TV series features late-term abortion episode
Terminating a pregnancy is not inherently tragic - women have a variety of abortion experiences - but for Lena (and Stef), this was devastating. She really wanted this baby; she’d dreamed about this baby and already fought with the baby’s sperm donor over parental rights.
A lot of stories on The Fosters are about making the best of a family situation that’s not on its face what most people would wish for, but this was the first time the show’s emotional philosophy led to an instance of abject sorrow.
~ Margaret Lyons describing a recent episode of the TV series The Fosters, in which the lesbian couple chooses a late term abortion in light of the mother developing pre-eclampsia, Vulture, July 22
And Oh man that nut with the sign. If men could get pregnant…..well they cant so knock it off. One older feminist held a sign that said ‘If Men Could Get Pregnant You Could Get An Abortion At Walmart’ Abortion like it or not is about a woman and a man having unprotected sex. So WHY do these women suddenly blame men?? Most abortionists are men! Many of these women see a male gyn. Why is it everyones fault but their own? Thats why they generally dont give a pro life woman too much flack. Why? Because I have a uterus! I generally get the evil stare down. My point is it took 2 to tango for you to need BC or for you to choose abortion. They love mysogynist …thats their favorite word. But they “love” their boyfriends. They just look like nutty man haters. Its alllll backwards.
Woops my post belongs on the upper thread….anyway ive never heard of this show. I can only hope that it receives some severe backlash. I wont be watching a fictional late term abortion where the abortionist ACTOR or ACTRESS will be sweet and all concerned and assure them theyve made the right choice. They wouldnt dare show the true reality or the mangled dead baby. I say let the backlash begin!
Ew seriously?! Pre-eclampsia?? That’s the reasoning?! That’s when you DELIVER the baby, not kill it. So gross the way some people think. I had pre eclampsia and I and my baby were just finen
If you click on the link, you will see that this show is on ABC Family. Because abortion is totally family friendly programming. [/sarc]
Mj thats what I thought. Eclampsia calls for early delivery. All just another attempt to make abortion acceptable as some women claim there are SO many good reasons women choose abortion. Other than the life of the mother I just see poor excuses. Thats why you get married respect each other and decide about starting a family.
Also 2 lesbians? Thats why I dont watch any of these silly new shows. Im sticking with scripture. Homosexuality is an abomination. I havent watched that vile Ellen in years.
Liberals….only tolerant when you see it their way. I love how so many liberal men called Sarah Palin stupid but sure wouldnt mind using her as a sex object. Even Eminem wrote foul sexual lyrics about bedding her. So although liberal men will stand with PC women and respect their right to choose and act like they totally respect them its okay to use a conservative woman for sex. Or as Sandra Bernhard….washed up comedian said “Hope Palin gets raped in Harlem by a pack of black bruthas.” Racism sexism is excused for libs. Free pass!!!
Even Eminem wrote foul sexual lyrics about bedding her.
Heather, you crack me up sometimes. :)
“Terminating a pregnancy is not inherently tragic”
It is if you’re on the wrong side of the vacuum.
The media has SUCH a pro-abortion agenda, it really is sickening. And they really are pushing gay couples, too. I really don’t want to “feed the beast,” but around here you really need cable to get good TV coverage. I am reluctant to get cable but I really want to see the football games come September (I am a big Eagles fan — I have been listening to the games on radio but I want to be able to watch when my beloved Birds win the Superbowl next year). People ask me what I do if I’m not watching television and my answer is “plenty.” I read, watch TV, sew, garden, go to movies, etc. You CAN live without it.
I had pre-eclampsia. My baby was DELIVERED at 33 weeks –
Not ABORTED ! Whomever writes this show must not have consulted any medical experts.
Yes ABCFamily’s slogan is “A new kind of family”,
which (to ME) is their insidious way of saying “We’ve re-defined what “family-friendly” means , so we can show whatever TRASHY programming we want and get away with it -as long as we throw the word ‘Family’ in there”.
Private Practice did too. It was pretty awful, no medical reason at all, and the one strong pro-life character on that show held her hand while the abortion was performed. I mean, I got physically ill watching the show. Stop watching after that.
And it’s weird, because Private Practice and Greys Anatomy were made by the same person, and the abortion that happened on that show absolutely destroyed the relationship of the couple involved. And one doctor talked a woman with HIV out of aborting her baby. Weird how these shows seem confused by the message they want to put out.
Not all shows are about messages Jack, some are all about or at least some of the time about intriguing storylines. Unfortunately these days everything is politicized and entertainment is wielded like a mace against cultural foes.
Unfortunately these days everything is politicized and entertainment is wielded like a mace against cultural foes.
@Chris – You got it, Chris. I was watching reruns of “The Flying Nun,” starring Sally Field at a friend’s house. It was a very entertaining show that presented people of faith (in this case Catholic) in a positive light. Nowadays anyone religious on television, if they are shown at all, is a buffoon, bigot, hypocrite, etc.
@Deluded, both shows were written by Shonda Rimes, a big Barky supporter. I read that our clueless president is on another fund-raising jaunt(you know, he has nothing better to do with the Mideast exploding and Putin aiming to start WWIII) and she is hosting one of them. She is a very powerful woman in Hollywood, and I would bet she is very proabortion too.
I went through the same thing Lena did 6 months ago. I was 18 weeks and developed severe preeclampsia. I had 3 choices presented to me – Die along with the baby in a few days, have labor induced and deliver a dead baby, or have the baby removed under anesthesia so I wouldn’t have to experience delivering my dead baby.
This situation DOES happen and there are no good choices to make. The baby was going to die anyway (preeclampsia cuts off the blood supply to the placenta) so the decision was for me to die along with him or not. I chose not to die, but for several months after, and still now, I have wanted to.
I am pro-life, but the “health of the mother” exception is real and terrifying.
The comments on here about how preeclampsia is a dumb excuse to end a pregnancy are very hurtful. Everyone’s medical situation is unique. To say I should have been forced to deliver a dead baby at 18 weeks or die is absurd.
BUT EMILY…..if you say your baby died in utero it isn’t an abortion!!! Abortion is KILLING your living baby in utero.
Heather- I chose to kill my baby in utero. At 18 weeks, and with restricted growth from the preeclampsia, the baby would have died immediately, probably even before delivery. As I was suicidal at that point, it was decided having the baby removed while I was knocked out was the most compassionate thing to do.
Emily, I am very sorry for your loss.
“She is a very powerful woman in Hollywood, and I would bet she is very proabortion too.”
I know, thats why the Greys storylines confused me. Shes super proabortion but Owen (the husband) was devastated by the abortion and it destroyed their relationship, and it was pretty unanimous among viewers that Owen was the party that got screwed over (and the baby of course, Owen even said “you killed our baby”). And the abortion that the doctor talked the woman with HIV out of was painted in a negative light too. I wonder if there’s a secret prolife writer there lol.
Yes I watch shows directed at female audiences what of it? Lol!
I am too very sorry for your loss and what you wemt through Emily.
phillymiss – give yourself the gift of a TV-free home! We’ve been TV-free for maybe six years now? Initially it was a financial thing but now we wouldn’t go back. And my husband is totally a sport-nut… he misses the constant feed, yes, but has come to value so much more what he gains by not having the TV. We still stream certain shows and have a Netflix account, so it’s not like we don’t watch TV. For sports fans it can motivate you to be more social with your passion – find friends willing to host you or find a new favorite local hangout. If you’re pondering the possibility, I highly recommend you at least give it a trial run.
Emily, I am very sorry for your loss. My daughter died at birth – I know that punched-in-the-gut-by-the-universe feeling.
I have a question simply because I don’t know: by “have the baby removed” did that mean a cesarean? The verbiage and the fact that this conversation is happening here makes me suspicious not. Did they offer you a cesarean?
My daughter was alive during my labor (was quickly delivered cesarean) and I can’t imagine the pain of laboring knowing that it’s in vain… but I also value so tremendously holding my daughter after her death and having the photos. I have friends with similar stories but much earlier on. It pains me to think that a grieving mother might be denied this fleeting moment. I know that nothing can change the past. We can share our experiences with the professionals who will have to advise others.
Laurie- they performed a D and C while I was under anesthesia, not a c-section. The baby was so small (only measuring at 13 weeks) that I just couldn’t handle seeing him. We had him baptized before the procedure and had his remains cremated. The hospital staff was great, they even provided me with a Certificate of Life for him (since he wasn’t 20 weeks they legally can’t create a birth certificate).
I will say that the term “abortion”was never used by the doctors. They just said removing the fetus or terminating the pregnancy. When I got the bill several weeks later, it listed the procedure as an abortion.I had a complete meltdown over it.
In the end, even if they called the procedure an abortion,I still would have chosen that option.
Emily I am terribly sorry. It sounds like you need healing. I hope you will stay and keep talking to us.
Emily i am a nurse but not an ob nurse. Ive read that the only way around pre eclampsia is early delivery. Im so sorry those were the options you were given but idk enough about your story to know details. Termination of pregnancy generally is what abortion clinics say instead of abortion. There are post abortive women here and I used to be pro choice. Im sorry if you felt I was condeming you.
Wow Emily I am sorry for your loss, too. That’s a really heartbreaking story. There are so many things that can go wrong. My doctor said I had a “textbook pregnancy and delivery” which was a blessing, even though the last part hurt like Hades!
Hi Emily,
Thank you for your story. Yes even in this day and age of high tech and specialized care, a choice between the life of the mother or the baby may have to be made.
First of all you didn’t “choose” anything. Circumstances beyond your control forced you to make a heartrending decision.
You are absolutely correct, each case is different and yes pre eclampsia can be a treatable condition or a life and death situation, as it was in your case.
My heart goes out to you and I wish you the best.
Another thing Emily, though “abortion” has a negative connotation, it is a medical term. That is likely why it was used.
Preeclampsia can be life threatening but usually it is not. It does not usually develop until the third trimester and it usually responds to treatment with careful surveillance so baby and mother are both saved but unusual situations can occur. So sorry to hear of your loss and your situation. Is there a bereavement support group in your area?
I concur with Mary, the medical term is “abortion” and it is used for that reason on your medical records. I wish you the best.