Pro-life blog buzz 11-7-14
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
- In an amazing “look what God can do” announcement, 40 Days for Life reveals that their new headquarters will be housed in the former Planned Parenthood in Bryan-College Station, Texas, where they started their prayer vigils ten years ago:
“This news shows what God can accomplish when His people pray,” said Shawn Carney, campaign director…. “More than 6,400 children lost their lives in this building, but God is making ‘all things new.’ What was once a place of death and despair is now going to be a place of life and hope. We are excited to start using this location to aid the rapid worldwide growth of 40 Days for Life, and to help other cities become abortion-free.”
- Pro-Life in TN recaps the David and Goliath pro-life victory achieved by the Yes on 1 movement in Tennessee, overcoming $4 million from the abortion industry, as well as major newspaper and celebrity endorsements. The secret weapon to passing Amendment 1? Grassroots activism and the power of the pulpit.
- Bound4Life profiles nine pro-life candidates who won in the “red wave” election this week. Read their profiles and be encouraged.
- Culture Campaign analyzes Wendy Davis’s substantial loss in the Texas gubernatorial race. “War on Women” proponents are stunned that the late-term abortion defender failed to bring out women voters.
- Ethika Politika challenges the data used by Health & Human Services in deciding that all Obamacare policies must mandate free contraceptive coverage.
- Josh Brahm announces a speaking engagement at the University of Portland on November 17, in which he and a pro-life convert will discuss relational apologetics: how a pro-life, Christian guy can be friends with a (formerly) pro-choice, lesbian atheist girl after having conversed online for almost two years.
- Clinic Quotes quotes a pro-choice politician who says she is “heartsick” over attempts to make abortion clinics meet the same standards as other surgery centers.
- Americans United for Life applauds the election of so many pro-life candidates and looks at key legislative issues passed by the House, which can hopefully now go to the Senate:
Consider this list of key life-saving measures passed by the House and blocked by the Senate since pro-life Republicans took control of the House in 2011:- Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act prohibiting abortion after 5 months of pregnancy (i.e., 20 weeks gestation);
- No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act applying the restrictions on abortion funding found in the Hyde Amendment to all federal funding streams and requiring that all plans offered through the ACA Exchanges disclose if abortion coverage is included;
- Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act prohibiting sex-selective abortions;
- Protect Life Act ensuring that no funds appropriated or authorized through the ACA can be used for abortion or insurance plans that provide abortion coverage;
- The “Pence Amendment” (House. Amendment. 95), this measure would have prohibited the use of federal funds for Planned Parenthood;
- The “Black-Roby Resolution to Defund Planned Parenthood” (House Continuing Resolution 36), this measure would have defunded Planned Parenthood in the Continuing Resolution;
- The “Foxx Amendment” (House Amendment 298), prohibits federal funds from being used to train abortion providers.”
[Photos: and National Right to Life via]

Life Report just isn’t the same now that Josh Brahm doesn’t host it. Who’s with me?
So the 40 days mob don’t agree with I am of the belief that all abortion mills are satanic and inhabited by demons. Even when they’re closed and converted for good… even when “every nook and cranny of the place” has been exorcised… I don’t know… I still have trouble. That’s just me. I take it?
Yes, Reality, and water is still wet.
There are people who don’t believe in demons.
There are people with a superstitious notion of demons.
And there are people who know the demons, their powers and their limits, and who are not afraid of the demons. We have good reason to believe that the young leaders of 40 Days For Life are of this sort.
By Monday, I will find out.
In any case, this is a wonderful story of recovering lost ground.
So, no one’s got an answer. OK.