Stanek Sunday funnies 6-8-14
Happy Sunday! Here were my top five favorite political cartoons for the week. Be sure to vote for your fav in the poll at the bottom of this post!
by Chip Bok at…
by Gary Varvel at (and yes, President Obama really said this)…
by Jerry Holbert at…
by Jack Ohman at…
by Steve Kelley at…
I have no doubt that if nothing else, those released Gitmo terrorists will return to Afghanistan and resume their war on women. You know, burning down schools, terrorizing the girls attempting to attend school, publicly beating and executing women, putting bullets in the heads of schoolgirls…
Oh yes, and taking American soldiers hostage in exchange for more terrorists. Isn’t that the recently announced strategy?
Blah – pretty sad slate of them today. No vote.
Voting for #1 this week.
I don’t know where Del’s quote went – got an email on it – I do find it interesting how there is a push now from the utility companies to charge money to people who have solar energy because they are “free-loaders”.
Maybe some of Obama’s policies go to far, but doing things the way we’ve always done them, and leaving the same people (big utility companies) in charge of policy is just going to get us farther behind other countries.
Is this your way of saying you are hard pressed to defend Obama’s actions?
Mary –
I’m saying that the cartoons this week are based more on fiction than fact. Obama is certainly far from perfect, but with health care reform doing well, the economy doing well – it’s like a weird game for the GOP to try to find something to stick him with. Coal? Fine – I guess – but at some point, the country needs to move into the modern ages – so we’ll pick on Obama because he’s slightly more progressive than a dinosaur (but much less progressive than most of Europe on emissions). I mean, I suppose we could pick on him for that. Pretty lame if you ask me.
Yes, with most Americans still opposing Obamacare, 5 terrorists turned loose to wage war on Americans and the women of Afghanistan, and immigrant children allowed to flood our border states and tax our resources while our veterans die from lack of care…
I suppose we could pick on him for a few things EGV.
Mary –
On health care reform, you haven’t looked at polls lately I take it. Majority of folks say keep it and continue to change it. Of those that say repeal, about a quarter of those folks say it should be repealed to bring in universal health care. Look at some polls.
On Bergdahl – are you saying we shouldn’t make exchanges for US soldiers?
On immigrant children – how is that Obama’s issue? Congress has been dragging their feet on immigration for what, two decades now?
Face it – the GOP tries to stick issue after issue after issue on Obama – and what has stuck? The issues you bring up are forgotten in days, and then you grab the next ones from the revolving doors. Meanwhile, the GOP gets crazier by the day, doing their best to ensure we’ll have Democratic Presidents for the long term. Ted Cruz against Hillary? He’s your front runner? At least the election would be called early enough for me to get a full night’s sleep!
“On immigrant children – how is that Obama’s issue?”
Lack of border enforcement.
There’s more border patrol now than ever before:
Face it Mary – the conservative movement right now is lacking any sort of message other than pointing out what is bad. I don’t know where all the smart conservatives have gone – but right now, the only message I get is that if the GOP took over the government, they’d hide out in a cave, scared of the next thing that might happen. It’s sad – I’d like smart conservatives to come back – I might join them again.
On Bergdahl, I’m saying you’re being played for a fool. Obama wants to empty out Gitmo and Bergdahl is window dressing. His own platoon members say he should be court marshaled.
On immigrant children-
Tell me EGV, what do you think of Obama turning these terrorist loose on the world? What do you think they’ll do, take up flower arranging?
The problem with you Ex-RINO is you have no ability to work with anybody else. Is it your way or the highway? There is a huge majority in congress who would vote for legislation to increase border security but you and the idealogues are happy to follow your narcissistic leader and rather than secure the border ship illegals to refugee camps in Arizona and Texas. You are nuts who are incapable of even addressing the root causes of the problem. Tell me Ex-RINO, how many hundred thousand should we put in refugee camps and feed and provide health care and legal representation for? Do you even have a number or would you go on like that forever?
And your source for your opinions is Debbie Wasserman Schultz??? Seriously
Mary –
I asked you a direct question on Bergdahl – you can answer that.
truth –
First of all, I’m not in congress nor am I President, so what is that statement about? The problem is that I can’t work with people? I’m not an elected official.
Immigration reform hasn’t happened since what, Reagan on a deal conservatives hate? Stop pretending that there’s consensus on this.
Mary –
On the polls, you’ve got to look at some actual recent polls. Every poll I’m seeing lately says to keep the law and change it.
truth –
Reading comprehension.
Politifact is the source. They are a fact checker, so they looked into a claim.
Hi TS,
You calling Obama a “narcissistic leader” hits the nail on the head. I have warned since 2008 how dangerous this man is and I guarantee he will become even more so. He has nothing to lose. Nothing is more dangerous than a narcissist with nothing to lose and a score to settle.
You again seem to have some trouble reading numbers. The RCP average is 5/16-6/7. That sounds about as recent as you can get.
Keep the law and change it? If the law is so great and everyone likes it, why change it?
Mary –
You have to sort to relevant polls – two options doesn’t cut it – that’s what I’m saying.
CBS – 35% repeal – 62% keep or change (but not repeal)
Kaiser – 34% repeal
CNN – 61% change or keep as it – 18% repeal and replace – only 20% want to go back to what we had before
Heck, straight up if asked, I would say I am against the law – I would favor making it much stronger – either repeal and replace with universal care, or strengthen the employee mandate.
Exactly what do you consider “relevant polls”?
How are the RCP polls irrelevant? Especially when they cover both ends of the political spectrum and everything in between.
Mary –
Because it’s like asking people if they are pro-life or pro-choice. It doesn’t give enough information, as we know that when you have more information in polls, you’ll find that what you and I would call pro-life isn’t what many others would call pro-life.
The simple support/oppose doesn’t capture enough info. For instance, somebody who wants to go back to the status quo, and somebody who wants to repeal and replace with universal care are both oppossed. Do you consider those two views similar?
Again – multiple polls I gave you within the past 45 days. All show that when asked, a strong majority want the law either kept the same, or simply changed, but not repealed.
I went through the polls on RCP and questions are also broken down. Some want repeal, some want change. The majority oppose the law as is.
CBS62%/CNN 61%- change or keep as is. OK, what percentage wants it kept and what percentage wants it changed, and how do they want it changed? Also why?
If people want a law “simply changed” then obviously they are not happy with it as is. Also, what does “simply changed” involve?
“Stop pretending that there’s consensus on this.”
You are the one that’s pretending Ex-RINO. An overwhelming majority of the US population understands that border security is the only way to really solve the illegal immigrant problem.
truth – sorry – I wasn’t explaining myself well. The GOP has been infighting about immigration for years – I’m sure you are aware of that. There’s no political consensus on how to deal with immigration, and there hasn’t been for years. The fact of the matter is, there is more border patrol now than there was in years past.
I’m assuming you figured out that politifact was the source of the border patrol information – that’s good.
Hey – you asked in the past if I would ditch support for Health Care Reform when the uninsured rate went up. Now that it went down so much, how do you feel about things?
Hey – you asked in the past if I would ditch support for Health Care Reform when the uninsured rate went up. Now that it went down so much, how do you feel about things?
Actually I had asked you if you would ditch support for Obamacare if at the end of a year there were more uninsured than when the Obamacare law kicked in on Jan 1st 2014. Are you ready to answer now? Would you ditch support?
Um – no you didn’t. You asked about the end of 2014, but not in comparison to January 1st. Anyway – I’d take up both bets. Did you see the rate plunge in those uninsured? Do you see that as good news?
I’ll pledge that I’ll ditch support if you pledge the same – that if the numbers are lowers at the beginning of 2015 than they were on January 1st, that you would support the law.
At the time I asked you about your support the Obamacare law was scheduled to implemented on businesses in 2014 and I had deemed that would cause chaos and force millions of people to lose their insurance and be forced onto the uninsured rolls. But now the law is being broken and rewritten over and over by Der Fuhrer Obama. As it stands didn’t he push this implementation back multiple times already. Do you know when was the most recent change in date Obama came up with that he was planning on implementing/enforcing Obamacare on businesses? I seem to recall a date like 2016 or something. Obama unilaterally rewrites the law by postponing implementation and granting waivers. It looks to me like like Obama is not going to allow the law to be enforced on businesses until after he leaves office. We have a lawless president.
Even though Obamacare has only been ‘implemented’ for a small percentage of the population; that alone still may mean more uninsured at the end of 2014 compared to the end of 2013. If ‘implemenation’ on such a small percentage of the US citizens were to cause an actual increase in the number of uninsured; would you join us in repealing Obamacare?
truth –
Here’s the deal:
From January 1st 2014 to January 1st 2015 – if the rate of uninsured people go up, I’ll post in favor of a repeal of health care reform, and won’t ever support it on this site again.
If the rate goes down, you’ll post in favor of health care reform, and won’t ever post against it again.
If the law hasn’t even been implemented against businesses (where the majority of Americans get their health care) then how can anybody say they will never post against it? The law will bring chaos and millions of uninsured if it ever gets implemented.
On the other hand, if there are more uninsured at the start of 2015 than there were at the start of 2014 the only reason will be that the millions who have been added to the Medicare rolls.
Since Obamacare signup started last October 1st, do you have any idea how many previously uninsured people are currently on Obamacare plans and how many have been added to the Medicare rolls?
Here are the numbers truth –
Rate of 18.0 heading into the year.
13.4 now.
Do we even have a number on how many people are actually signed up ad paying premiums through the Obamacare exchanges?
And can you tell me what is latest date that Obama has given to implement the law on businesses?
Paid – sounds like 7 million plus.
And how many have been added to the Medicaid rolls?
That seven million number seems generous according to that article you linked to. It said there are many double-enrollments due to glitches and problems with incorrect subsidies. It also says that rates could double next enrollment period.
truth – traveling for work much of the next two weeks – you’re going to have to figure out how google works on your own. The facts are out there – you can do it buddy!
Simple fact is, since the beginning of the year, millions have become insured – 5 million plus easy – probably closer to 10 million factoring in medicaid.
It would be an easy bet for me to make.