Palin on Hillary Clinton: Grandbaby could “open her eyes” to life
Just knowing that her daughter Chelsea is pregnant, with a baby – It’s a real baby! – It’s not some disposable something, and I know that’s going to be controversial….
And of all places, it should be in the womb that these babies are protected….
So maybe even on a social issue like that, she’ll open her eyes.
~ Sarah Palin, suggesting that becoming a grandmother has the potential to change Hillary Clinton’s perspective on the sanctity life in the womb, as quoted by, May 7
[Photo via]
If carrying her own baby didn’t make her see that the unborn are real humans, I don’t know how her grandbaby will change that. I guess there’s still hope for Hillary though, people change their views late in life sometimes.
I still can’t respect politicians at all who do reality shows though, is Palin’s show still on?
Hi Deluded. Her show was pulled. I like Palin and always will. Cant stomach Hillary. Good point about her own pregnancy. Dont forget Bill got mistress Gennifer Flowers pregnant. She had an abortion. Im sure Hillary was glad about that.
Hillary will remain what she has always been, a ruthless power hungry woman who will mow down anyone in her path. Just ask the women who dared accuse Billy Boy. Did being a woman and a feminist stop her from having her and Bill’s flunkies trash them? Did she ever speak in their defense? She has put up with Bill and his women, public humiliation, and being usurped by a community organizer turned Messiah when the presidency was just in her reach. She is owed this presidency.
Her stance on abortion will not soften Sarah. I can promise you that. She is who and what she is.
I won’t hold my breath.
This morning on GMA (Good Morning America) an interview with Hillary was discussed about the situation of the missing girls in Nigeria. Hillary was quoted as saying “its criminal” and this was plastered in large type on the TV screen.
I’m thinking about writing to GMA to inform them that Benghazi is also criminal, twice that since Hillary was personally implicated in that tragedy.
Hillary is using this Nigerian tragedy to promote her image. She does not care about the girls beyond that….
The outlook for our country’s leadership is in sad condition.
GW Bush set the bar pretty low.
– Obama has been less able at leadership than Bush.
– Hillary was not adequate to overcome Obama.
– As Sec of State, Hillary proved to be even less capable than we thought.
And now Hillary is the front-runner of both parties, standing three notches below GW Bush.
What I find appaling is that so many American citizens look up to Hillary and swallow her presence wholesale. That’s why we need to keep Benghazi alive for a very long time.
And how many bought that idiotic book she wrote on parenting and consider her a pro-social model in that regard.
I guess democrats just love opportunists at the top…
Let’s stay focused: Remember, we win — even when we lose.
Remember how depressed and defeated we felt after Obama won – twice???? And yet during the reign of the most openly pro-abortion president in American history, we have seen the most legislation advanced in then protection of women and children since Roe v. Wade. And the polls of public opinion are turning toward respect for life!
Let the Republicans and the military vets and the truly concerned citizens raise the cry over the Benghazi tragedy and debacle.
Our job is to keep pro-life issues in the front. Forced funding of abortion by Obamacare, nearly $0.7 billion of our tax dollars granted to Planned Parenthood every year, Hillary’s efforts to push the abortion culture into Africa and South America.
Know your facts, people. Don’t let the public forget that we are a Culture of Life and that the Democrats are the Party of Death.
Whether or not Hillary wins the presidency, we must win the dialogue. We can win, even if we lose.
Yeah, but I want to win this time.
I can hear Ms Clinton now, “If the Nigerian girls are sold into sexual slavery, I care enough about them that I’ll ensure they have access to reproductive health care, no matter where they are sold!”
I can hear Ms Clinton now, “If the Nigerian girls are sold into sexual slavery, I care enough about them that I’ll ensure they have access to reproductive health care, no matter where they are sold!”
Sad but true, Eric. I am hoping and praying those girls are found and returned to the their parents, safe and sound.
@Del – Whether or not Hillary wins the presidency, we must win the dialogue. We can win, even if we lose.
I agree 100 percent. NEVER GIVE UP! What puzzles me is that the black unemployment rate is higher now than it was under Bush, but 99 percent of black people still support Barky and will probably vote for Hillary in droves, too. I know I am an outlier, but I can’t stand this clown!
Here is an article about how black folks have fared under Obama:
“I am hoping and praying those girls are found and returned to the their parents, safe and sound.”
– Well said Phillymiss. My family and I are praying as well.
Mary well put!
I was reading an article the other day about the Gennifer/Clinton affair. She said he was the love of her life for a very long time. He gave her a phone call back in like 2005 that sent her heart racing. Although Flowers did marry and divorce she remains childless. I guess Bill gave her 200$ for the abortion and told Flowers that Hillary was bisexual. He said “Shes has more women than I have.” Flowers was a tad shocked when she became pregnant with Chelsea . This was not too long after Gennifers abortion. She now says she is no longer in love with Bill.
Hi Thomas R. I think you should write that letter:) Eric and phillymiss I couldnt agree more. I dont know about you guys but I just wish the Clintons would go away already. Hitlary has a face that looks like it just might crack if she were to smile. Whenever she is smiling it looks forced. In fact my friend is in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame for playing R&B with Robert Lockwood Jr. He gave me a pic to copy of Hillary presenting him with an award. Mr Lockwood past away in 2004. At first I thought it was cool because I knew Mr. Lockwood…but ive been thinking of just tossing the picture because of Hillary . In this photo she was quite young.