Stanek Sunday funnies 4-7-13
Following are my top five favorite political cartoons for the week. Be sure to vote for your favorite in the poll at the bottom of the post.
by Glenn McCoy at…
by Gary McCoy at…
Following are my top five favorite political cartoons for the week. Be sure to vote for your favorite in the poll at the bottom of the post.
by Glenn McCoy at…
by Gary McCoy at…
Just as the cacophony of hate toward Tim Tebow’s ad garnered the pro-life issue millions of dollars in free publicity leading up to the 2010 Super Bowl, so we are seeing with Randall Terry’s ad leading up to the 2012 Super Bowl. Yesterday came the news that the Obama machine was trying to block television […]
UPDATE 12/15, 6p: Rick Perry became the fourth Republican candidate to sign the pledge today. 12/14, 12:04p: Personhood USA announced this morning that three Republican presidential contenders have signed its Personhood Pledge. Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, and Rick Santorum have all signed the pledge, which states: I stand with President Ronald Reagan in supporting “the […]
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat Planned Parenthood of the Heartland has taken over PP clinics in Oklahoma and Arkansas (they will officially merge at the beginning of 2012) and now they’re considering performing abortions at clinics in Tulsa and Broken Arrow.
President Ronald Reagan enacted the
by intern Heather B. President Obama’s repeal of the Mexico City Policy, an amendment established “to restore the prohibition on funding of nongovernmental organizations that promote abortion as a method of birth control,” has opened the door to a larger threat of devastating proportions to the international community….
by New York Times has an article on Obama and abortion which discusses his attempts to straddle the issue (at least with his rhetoric) and his upcoming appearance at Notre Dame. The end of the article has this interesting quote from Doug Kmiec: Douglas W. Kmiec, a constitutional scholar and former Notre Dame professor who […]