Jill’s spring travels
I travelled a lot during April and took Rich with me a couple times (CA and OR) to expand speaking engagements into mini-vacations.
A highlight had to be meeting moderator and friend Bethany when I spoke last week at the Heartland Crisis Pregnancy Center in Elizabethtown, KY. She and husband James drove over four hours one way to see me, which was so nice…
I usually speak at banquets ranging in attendance from 200 to 1k people. This was one of the larger ones, 800. Bethany captured a photo of the room…
I admit I’m a Twilight book and movie fan. If you’ve seen the movie you know there’s lots of footage of the rainy lushness of its setting, OR. Here’s a misty-glasses self-photo I took trying to create my own Twilight moment while at Multnomah Falls… :)
Also in OR, I wanted to see the end of historic US 30, which passes in front of our IL home. US 30 was the first US road to span America from the east to west coast. Found it in Astoria!…
Last Sunday we visited Saddleback Church in Southern CA. We were heading to our car after service when Pastor Rick Warren popped out of a side door to greet people. Got a photo of Rich and him…
Here’s my favorite photo, taken in Southern CA, of course…

That last photo really does explain a lot!
I seem to remember JP2 discussing Zen Buddhism’s goal in contrast to the Catholic Church’s.
If I remember correctly what the Pope said, Zen’s highest goal is for the practitioner to reach enlightenment by EMPTYING ones’self… while the Church’s goal is for the faithul to reach Heaven thru the FULLNESS of Jesus Christ, his Church and His teachings.
Great pictures, Jill! I got all excited when I saw the Astoria sign but then I realized it was Oregon, not NY. ;)
Cool pics. Jill. Rich & Rick look like they could be brothers! (I guess they are in the Christian sense.)
Boy I would have been tempted to ask Rick why he didn’t oppose abortion more passionately but I’m sure my diplomatic side would have won out. I would have bitten my tongue, smiled and said it was a pleasure to meet him. I might have slipped him a couple of wallet-sized CBR signs if I had them though:)
It was so great meeting Jill!! :) I looked forward to that trip for months.
Pretty girls!! :)
You both look so beautiful in this pic. Jill’s a PL celebrity these days. All of my PL pals have heard all about her of her! :} They say “She’s that nurse, isn’t she?”
Did you drive over the huge bridge that goes across the outlet for the Columbia River? That bridge is over a mile long and always makes me nervous!
Those pictures make me miss home a little bit since the PNW is where I grew up….but then I look outside at the beaver and moose in my front yard and think. “Nah, I think I love the land Im in right now!”
Awesome! I love the fact that you even stalked out Twilight territory…LOL! I sooo would have done that, too. ;)
Your hubby and Pastor Warren really do resemble each other in that photo! :D
Sounds like a great trip.
AK, yes! Our hotel was almost right under that bridge!
Kel, I really, really wanted to go to the town where much of Twilight was filmed. Was fairly close. No time. Boo hoo!
Love the photo of the two beautiful pro-life ladies!
Mmmm, beautiful!
my first and ONLY thought: why are prolife ladies sooooo beautiful!
God bless you both from your secret fan club!!
God bless you Jill for everything you are doing for the unborn. I really believe it’s making a positive impact! I don’t think Barry would have backed down on getting FOCA passed unless he knew he did not have the votes in Congress for it, or there would be a huge public backlash.
As far as Rick Warren is concerned I’ve been disappointed he has not spoken out about the pro life issue. He also seems to have backpedaled on the gay marriage issue. Pastors should not be concered about being politically correct! We need to be Biblically correct.
Finally! You guys have met. Peas in a pod, both of you!
We need a moderator convention, seriously.
2 beautiful women doing beautiful work !
Beautiful photo Jill, and Bethany!
Amen to that Mike…
” US 30 was the first US road to span America from the east to west coast.”
hmm, interesting, I didn’t know that.
Awesome Jill. The PNW is such a wonderful place for on-lookers. Lewis and Clark were big icons of that part of America and still are.
So you stayed in the hotel under the falls?! I’ve always wanted to stay there but we always lived so close it wasn’t worth paying the nightly fee.
My 2 year old hiked all the way to the top and hiked all they way down by himself with no help! That was Jadon and he’s now 6 years old but I guess I did that too when I was three. I’ll have to get my mom to send me that picture!
Jill Stanek – Jill’s spring travels
In 1999 Jill Stanek revealed the truth about induced labor abortion and is now committed to exposing the truth about abortion in totality. Jill and her team will bring you clear, compelling evidence of the horrendous worldwide impact of abortion while …