blood!!
this is sick.
But it made me think about what about situations where the parents are either complicit or perpetrating the abuse??
Not that BC or abortion is the answer, obviously, but I’m honestly curious what we think we should do for situations when the parents don’t have the kids’ best interest in mind?
The belief among liberal leaders and legislators that parents are not adequate in caring for our children, and that the liberals know better than we do.
Yep. Yet if a child suffers serious side effects from hormonal contraceptives or a clandestine abortion, who is there to pick up the pieces and pay the bills? The parents!
I was looking at the awesome law limiting abortion just passed by the good people of Louisiana…88-5 no less. And I couldn’t help but wonder…could this situation in CO be an unintended consequence of the all or nothing, go for broke strategy of our Personhood-focused brothers and sisters.
Let me be clear, I’m not saying that it is. It may just be that they’re smoking way too much pot over there.
All I’m saying is that I believe, in this war, you take the victories where you can get them. And a great barometer of your effectiveness is how loud the cry is from the other side when we take more ground.
Coloradans have a lot of work to do like we do up here in Michigan. 31% of children conceived in the city of Detroit were murdered by abortionists in 2012, 5693.
If that ain’t genocide, I don’t know what is.
The first thing taught in child protection guidelines is that secrets between children and adults are inherently abusive. Abusers always want secrecy. Young people do not know better. So we teach kids that any adult who wants to enter into any activity with you and keep it a secret from your parents is not to be trusted. The principle is pretty sound and I think it applies here.
Secrecy + minors = abuse
They only want to hide what they are doing because they know it is wrong.
Children can and do engage in sexual activity without their parents’ knowledge. Since that’s a given (and numerous studies prove that it is), why would you not want them to have access to safe ways of preventing pregnancy? Birth control prevents teens who are sexually active from having abortions. Kids have sex. The best policy action is to make sure they stay safe. As they always taught us in health class, “Safe is Sexy!”
Kids get ahold of guns. We should just offer gun safety to all kids. In the high schools. And middle schools. Like they used to do.
Pure Marxism. These Marxists have disdain for the nukelar family. If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it is a duck. At every turn, these elitists are follwing right along the Marxist dream. Here is Marx’s thoughts about the family – one of the central planks of the Communist Manifesto, along with abolishing private property…direct quote from Communist Manifesto…
“Abolition of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists.
On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie. But this state of things finds its complement in the practical absence of the family among the proletarians, and in public prostitution.
The bourgeois family will vanish as a matter of course when its complement vanishes, and both will vanish with the vanishing of capital.
Do you charge us with wanting to stop the exploitation of children by their parents? To this crime we plead guilty.
But, you say, we destroy the most hallowed of relations, when we replace home education by social.
And your education! Is not that also social, and determined by the social conditions under which you educate, by the intervention direct or indirect, of society, by means of schools, &c.? The Communists have not invented the intervention of society in education; they do but seek to alter the character of that intervention, and to rescue education from the influence of the ruling class.”
^ Look if you are a Marxist, it is fine – you can think what you want. Just be honest.
If you are a pro-choice liberal, and you do not realize how the majority of your political views are simply Marxism, then you are ignorant of the history leading up to your world view – start reading. Don’t be ignorant. And don’t throw the McCarthyism thing at me when I point out that you, simply put, are a Marxist. Otherwise, you would hold great reverence for the institution of the family, like 99% of the rest of the world.
The Marxist Internet Archive is there with a life time of learning. The Communist Manifesto is a good place to start.
“Safe is Sexy!”
There’s no such thing as safe. Rampant STD’s and unplanned pregnancy (despite being so “safe”) are definitely not sexy.
That’s without getting into the fact that you’re talking about giving young girls hormones (BCPs) and high doses of hormones (EC)without parental involvement and the latter without even medical supervision. But as long as the 12 year olds feel sexy, right?
The ‘kids are doing it’ is the most vile of all arguments. I’m so sick of it. I can’t even imagine how difficult it must be for your average kid to navigate the minefield of sexual indoctrination that idiots promote. Instead of encouraging them to value themselves and their emotional and physical well being,idiots just throw condoms at them, fill little girls with unnecessary garbage, and traumatize them with abortions. Sick.
You know what’s true, nope? Kids need to be kids, and educate themselves so they can replace the idiots when they grow up.