breaking.jpgThis just out, Planned Parenthood’s 2006-07 annual report, for the reporting period July 1, 2006, through June 30, 2007.
I’m linking to it post-haste, fyi. The biggest news is PP for the 1st time made over $1 BILLION in 1 reporting year, $1,017,900,000 to be exact. Last year it made $902 million….

The Congressional Pro-Life Caucus also noted these findings:

  • An increase in the number of provided abortions from 264,943 in 2005 to 289,650 in 2006.
  • A doubling of “excess of revenue over expenses” funds from $55.7 million in 2005 to $112 million in 2006.
  • Acknowledged receipt of over $336 million in government grants and contracts. (Note: the report does not indicate that the government grants and contracts are all from the Federal Government, the exact amount received from each of the Federal, State, and local governments as well as any reimbursements or other payments is not known.)
  • Click to enlarge:
    PP financial2.jpg
    Add your findings from the report in the comments section.
    [HT: Congressional Pro-Life Caucus]

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