
Planned Parenthood has partnered with “riot grrrl” feminist indie rock band Sleater-Kinney on tour to sell t-shirts, make it rain condoms, get people to sign a pro-abortion pledge, and promote the hashtag #Riot4Repro.

Whatev. Planned Parenthood teamed up with Sleater-Kinney on a tour 15 years ago, and a lot of good it did either of them. S-K went on to disband after that, while Planned Parenthood’s brand took a nosedive. S-K’s February 9 tour kick-off show in Spokane, Washington, was their first date in nine years.

Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest thought it would be cool to celebrate feminism at the concert by having women pose for photos while holding a pink stuffed uterus. Because feminism is all about uteruses, right?




Actually, wouldn’t unstuffed pink uteruses be more politically correct?

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