by Hans Johnson


The poster image to the right ironically accompanies a Facebook post by Planned Parenthood’s Cecile Richards, which she used to inject her pro-abortion agenda into the controversy of the recent shooting death of a black youth by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri:

Heartbroken by the event unfolding in #Ferguson. A parent’s right to raise their child in love and safety, and to dream that their child will have every opportunity in the world to grow into a fiercely independent adult is a fundamental issue of reproductive justice.

But where is the justice for the preborn in the Black community? As noted by Ryan Bomberger in his Townhall column, more Black babies are aborted than are born alive in New York City, and Planned Parenthood plays no small part. According to Protecting Black Life, “79% of [Planned Parenthood’s] surgical abortion facilities are located within walking distance of African American or Hispanic/Latino neighborhoods.”

Shane Q Genesis, a rap artist from Malawi, sees something sinister at work in this promotion of abortion in the inner cities:


And in this video, Christian rapper Jonathan Cayol from Washington, D.C., with Operation Rescue Truth Truck driver Ron Brock in a cameo, points to God for hope in his community:


Email with your video suggestions.

[HT: LifeNews; Ken & Jo Scott]

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