Minister-Lisa-Hanna-Official-Web-471x600Only two hours apart, last week, the minister of youth and culture contradicted herself and rendered her empathy empty, hollow and superficial.

She chastised the killing of the three teenage boys in Clarendon, stating the act shows that the perpetrators “[had] no feelings, compassion or love and do not value human life, especially that of our children”. Laws and regulations alone cannot help to address violence against children, she said.

Yet only two hours before… she vociferously called for the country to murder children by changing our anti-abortion laws. As if speaking from a feminist perspective, she stated that the anti-abortion laws perpetuate poverty among women and children.

~ Letter to the editor, The Gleaner, calling out Jamaica MP Lisa Hanna (pictured right), also that country’s Minister of Youth and Culture, for contradictory statements on the value of human life, April 25

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