UPDATE, 8:45p: Fr. Pavone has made a YouTube video explaining his plan for Sunday:

Thumbnail image for breaking.jpgFr. Frank Pavone of Priests for Life has announced he will hold an alternative ceremony at the same time as the Notre Dame commencement, 2p, at the Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes on campus.
Seniors not attending their commencement honoring radical pro-abortion President Barack Obama invited Fr. Pavone to offer this option, called the Class of 2009 Vigil for Life.
Fr. Pavone’s statement (bold and italics his)…

In standing with these students, I am standing with the true spirit of ND: a pro-life spirit, in harmony with human reason and Catholic Faith. The scandal that has been generated does not represent what ND is all about; it represents a radical betrayal of what ND is all about. I am encouraged by the pro-life activities of so many student groups on this campus – activities that are carried out all year round.

nd grotto.jpg

Hundreds of thousands of Catholics, hundreds of priests, and dozens of bishops have called upon ND to end this scandal by withdrawing its invitation to President Obama. The result of that demand is not in our control.
But one final response to this scandal is fully in the control of each graduating senior: don’t show up. Don’t participate in an event which will only serve to obscure rather than highlight the Church’s pro-life teaching and the true spirit of ND. Instead, come to the Class of 209 Vigil for Life. The seniors who do this are manifesting the real meaning of commencement: they are carrying out the witness to truth and service that their hard-earned degrees have prepared them to give in the world.

[Photo attribution for Grotto with ND dome in background: Dorothy Corsen]

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