Pro-life blog buzz 1-13-15
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
- ProLife365 gives six answers to the common pro-abortion argument that claims abortion is better than a child being raised in poverty.
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
by Kelli
Cosmo went into full anti-woman mode. [Writer Jill] Filipovic attacked Jessa Duggar for daring to put history into perspective….
Jessa’s remarks on Instagram conveyed a profound understanding of the past and applied it to the present. Over 56 million human lives have been butchered by an abortion industry birthed in the same racist and elitist pseudoscience of eugenics that created the racial hygiene theory that led to the slaughter of millions in the Holocaust….
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
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Because of its injustice, and because of the teaching of the Church that calls for conscientious objection to such laws, this law has no claim on conscience and should be directly disobeyed and violated.
by Carder Because of a Mamas Day article I wrote on the Huffington Post about how an abortion changed the way I experience Mother’s Day, people I’ve never met requested that I kill myself, get raped, die in childbirth (as a Black woman, that is something for which I am at higher risk), and be sterilized (something that […]
by Carder I love Kennadi with all my heart, and that’s the honest-to-God truth. But it’s been a life change for everybody – my whole family…. Everybody’s had to pitch in…. It’s been hard to wrap my mind around having this child when my other children are grown. It’s not fair. She is the absolute […]
The Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation has quietly hired Tracy Weitz, PhD, MPA, to head its domestic operation.
STBF is the charitable giving outlet for 83-yr-old Warren Buffett, the second richest man in the world, with a net worth of $63.4 billion.
Originally the Buffett Foundation, STBF was renamed by the billionaire in honor of his wife after she died in 2004.
STBF is currently ranked #14 in the Top 100 U.S. Foundations by Total Giving. STBF’s focus is population control. According to Buffett biographer Roger Lowenstein, Buffett has a “Malthusian dread that overpopulation [will] aggravate problems in all other areas – such as food, housing, even human survival.”
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
by Kelli
From reading the New York Times, you might think that religious conservatives had started a culture war over whether company health-insurance plans should cover contraception. What’s at issue in two cases the Supreme Court has just agreed to hear, the Times editorializes, is “the assertion by private businesses and their owners of an unprecedented right to impose the owners’ religious views on workers who do not share them.”
That way of looking at the issue will be persuasive if your memory does not extend back two years. Up until 2012, no federal law or regulation required employers to cover contraception (or drugs that may cause abortion, which one of the cases involves)….