Iowa Freedom Summit Features GOP Presidential  Hopefulsby Kelli

It is on the issue of life that the hypocrisy of liberals is the most breathtaking. They believe flies are worth protecting, but the life of an unborn child is not. The platform of the Democratic Party asserts the right to an abortion at any point in a pregnancy for any reason. There are those who are now fighting for abortions to be performed by non-doctors. Barbara Boxer once commented that a life is only a life when it leaves the hospital.

We know that science supports those of us who believe in the sanctity of life.

When I married my husband Frank thirty years ago, I learned that his mother had been told to abort him or her life would be in danger. She refused and spent a year in the hospital following his birth. Her son, my husband, was the joy of her life and is the rock of mine. I think often of how different my life would have been had my mother-in-law made a different choice.

~ Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, discussing the sanctity of human life at the Iowa Freedom Summit, as quoted by, January 24

See video of Fiorina’s remarks here.

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