Pro-life blog buzz 7-25-14
- Saynsumthn’s Blog discusses Alliance Defending Freedom’s newest annual report to Congress “that identifies waste, abuse, and potential fraud by Planned Parenthood, state family planning programs, and other organizations”:
The report details the 44 known audits or other reviews of Planned Parenthood affiliates’ financial data and practices, as well as 51 known audits of state family planning programs and three known audits of family planning organizations that found overbilling. The audits for fiscal year 2013 found a total of more than $115 million in waste, abuse, and potential fraud in federal and state family planning funding programs, the lion’s share of which goes to Planned Parenthood. Approximately $14.4 billion of federal Medicaid expenditures were improper payments, according to government sources.
The report also identifies 10 types of waste, abuse, and potential fraud Planned Parenthood affiliates have been found to be committing or have been credibly accused of nationwide.
- At Live Action, Ingrid Heimark spells out the reasoning behind the real “war on women” being waged by pro-abortion, population control-advocating eugenicists.
- At the Pro-Life Action League, Matt Yonke reports on the 15th annual Face the Truth Tour, which began this year on July 11 near Joliet, Illinois. He details many events, but one that occurred in downtown Chicago shows the contrast between the motivations of pro-lifers and pro-choicers:
Pro-abortion counter-protesters came out for the second two sites of the day, though they numbered only a handful. Holding crudely constructed homemade signs, they attempted to cover up our pictures of abortion victims, though their scant numbers made it impossible for them to silence our message.
At Monday’s final site outside Union Station, a woman stopped in tears before one of our abortion signs. She was visibly pregnant and sidewalk counselor Cathy Mieding encouraged her to speak with League Vice President Ann Scheidler [pictured left with the woman]. It came to light that this was the woman’s fourth baby and her husband, and unreliable man to begin with, was angry about the pregnancy.
Ann let the woman tell her story and connected her with assistance from The Women’s Center, a local pregnancy resource center. It was clear that even the opportunity to talk was a great help to her, and the services and support she would receive at the Women’s Center would be an even greater boon.
Ironically, the pro-choice counter-protesters had no interest in helping this woman. In fact, they didn’t even notice her as they danced about waving their signs and distributing free condoms. Instead it was pro-lifers — who are supposedly waging a “war on women” — who were there to offer a listening ear and offer help to this woman in crisis.
- Pro-Life NZ examines possible reasons behind multiple polling results showing that men are more in favor of abortion than women:
The difference between men’s and women’s attitudes may simply be that women are more sensitive to the fact that pregnancy involves carrying a living baby and therefore is to be treated differently to tooth extraction!But I also wonder if women are more supportive than men of doctors being involved in the decision, or of limits being tightened, because it is a way of sharing the decision-making burden, or a way of taking the decision out of their hands completely. And perhaps men are more supportive of unrestrictive abortion because it absolves them of their responsibilities?
Readers may well disagree with my analysis. However the fact, surprising though it first seems, that more women want more restrictions to abortion than men requires explanation. Furthermore fundamentalist feminist claims that calls to reduce abortion time limits are an all-out war on women surely now need some re-thinking.
- At The Leading Edge, Brendan Malone shares the newest episode of The Pro-Life Guy in which he addresses “the most important question in the abortion debate”:

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