Breaking news: Sebelius vetoes late-term abortion regs
UPDATE, 6:30p: Want to know exactly what Sebelius vetoed? Kansans for Life spelled out the bill:
HB218 increased physician accountability. It:
1) clarified late-term abortion medical diagnoses be reported instead of phony answers
2) required, rather than permitted, the state medical board to revoke license for late-term conviction
3) gave women more protection from unnecessary abortions approved by physicians working for the abortionist [exemplified by the illicit collaboration that the State Board of Healing Arts, March 27, asserted about George Tiller, in their current pursuit to revoke his medical license]
Sebelius’ excuses for vetoing this legislation were unconscionable. But she doesn’t have a conscience, so never mind.
From the Associated Press, moments ago:
KS Gov. Kathleen Sebelius has vetoed a bill that would rewrite a state law restricting late-term abortions.
The measure vetoed Thursday would have required doctors performing late-term abortions to report additional information on those procedures to the KS Dept. of Health and Environment.
The bill also would have allowed women or girls who later believed their abortions were illegal to sue the doctors. Their husbands or, in the case of minors, a parent or guardian, also could sue.
Sebelius questions whether the bill could withstand a court challenge and suggests that some provisions could lead to “intimidation” of health care providers.
[HT: State Sen. Tim Huelskamp, a sponsor of the legislation vetoed; photo courtesy of Operation Rescue]
Sebelius is evil. I hope her nomination is stopped.
It is beyond me how this woman can sleep at night. It is even further beyond my comprehension how she can even present herself in front of the Blessed Sacrament on Sundays.
Talk about a poorly formed conscience.
Seriously, angel. Talk about drinking damnation to herself!
Posted by: Hal at April 23, 2009 10:43 AM
Ken, don’t argue law with me. Let’s pick our state of Washington shall we?
17 year olds can legally have sex with whoever they want. (16 year olds too)
RCW 9A.44.079
If I cannot argue the ‘law’ with you, what would we have to argue about?
I stand corrected. In Washington State two seventeen year old ‘utes’ can ‘legally’ engage in consensual sex.
While I was reading through the statutes I came across the ‘rough justice’ remedy for the 17 year ‘ass’ who would plow with my heifer:
Chapter 16.24 RCW.
“Horses, mules, and ‘ASSES’ running at large:
RCW 16.24.180
Castration or gelding of stock at large.
It shall be lawful for any person having cows or heifers running at large in this state to take up or capture and castrate, at the risk of the owner, at any time between the first day of March and the fifteenth day of May, any bull above the age of ten months found running at large out of the enclosed grounds of the owner or keeper. It shall be lawful for any person to take up or capture and geld, at the risk of the owner, between April 1 and September 30 of any year, any stud horse or jackass or any male mule above the age of eighteen months found running at large out of the enclosed grounds of the owner or keeper. If the said animal shall die, as a result of such castration, the owner shall have no recourse against the person who shall have taken up or captured and castrated, or caused to be castrated, the said animal: PROVIDED, Such act of castration shall have been skillfully done by a person accustomed to doing the same.”
There is probably a you tube clip somewhere that provides the necessary instruction.
yor bro ken
“Sebelius questions whether the bill could withstand a court challenge and suggests that some provisions could lead to “intimidation” of ‘health’ care providers.”
This is not providing health.
Of course intimadation of Real healthcare workers is intentional by eliminating the conscience clauses from those who believe abortion is wrong. She doesn’t know what health means
She is willing to intimidate Health care providors. In fact, they will threaten reimbursement if they don’t coooperate with Obama care.
Good find! :)
Admit it, I made you look.
And the ‘Horses, mules and ASSES running at large’ had to make you crack a smile, if not laugh right out loud.
Fits intern chasin and bed hoppin, Bill Clinton to a ‘T’.
Bill Clinton seldom visits Washington State.
Now we know why.
Hillary probably has some persons skilled in castraion on retainer with the caveat that they dull their blades before they administer the coup de grace.
yor bro ken
such as?
Hmmm… I don’t know how my “such as” comment ended up here. I thought I had put it under another topic.
WOW! The “Dead Babies R Us” crowd must really be proud of Sebeleus being nominated for HHS Secretary by BHO, or should I say President Obamination, she will fight to the death (pun intended)for women’s “Right to Kill” their Unborn and even the born babies who happen to survive a botched abortion right up until the point of delivery, just like her co-hort the President. Looks like she and Obama have much in common, neither of them ever saw a pro-abort bill that they didn’t like and they never saw a bill limiting abortion that they ever liked. Moderator please delete post by xixzs. I did not bother to go to links the titles are disgusting enough. Pro-aborts are on the prowl, it goes with the territory, like their cause of killing babies. “>adult dmoz gallery lesbian eqq “>lesbians sex movies ayhi “>hot lesbian kissing videos dxzumw “>videos of lesbians masturbating together mpdbe “>hot lesbian kissing videos dxzumw “>videos of lesbians masturbating together mpdbe “>tamiflu online pqbhtb “>teen girls modeling panties gug “>teen porn pic video befho “>young teenage sluts cum duavm “>teen celebrity pics bbs vkjcv “>young teenage sluts cum duavm “>teen celebrity pics bbs vkjcv “>ifix photos teens pcxw “>teenage pussy for free usj “>ifix photos teens pcxw “>teenage pussy for free usj “>ifix photos teens pcxw “>teenage pussy for free usj “>ifix photos teens pcxw “>teenage pussy for free usj “>school girl teen porn akqbm “>teens who fuck ehf “>school girl teen porn akqbm “>teens who fuck ehf “>school girl teen porn akqbm “>teens who fuck ehf “>school girl teen porn akqbm “>teens who fuck ehf “>nude colombian teens mfoa “>hot amature teens fucking kkat “>nude colombian teens mfoa “>hot amature teens fucking kkat “>sexy little teens fuck vokmz “>teen lez porn ekeviz “>teen bookbag porn rubf “>sexy little teens fuck fmy “>teen bookbag porn rubf “>sexy little teens fuck fmy “>lighthouse teen porn swcrnb “>teen squirt porn ewj “>lighthouse teen porn swcrnb “>teen squirt porn ewj “>teen girls swallow byhtj “>teen sex intercourse wfk “>free pthc fblss “>preteen nude models bbs top list kppdfj
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