Pro-life vids of day: Reproductive justice… or Black genocide?
by Hans Johnson
The poster image to the right ironically accompanies a Facebook post by Planned Parenthood’s Cecile Richards, which she used to inject her pro-abortion agenda into the controversy of the recent shooting death of a black youth by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri:
Heartbroken by the event unfolding in #Ferguson. A parent’s right to raise their child in love and safety, and to dream that their child will have every opportunity in the world to grow into a fiercely independent adult is a fundamental issue of reproductive justice.
But where is the justice for the preborn in the Black community? As noted by Ryan Bomberger in his Townhall column, more Black babies are aborted than are born alive in New York City, and Planned Parenthood plays no small part. According to Protecting Black Life, “79% of [Planned Parenthood’s] surgical abortion facilities are located within walking distance of African American or Hispanic/Latino neighborhoods.”
Shane Q Genesis, a rap artist from Malawi, sees something sinister at work in this promotion of abortion in the inner cities:
And in this video, Christian rapper Jonathan Cayol from Washington, D.C., with Operation Rescue Truth Truck driver Ron Brock in a cameo, points to God for hope in his community:
Email with your video suggestions.
[HT: LifeNews; Ken & Jo Scott]

Great video and article. Ryan Bomberger is coming.g to speak at our pro life dinner in November and I can’t wait.
Hi phillymiss. How are you? You are in for a treat I’ve heard him a couple of times, he has an awesome testimony and is a dynamic speaker. Blessings to you.
I find it funny that, in order to connect the right to abort or use contraception, Planned Parenthood must completely ignore the true victim of violence (whomever it is being killed) and focus on the parent. The right for children to live without fear is not mentioned, only the right to parent without fear. I think it’s just another example of how this organization that is celebrated as this great place that helps all people really doesn’t offer any services to children. Other than the argument youth can get pregnant, it really has nothing to benefit kids. Until you’re old enough to get pregnant this organization doesn’t care about you. It also shows that the right to life, as always, is not a significant concern of thiers.
I am okay hanging in there. Another bonus: Ryan is a nice looking guy. I would start to purrrrrr but he’s married. This poor old cougar just can’t get a break ;-(
I saw a hospital brochure the other day that bragged that they are a certified Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) that was started up by the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). I never heard of this initiative before so I researched it and came up with this:
Sounds like the BFHI isn’t interested in befriending all babies. Ugh!!
Abortion; one dead, one CRITICALLY wounded.
So unless your child is robbing a convenience store and smacking the store owner who runs to protect his livelihood, you have no right to raise your child without fear of violence??
Why do they make social issues out of basic common sence. You take the Planned Parenthood in Pasadena, predominantly white, and place it in not actually in Pasadena, BUT Alta Dena, which is predominantly Black and has a rich Black history, and then put it in between the bus stop and the welfare check office, which is where it literally is, and some how you manage to pin the “racist” label on republicans, not elitists like Cecil Richards and POTUS. I have had people tell me you can literally drive around Alta Dena, and see the city in a state of decline, careening into a ghost town for the lack of black children being born. This is a destruction of not just a people, but a history, a living heritage, a culture. It amazes me that Black history month passes every year with no mention of the culturural accomplishments America has lost because of the abortion industries targeting of the “social weeds” not just of American Blacks, but because of the racism that has spread from a hatred of American Blacks, to a hatred of anything not “positive” and in the mind of pro-aborts, that is the soil of adversity from which prosperity and well fare, which the newness of life wellsprings forth from. The Birth Control League has found America’s fountain of youth, and declared it dry after bottling it, and selling it as an idea which only the very few, and the very privledged can be and feel justified, secure, safe and protected in owning. However, this is anti-American, and against her constitution. This fundamental constitutional right to life belongs to everybody. Not just those, ‘above the line.’
That being said, I would also like to point out the same phenomenal decline is being mirrored in Beverly Hills where you have two abortion clinics right there off of Beverly and Rodeo Drive. Right there in between the Hustler Headquarters and the popular dating & shopping hotspots. Birth is about making a commodity out of human flesh. Unless your idea of freedom is recreational sex, then it is not about liberation.