New poll/Old poll
The new poll question is up:
On June 4 Republicans shut down the Senate to try to force Democrats to confirm 7 more of Bush’s circuit court nominees before his term ends, which would bring the number (15) to that confirmed during Clinton’s last 2 years. Do you think Republicans should continue the shutdown indefinitely until Democrats yield?
Last week’s off-topic poll yielded landslide results…
If you voted, find your brightly colored flag on the map below:
Our overseas friends did not much care how we get our oil:
As always, make comments to either this or last week’s poll here, not on the Vizu website.
(West Texas Intermediate Crude)
You can see what now appears like a “little” blip upwards in 1990 due to concerns about Iraq and the first Gulf war, but it was nasty at the time.
Then, doldrums until 1999, when a big percentage move up into 2000 began, followed by a wicked correction.
In 2002, the bull market got off the ground in earnest, and the rise during 2007 and 2008 is awe-inspiring.
Certainly “gone parabolic” now, and these things always crash back earthwards. Yet it could be from much higher levels, and the plunge could easily end at $130 or (very believable to me)- the $90 – $100 range, or even $70 – $80.
I realize that on other blogs posting as anonymous is allowed, even encouraged. But here on Jill’s we are all about conversation. Something that is very difficult when 5 or 6 people are posting under the same moniker.
Jill and I have discussed this, and we have decided that from now on anyone posted as anonymous will be removed.
We are trying to make commenting easier for everyone.
You do not need to put your email in to post. So call yourself Buford, Amos, Clyde or Florence and we still won’t know who you are in the real world. But we WILL know who we are speaking with here on Jill’s site.
Thanks for understanding…
(with Jill’s approval)
Should the Republicans keep the Senate shut down?
Now if they would just shut down the congress as well that would be even better.
Haha, there’s no option for not caring about the democrats yielding, but still thinking its JUST fine if the senate is shut down until Bush is out of office.
Shut them down. Congress, since the dems have been in office, have an approval rating that is twice as bad as W’s. Food for thought.
And on the other item, here is something to keep in mind:
Since 1792, there have been five major bull markets in commodities. These lasted: 23, 21, 23, 18 and 12 years for an average of 19.4 years. We are currently eight years into this commodity bull market.
So, buckle up, it’s going to be one heck of a bumpy ride.
Charles, do you have the previous one as starting or being in effect back in 1973?
I had a meeting with AZ Congressman John Shadegg this morning.
Did you know we have 3 times the oil that there us in all of the MIddle East in the form of shale oil in the public land of the Rocky Mountain? Did you know that ANWR is an area the size of a large city airport in a state larger than Texas?
Did you know that the Democratic Congress will not allow Americal oil comapanies to drill offshore, however, China drill just 45 miles off our coastline? This is is governmental insantiy. Combine this with legalized abortion, gay marriage, prayer out of schools, higher taxes and you people want to elect a guy that will put the nails in all our coffins?
The energy issue will be the issue that buryies the Demoocrats this fall due to their refusal to allow this country to harvest the fuel we have right here in our own backyard, the refusal to allow nuclear power plants and refineries to be built, etc. to placate a very small minority of environmentalists.
These are the same nutjob wackos that care more about chickens and cows being killed and eaten for food than they do about babies being killed in the womb. People that think chickens are smarter tha fetuses.
Perhaps when there’s riots in the streets over high energy prices will politicians start to listen to the majority rather than the tyrannical minority.
The insanity of Liberalism must end.
HisMan, great commentary.
I find it interesting that the administration was forced into going to the Middle East to beg and pled for the opening of more oil fields and the expansion of existing projects. The hypocrisy is, just as you mentioned, that we, the US, will not tap ANWR, the coast of California, or the coast of Florida, yet will have no problem pointing the finger at other nations demanding that they do the same! Nor will be authorize a new refinery, as there hasn’t been a new one built since the early 70’s.
This is insanity!
YES for this week, SUPPORT for last week’s or you can do like me and convert your car to run off of waste vegetable oil!!!
Hey -I’m the green one from South Korea..
Great Post Hisman —The insanity of Liberalism must end -Amen brother.
HisMan, you are mistaken. If the Democrats lose the White House in this coming election, it will be because the White Power people are strong in Pennsylvania and Ohio.
You are good at one thing. Stick to that.
Hey -I’m the green one from South Korea..
Jasper, are you over there? I work with some South Koreans – manufacturer’s representatives when we install transformers.
It’s interesting that the Europeans didn’t answer this week’s poll question…wonder why?
allow this country to harvest the fuel we have right here in our own backyard, the refusal to allow nuclear power plants and refineries to be built, etc. to placate a very small minority of environmentalists.
HisMan, I predict market forces will change this. Republican congresses and presidential administrations haven’t done squat on helping our energy situation and policies either – if anything they’ve been even more in the pocket of “big oil.”
You’re right about shale oil – there is vast potential. Shell has been working on drilling down, inserting big “heaters” to liquify the oil, then bring it to the surface. Used to be they said it’d be feasible at $30 per barrel, so I reckon that $130 means the green light is on, bigtime.
It wouldn’t disturb the land surface as much as conventional drilling and production, either.
Charles, I also agree that it’s silly to whine to other countries about increasing their oiil production. Have to laugh – if the Saudis wanted to mess with us, they could just shut off the taps, as they did in 1973, and you’d see oil double (or something) overnight.
Last summer I worked at a place in Washington state that made silicon for the wafer voltaic cells to generate electricity from sunlight. They were booked over three years in advance. The entire alternative energy spectrum is one to watch, as is shale oil, production companies, related and peripheral firms as well. Lots of money to be made.
Then the king said, “Do not kill him, but give the baby to the woman who wants him to live, for she is his mother!”
Wow. That was powerful. Say no more.
MK, one of my favorite biblical stories there.
Come on, you church-goers, git y’selves back ‘ere.
If America was to say to the rest of the world that we are going to begin cultivating our own oil reserves, the opec nations would naturally lower there price per barrel and/or increase production to “make their money” before our reserves hit the pumps.
Simple supply and demand. If we can supply (which we can) to meet our demand, prices drop.
The rest of the world knows we are held down by environmentalists and can therefore price it as they please…
I’m unsure what it will take to get our own oil that we have out of the ground, something big!
:: whoop whoop whoop ::
Fibonacci Alert!
It’s interesting that the Europeans didn’t answer this week’s poll question…wonder why?
Janet, there were problems with Jill’s server last week….?
It’s Sunday night in Deutschland, and some people are voting today.
Doug, I agree with you on this, “Have to laugh – if the Saudis wanted to mess with us, they could just shut off the taps, as they did in 1973, and you’d see oil double (or something) overnight.
” Howerver, if they were to do that, we would pull our troops from the nation, then there would be a coup d’etat — so I don’t think they would try that any time soon. I think the King likes being in power!
:: laughing :: You bet, Charles – the Saudi royals have it GOOD.
“People that think chickens are smarter tha fetuses.”
I don’t know about chickens, but pigs are pretty smart.
Pigs are smart as hell.
“Jasper, are you over there? I work with some South Koreans – manufacturer’s representatives when we install transformers.”
Yes, I’m working at Samsung Doug. …
Cool, Jasper. Keep working and make sure you don’t “dog” it. ; )
“Supporting” domestic oil drilling – 86.1%
This week – as of now – saying “no” to Republicans – 61.8%
Man, I love numbers.