Is abortion “a right like any other”?
Still, judges’ willingness to step outside the abortion frame and to weigh, from that broad perspective, whether the abortion right has become unduly burdened is something new and potentially of great value in the struggle to preserve women’s reproductive freedom.
Even in the face of cynical and unrelenting political attack, the right to abortion can become stronger the more tightly it is stitched into the constitutional fabric, the more that smart and gutsy judges are willing to treat it as what it is, a right like any other.
~ Linda Greenhouse, discussing the recent decision by a judge to nullify Alabama’s Women’s Health and Safety Act, “which required doctors who performed abortions to have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital,” New York Times opinion page, August 6
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Do not be afraid! We win, even when we lose court cases and general elections.
This one case highlights the fact that the abortion industry is still operating, even though they do not provide a safe medical practice.
These battles over legislation and lawsuits are just tools to keep the conversation alive. We will win some legal battles and we will lose some, but all the while the truth is being opened, light shines, and hearts turn.
It is interesting that this case is a battle over this surgical clinic’s failure to maintain the standards that every other surgical center in the state (and most of the nation) is required to maintain.
Hopefully the Supremes will take it up, and if they do, I think we will win.
It isn’t a “right like any other.”
Typically, when we pursue life, liberty and happiness, we are not allowed to do so at the expense of another human being’s life.
Abortion is very, very different.
“Hopefully the Supremes will take it up, and if they do, I think we will win.”
I hope you’re right, as the Supremes can be very unpredictable.