Black Friday Pro-Life Drop Card Project
Abolish Human Abortion is promoting a great idea, which I’m dubbing the Black Friday Pro-Life Drop Card Project:
Abolish Human Abortion is promoting a great idea, which I’m dubbing the Black Friday Pro-Life Drop Card Project:
One never knows which posts are going to get more attention than others. (I’m usually wrong when I guess, actually.)
So I was surprised my blog on Planned Parenthood of South Florida and the Treasure Coast’s Black Friday specials got quite a bit of traction, from Fox to the Christian Post to Human Events.
All the attention forced a response from the other side.
You may think I’m setting you up for a spoof, but no. Planned Parenthood brings new meaning to the term, “Black Friday,” doesn’t it? Click to enlarge… [HT: reader Anne]
Pro-life activists with the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform gave new meaning to the term “Black Friday” last week when showing shoppers in White Marsh, Maryland, the dark truth about abortion through abortion victim photos.
Here were my top five favorite political cartoons for the week, first by Dana Summers at… then a twofer by Eric Allie at…
For me, the holidays aren’t about how much I can buy and how many gifts are under the tree. It’s about family and friends…. Rather than going to the crazy stressball that is any store on Black Friday, make a donation to your favorite charity – donate to an abortion fund, Planned Parenthood, or NARAL! […]