pro-lifeby Kelli

  • At Students for Life, Kristan Hawkins wonders what Michael Voris’ point was when he created an error-filled video which makes dubious claims about abortion and the pro-life movement. Hawkins says Voris is “irresponsible” and using “faulty logic” to claim “abortion numbers aren’t declining,” among other things. Hawkins backs up her rebuttal with links to the facts:

    Not citing any sources, he proclaimed that chemical abortions aren’t tracked and comprise a quarter of all abortions. Therefore, he said, these must be added to the million+ abortions every year, which basically comes out to a number that shows abortions are not declining.

    While Voris appears to make a convincing case in his six-minute video, he is wrong.

  • The deadline is coming soon to sign up for The University of Notre Dame’s Vita Institute, which is “an intensive interdisciplinary training program for leaders in the national and international pro-life movement.” See the link for more details.


  • American Life League’s Judie Brown shares stories of parents of children with Down syndrome, reminding us that a child is never a burden.
  • At Bound4Life, Natalie Brumfield lists ten reasons why you should pray outside an abortion facility:

    It is not easy to constantly pray at abortion centers. After many years, it’s heavy on me. It’s grueling. It doesn’t make me popular. I’ve lost special friends over the years. And the reality of what goes on inside the buildings rips my heart open over and over again.

    But it isn’t about me. It’s about that single woman who has no one to turn to and feels absolutely hopeless. It’s about that couple who had no idea last week that they would be driving up to an abortion center deciding whether their baby would live or die. It’s about that baby who may not live to see the world outside of her/his mommy’s tummy. It’s about being there for others and helping to carry their pain.

    And I know the prayer and presence means something to the people I’ve talked to and prayed with walking in or out of those places. They’ve told me. So I go and I pray — because they need to see someone cares.

  • At Stand True, Bryan Kemper responds to a Christianity Today article lauding Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger and birth control:

    I would expect this from RH Reality Check or some other pro-abortion publication, but not from Christianity Today. But then again, the general state of Christianity today is not exactly, well, Christian.

    There are so many things wrong with this article, and I could probably write 10 pages in response. I think most people who read my blog regularly have a grasp on who Margaret Sanger was and why we can never look to her as a great example.


  • In greater detail, Saynsumthn’s Blog also discusses the Christianity Today article, noting the controversy the author unexpectedly brought upon herself by stating she was “defending” Margaret Sanger. She now claims she “did not accurately estimate how great a distraction the Sanger example would be” in her defense of birth control as a social good. Saynsumthn responds:

    It is true that Sanger opposed abortions as I detail here, however, what [author Rachel Marie] Stone leaves out is that she had a more permanent solution to abortion, forced sterilization.

    By sterilizing Black women and those she and her eugenics friends considered feeble-minded, Sanger could guarantee they would never become pregnant again….

    Sanger also called for those who were poor and what she considered to be “morons and immoral”, to be shipped to colonies where they would live in “Farms and Open Spaces” dedicated to brainwashing these so-called “inferior types” into having what Sanger called, “Better moral conduct”.

    In 1964, Planned Parenthood founder, Margaret Sanger said she believed that it would take the US Government to accept “Population Control” to convince other nations to do the same….

    If Stone wants to advocate for contraception, that is one thing, but for her to try and convince the world that Sanger’s motives were compassionate, that is a completely different story.

[Photos via and Saynsumthn’s Blog]

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