The Doula Project helps “pregnant people,” not just women
by Carder
2014 was an incredibly successful year for us that included:
? Partnering with a new public hospital in NYC to provide abortion doulas to pregnant people
? Partnering with a new birth center in NYC to provide birth doulas to pregnant people
? Partnering with a criminal justice organization to provide birth doulas to pregnant people
? Training 25 new full spectrum doulas and a new Board of Directors
? Providing doula support to thousands of pregnant people in NYC
~ Excerpt from a fundraising email in which “pregnant people” (not “women”) are the beneficiaries of The Doula Project, December 10
It is weird how some of the same PEOPLE who believe ‘religion is dumb because it’s not about science’ are the same ones who think gender is merely some social construct. DNA, McFly! What some of these so-called doulas know about biology would fit in a guppy’s brain with room to spare.
For the most part, this is the “sin of candor” (much like Jonathan Gruber’s only fault): They speak the truth.
Doulas are trained to work with pregnant parents in the birthing of their child. This language spills over into the cognitive dissonance of “abortion doulas.”
It takes two people to become pregnant. For the most part, those two people participate in the decision to kill or care for the child…. even if one of them participates by abandoning the relationship, or taking it upon herself to kill the child. In the overwhelming majority of cases, there is first a conversation among the “pregnant persons” — and these are the ones whom the doulas wish to serve better.
Del, somehow I don’t think they’re referring to the fathers.
Soooo….your sexuality cannot be changed. You are born that way. Nothing in the way you were raised or what happened to you as a child in any way makes you gay. You can’t change being gay through religion or any other thing. You are gay and THAT IS IT.
But if you’re male? You can totally change that. We’ll hack off your genitalia and give you some implants and hormones and a sexy dress and wallah! You are a woman. Congrats.
And if you’re born a woman and you don’t want to be? Just FEEL like a man and mutilate yourself surgically and take hormones and buy a nifty tie and you are now a man!
They don’t even realize the lunacy of their ideology.
Now referring to a pregnant woman as a woman is considered “transphobic” because you’re not recognizing that the individual with two X chromosomes might still self-identify as male.
It’s symbolic of their struggle against reality.
Sydney, I wish I could like your comment more than once.
If you read the comment sections on liberal news sites and blogs, it’s pretty hilarious (sad?) because they can’t even have a conversation. All they do is argue about language – comment 1 is transphobic; comment 2 is ableist; comment 3 is slut shaming; comment 4 is racist; comment 5 reflects the commenters unrealized privilege… and on and on and on and ON.
Sydney gay and transgender are completely different things. If you’re gay or bi (and yes I KNOW it’s wrong to be that way and I don’t want to get into how evil it is again) you can’t change it and I KNOW it’s wrong so I don’t want to have that argument.
But what you’re missing is transgender people have something up with them that make their body’s gender not match their brain. They don’t see it as changing an immutable fact, they see it as fixing a birth defect. And there is some research supporting that. It’s not fair to lump them in with gay and bi people, the Bible condemns us over and over but I don’t think that transgender people deserve to be tarred with the same brush, something is biologically wrong there and I don’t think that it’s unfixable or wrong for them to fix it surgically if that is what it takes.