Planned Parenthood down to 666 clinics
Can you say, “Satan”?
Wow, headlines like that only come along once a year.
In this case there was another headline almost as good: “Planned Parenthood now has fewer abortion clinics than the year Roe was decided.”
And a third headline, not so good: “Planned Parenthood now operates over 45% of all U.S. abortion clinics.”
American Life League has just issued its “2014 report on Planned Parenthood facilities in the United States,” with some interesting finds:
In its annual report, Planned Parenthood said it committed 327,653 abortions in 2013, had a record income of $1.3 billion, and a near-record profit of $127.1 million - giving the impression of a thriving organization.
However, when one digs deeper in the service numbers in the annual report, a different picture of PP’s status emerges…
- Planned Parenthood did fewer abortions last year than it did in three of its last four years. Planned Parenthood’s customer base fell to its lowest level since 2001.
- The number of PP female contraceptive customers is lower than nine of its last 12 years.
- Planned Parenthood breast and cervical cancer screenings have dropped 40-60 percent since 2009.
- During 2014, Planned Parenthood Federation of America continued to close “health centers” at a record rate. This year, it closed 34 centers in a total of 19 different states.
- Planned Parenthood now operates 668* centers in the United States, of which 337 commit surgical and/or medical abortions. Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest abortion chain, operating 45.6% of all the surgical/medical abortion facilities….
- PP Centers closed in 2014 = 34
- PP Centers opened in 2014 = 7
- PP has 337 centers that commit surgical or medical abortions (5 fewer than last year)
- Of the 337 centers, 173 centers do surgical abortions (most also do medical abortions) (1 fewer)
- Of the 337 centers, 164 centers do medical abortions but not surgical (4 fewer)….
- This year is the first time in 10 years that Planned Parenthood had fewer surgical abortion centers AND fewer medical abortion centers AND fewer total number of surgical/medical abortion centers.
*Planned Parenthood had 668 centers at the end of 2014. Since then, as Jim Sedlak of ALL told me this afternoon, two more centers have closed, in Battle Creek, Michigan, and Issaquah, Washington, bringing the total to the deservedly demonic 666. As Bible readers know, Revelation 13:18 denotes 666 as the satanic mark of the beast. How rich.
Back to highlights from ALL’s report:
One of the important measurements of the influence of Planned Parenthood is the number of facilities it operates across the country. Planned Parenthood has always looked at the number of its facilities as representing the reach of the organization.
In 1993, right after Bill Clinton was elected president of the United States, PP had 922 centers and publicly announced a plan to have 2,000 centers by the year 2000…. PP never reached 2,000 centers. The highest number it had was 938 in 1995.
So Planned Parenthood centers are down by 29% since its hell heyday. Some charts of interest…
UPDATE: ALL has created a great infographic to accompany its report.
I’m sure that all the babies killed today are pleased that the pro-life crowd continues to celebrate all these “wins”.
666 – how terribly appropriate. Looking forward to the day when it’s 0.
Ex-even-you-were-once-a-baby: Spoken like the good little abortion advocate you ARE.
I’m just saying that there is little to celebrate in near hollow victories.
The pro-choice side seems to be winning these days simply by letting pro-lifers convince themselves that they’ve won.
666 – how terribly appropriate – the duration of their reign?
“America will not rest until Roe vs Wade is overturned”) — Spoken by the Gipper.
Ex-GOP says:
I’m sure that all the babies killed today are pleased that the pro-life crowd continues to celebrate all these “wins”.
Thank you for reminding us why we still fight.
One cold day in 1973, Americans woke up suddenly to a world in which life was no longer protected. We will not wake up tomorrow to find that life is suddenly sacred again.
But we do hope that tomorrow, there will be a little less killing than today.
By the way…. excellent research, Jill!
Thank you.
Yes Del – 100% agree. Closed clinics is a metric – but not the most important metric – not the goal. Planned Parenthood is not the enemy, and defeating them is not the goal. The goal is saving babies – and they don’t care much about declining planned parenthood. We know a lot of clinics are consolidating, getting bigger in some areas and replacing multiple facilities…the key to success is getting people to realize that life matters, that we have a society and communities that will help women – and promoting life.
Who cares about the number of clinics…
The one thing that we need to remember and need to remind people is that the younger generation is more and more Pro-Life, not Pro-Abortion. Young women and men don’t want abortion for their child. One-third of their generation is missing due to abortion. Planned Parenthood and their ilk will run out of clients then they will be forced to go out of business. No customers means no money which in turn means it’s time to shut up shop.
[…] Jill Stanek has posted statistical and graphical details showing decline in numbers of abortion clinics, and changes in Planned Parenthood’s overall market share. Check it out HERE. […]
In the classic words of Moliere: Physician, heal thyself. Never missing an opportunity to attempt to demoralize pro lifers is not the way to convince pro abortion people to value life. But ex knows that, because he doesn’t value the lives of the unborn half as much as he values abortion-promoting politicians.
Prayer request: PP just opened a new mega-center in South Dallas — an area where many minorities live.
I’m interested – what do you hope to accomplish with statements such as “he doesn’t value the lives of the unborn half as much as he values abortion-promoting politicians”?
Is it that you’re threatened when somebody doesn’t follow lock-step with how you see the battle?
It’s odd – instead of trying to widen the base and build on similarities, a lot of people – and I’ll call at you specifically, seem to want to make the pro-life vote smaller. By the definition that I feel a lot of people on this board have, I’d estimate that the country is about 10-15% pro-life – not close to half and half. Is that the goal?
I’m seriously interested – it’s like this weird insult I see once in a while, and I don’t get the intention of goal of it. The two people that ‘liked’ your comment – feel free to jump in as well.
“America will not rest until Roe vs Wade is overturned” – the Gipper
I didn’t hear him say that (I wish I had), but it is a profound truth.
I do remember him answering a tearful young woman who wanted to know why it was so important to Save the Whales but not the babies, with great compassion and wisdom.
[…] of five other Planned Parenthood abortion clinics will close by the end of February, rendering the previous total of 666 clinics already […]
Read your own comments over the last couple years, x, see if you notice anything.
9ek – I’ll 100% own the fact that I don’t like that pro-life doesn’t mean save babies – but it means hate immigrants, dislike gay people, smear anybody who votes left, hate Obama and the government. I’ll 100% own the fact that I don’t like the general strategy of the pro-life movement.
I asked you a bunch of direct questions – you and anybody else – are you simply saying that you have no idea?
I have also observed Ex-GOP’s comments over the last couple of years.
I find him firmly in the anti-choice camp. No doubt about it.
The fact that he is not a rabid rightist who froths and exclaims pointless, meaningless, unproductive and hate-filled rants and raves does not change that fact.
His different political position =/= pro-choice
[…] – in an eerie sort of way – here’s a recent, weird but welcome headline: Planned Parenthood down to 666 clinics […]
[…] […]