Jivin J’s Life Links 10-6-09
by JivinJ
It is written by a female abortionist who is extremely direct and the article includes a number of personal stories relating to abortion. She talks about “the personal and psychological aspects” of performing second trimester abortions, the “visual and visceral dimensions of second trimester abortion,” the “violence inherent in abortion, especially apparent in the second trimester” and “legitimate ethical and moral issues providers may have with second trimester abortion, as distinct from first trimester abortion.”
I would strongly suggest you read the whole thing….
Miss Prowse, who eventually gave birth to a healthy baby boy, said she agreed to have an abortion but then changed her mind….
The court was told that Miss Prowse kept the remains of the drinks and, when analysed by police, were found to contain abortion drugs diclofenac, misoprostol and methotrexate.
Miss Prowse said: “He told me if I had the baby it would ‘destroy him’.” The court heard that abortion drugs were found on Erin and his wife had seen him grinding up tablets.
Meanwhile Governor Casey’s son, Senator Bob Casey, seems to be struggling with what to do if abortion funding is included in health care reform legislation:
Casey, in an interview, said it is one of many concerns he plans to bring to the White House and Senate leadership before the measure comes up for a vote.
”We’re trying to make sure we don’t have federal tax dollars paying for abortion,” he said.
Still, he doesn’t want to let any one issue stand in the way of a health care overhaul. ”We shouldn’t have this debate be an impediment to getting a bill passed,” he said.
“We shouldn’t have this debate be an impediment to getting a bill passed”
Oh yes we should.
“Abortioneers” are stigmatized by society like garbagemen and gravediggers? Aren’t those ever ironic choices of professions to cite?! What a feeble attempt at blaming someone else for conflicted feelings as they tear children limb from limb. It’s called a conscience & I suggest rather than hire “facilitators” to “dialogue” with staff, they stop the butchering and hit their knees.
As I read about this abortionist’s own child kicking when she pulled the leg off another child the same gestational age, I couldn’t help but think of Gingi Edmonds’ mother telling about how in utero GE kicked up such a storm as Mom viewed The Silent Scream, that she had to leave the theater.
Endless repetition of the phrase “need an abortion” will never make it true.
Abortioneers blog??? That is amazing that there is such a blog! I’m off to read it now…
Jill — just came across this, thought you might be interested… //www.black-and-right.com/2009/10/06/planned-parenthoods-continued-degradation-of-women/ (took off the http)
I can’t bring myself to pollute my mind by reading “Abortioneers”. (A quick glance was enough.) I would recommend sending the link to every pro-choicer we know, especially politicians, so they can become more aware of the filth they support, passively or aggressively, as the case may be. The truth must be known by all.
Lord have mercy on us all.
You’re right, Janet, it’s turning my stomach….
It makes me cry. How are we so self-absorbed that we don’t see it?
Gotta love this line: “Pregnancy itself is different from other bodily states. It is an ambiguous, liminal border-state that is neither one nor two people.”
Your wife is not pregnant, she is in an ambiguous, liminal border-state that is neither one nor two people. Congratulations! When will your liminality come to fruition?
LOL. Nice observation, Andrew.
These people have created such a disconnect from reality in order to justify their atrocious acts…it’s frightening how they can rationalize something like that in such a way.
I think it’s worthwhile to understand the mental processes necessary to practice abortion.
It helps to understand where a lot of them come from, which is a state of hopelessness for women and children. Early on, the optimism about the possibility of women being revered and respected for their full natural potential has been stripped away. There is also the spectre of child abuse. From the chosen nics of some people speaking on the abortion issue, their own objectification from a very early age becomes starkly apparent.
Imagine starting and living your life in the middle of a battlefield with rape and carnage all around you. You might choose to end human suffering in the same way that these people choose to, by ending the life of the victim. In the cases of abortionists, their personal lives might have some kind of analogous beginning, or perhaps they received endless video or other stimuli to mimic this situation.
The article points out that human instinct rebels against killing one’s own.
Some abortion workers quit, because the natural instinct becomes overwhelming, or they are given access to hope through contact with the Creator.
I’d choke my way through the article if I were you, so you can understand more on how the demand for abortion can be eliminated.
I don’t dream that a lifetime of adverse conditions can be wiped away quickly. Also, our own choice to avoid participating in abortion or even to avoid abortion ourselves is soon to be curtailed by the cost constraints of socialized medicine. So I instead asked this question on the abortioneers forum:
Do you think that abortion practitioners and ancillary personnel should be allowed to choose whether or not to offer second and third trimester abortion services?
Does willingness to perform early procedures in any way negate a choice to refuse to perform later procedures?
Would you support legal provisions (such as exemptions from lawsuits or loss of license) for those who choose not to perform the later procedures?
from the abortioneers blog:
“When I was a little over 18 weeks pregnant with my now pre-school child, I did a second trimester abortion for a patient who was also a little over 18 weeks pregnant. As I reviewed her chart I realised that I was more interested than usual in seeing the fetal parts when I was done, since they would so closely resemble those of my own fetus. I went about doing the procedure as usual, removed the laminaria I had placed earlier and confirmed I had adequate dilation. I used electrical suction to remove the amniotic fluid, picked up my forceps and began to remove the fetus in parts, as I always did. I felt lucky that this one was already in the breech position – it would make grasping small parts (legs and arms) a little easier. With my first pass of the forceps, I grasped an extremity and began to pull it down. I could see a small foot hanging from the teeth of my forceps. With a quick tug, I separated the leg. Precisely at that moment, I felt a kick – a fluttery “thump, thump” in my own uterus. It was one of the first times I felt fetal movement. There was a leg and foot in my forceps, and a “thump, thump” in my abdomen. Instantly, tears were streaming from my eyes – without me – meaning my conscious brain – even being aware of what was going on. I felt as if my response had come entirely from my body, bypassing my usual cognitive processing completely. A message seemed to travel from my hand and my uterus to my tear ducts. It was an overwhelming feeling – a brutally visceral response – heartfelt and unmediated by my training or my feminist pro-choice politics. It was one of the more raw moments in my life. Doing second trimester abortions did not get easier after my pregnancy; in fact, dealing with little infant parts of my born baby only made dealing with dismembered fetal parts sadder.”
Please make the above the QotD, and leave it up for at least a week. The world should read that.
Hal…are you seeing this?
With names like Placenta Sandwich and Vulva Flower, one’s imagination need not go very far.
Basically, this well-versed doctor has publicly confessed that hers is not the most glamorous occupation out there, but she needs affirmation.
A procedure that brings a subconscious tear to her eye must surely be necessary. Somehow. No, really. So much so that she has to integrate group therapy with the staff to work through their reactions.
Good grief, if that’s not proof enough…
I don’t see hopelessness for women and children as the reason the author fights her own natural revulsion for abortion. It’s that somehow, even before she had any personal encounter with the reality of abortion, she identified herself as “prochoice”. And she is now clinging to that identity, even as her heart and soul push her to reject the identity, to embrace nonviolence. She admits that the prolifers embrace her reality, while the prochoicers embrace, well, abortion. But she doesn’t want to be one of those “prolifers”; she wants to belong to her peer group, the prochoicers — even if it means killing a deep and holy part of herself to do so. And that’s very sad.
I just wonder how, in the battle between the nonviolent part of herself and the “prochoice” part, the nonviolent part lost.
Janet I like your suggestion. I would love for PBHO and all the prodeath legislators to be locked in a room and hear this account by the 18 week pregnant abortionist performing the abortion on the 18 week old baby read aloud so they would have to hear every sickening, nauseating word of this mutilation, torture and murder of an innocent baby. Can someone read this on the floor of the Senate and House of Representatives, we need to get this out to the public.
Hey Xalisae how are you? I like your suggestion to leave this up as Quote of the Day for a week as well. This whole description makes me want to puke and to cry. God help us!! What are we doing in this country that we can justify this?
I don’t think there was one part of that ‘blog’ that didn’t leave me stunned. To think that she could be pregnant, and tear apart a baby the same gestational age….then CONTINUE to perform abortions again and again…??? As I said, I’m just…stunned! :(
that quote sickens me……her BABY in her womb was probably kicking in protest to what she was doing.
On the blog was also the abortion worker clinging to the belief that no pain is felt by a 20-something week old fetus, despite the work of KJS Anand, and visual evidence to the contrary.
I think for those who are not complete sociopaths, the pro choice ideology itself stems from the previously mentioned hopelessness. The actual participation in abortion is an outcropping of that.
I’m good, L, we’re currently in dire financial straights, but that’s soon to change, hopefully. The VA is so slow with everything…it’s rather depressing.
I think someone should read this aloud on national television as a pro-life PSA. This should be yelled in the House and Senate. This should be submitted as evidence in an appeal of Roe…How can anyone need more evidence than this?
Xalisae, if they need more evidence than this then they have got to be a cruel, cold-blooded b—–d, with absolute ice water running through their veins. The buckets of blood that must have been at this woman’s feet when she did this. I have seen D&C’s performed (for legitimate medical reasons only) and they are bloody procedures. Let me tell you, to tear a baby apart limb by limb and to crush the head (which I think I have heard that abortionist call number 1 in their lingo) the bleeding has got to be so profuse you don’t want to imagine it. We need to get this information out but I don’t know how. BHO, Pelosi, the “Dead Babies R Us” crowd and company would never want this exposed. How can anyone be for this sickening barbaric procedure? I never imagined we would have a president who is for PBA and voted against BAIPA not once not twice but three times, even after he heard Jill’s testimony, he was still unmoved and arrogant.
I will pray that your financial situation will change quickly.
I’ve seen pro-choice people who get pregnant after having earlier had an abortion or two. Since they must cling to the idea that abortion is not the murdering of a baby they almost can’t get excited over their current pregnancies.
when I was pregnant I loved every ultrasound, reveled in every kick, took pride in my round belly, thought about my baby constantly and with deep love. My pro-choice friends WANT to enjoy their pregnancies….they WANT to be excited and read about the growth and development of their babies…but they can’t. To do so would be to show them the humanity of their first babies that they aborted. One pro-choice friend was in tears when she learned she would have to have an ultrasound for a medical reason. She did not want to see her baby. She wanted to believe it was a blob like the one she aborted..but in her heart she knew the truth, thus the tears.
Reading this abortionist’s account of having to care for her infant and then go to work and reassemble mutilated infant parts reminded me of this internal war faced by those who abort or have aborted. So horrible and sad.
This is what abortion does. It turns people into a sum of their parts. This abortionist couldn’t accept that her heart was hurting. She refused to accept that her emotions were controlling her tears. Rather, her body bypassed her senses.
Abortion takes us as people and makes us into pieces. Hearts that beat, lungs that breathe, muscles and ligaments and bones and skin without meaning. Without sanctity.
That is what it must do, in order to justify the taking of a human life. Reduce humans to parts, to soulless embodiments. Shells. And once that is done, abortion becomes acceptable. Because, after all, it’s just the removal of pieces of a shell from your body…. Read More
But the reality, the brutal truth, is that even this abortionist knows. Her soul, her conciousness, that vital life breath KNOWS that we cannot be separated from WHO we are.
Lord, I pray for your understanding and love to touch the hearts of this and other pro-choice advocates. Please, God, let their brains accept what their beings know. Open their hearts and their minds to your Truth, Lord.
For the sake of his sorrowful passion, Have Mercy On Us, and on the whole world!
How can I help? My family and I have been there too.
Let me know if I can send you some cash!! I mean it!
Amen, MaryRose. Amen.
This is what abortion does. It turns people into a sum of their parts.
Bingo, MaryRose
And that thinking puts humans below what is true of animals, even.
Pharm-life sometimes involves killing animals, and the reason for not wanting or liking this, is that which is observed during the death process. “The lights go out”. Animals are more than the sum of their parts.
How much more so of humans, who SHOULD be aware of these facts and able to communicate them!?
Note to you animal lovers: when people learn to respect human life, it necessarily trickles down to the animals. Acceptance of abortion has been a setback for both.
Well-spoken, Pharmer! Acceptance of abortion has contributed to the degradation of humanity in many ways seemingly unconnected to abortion.
I thank you all for your kind thoughts, words, and prayers. It means so much to my family and myself.
Today we recieved news that the VA is giving advances because they’re taking so long with distributing funds. He’ll be going in tomorrow to recieve some desperately needed funds. Also, today he picked my youngest brother up from school (swine flu-a blessing in disguise) and struck up a conversation with staff there, and found that the contract they have with their current I.T. staff would be expiring soon and they were unhappy with this company’s service and were considering hiring a full time independent I.T. person, so they asked for his information for a job which he would easily be able to do while attending college. Now if only he can get it…
I think we need to copy and save the entire article as when you will want to read out in public the author will probably delete it. If we just use parts, prochoice poeple may say, that we are lying, inventing it, exagerating it, ect.
I’m praying your husband gets the I.T. job!
One step ahead of you, Chantal. I already copy/pasted the entire thing to my blog.
And thank you, Janet and Carla. I *heart* you guys. :D
Heart you too, X. You know that. :)
I will be praying that all of the funds show up and the IT job works out!!
How is your brother doing? Several of my friend’s children have had swine flu and scooted right on back to school after a couple of days. Won’t see that on the news though.
he’s much better today. It actually not a big deal. Kathloon Sebelius is out urging everyone to get the shot…It’ll be a cold day you-know-where before I trust someone who was BFFs with a mass murderer with the health and safety of my family and I.
Wait. Did you just say that swine flu is not a big deal?? You are in big trouble, missy! :P
I am glad your brother is on the mend. No shots for us either!
Xalisae, just want to let you know you and your family are in my prayers. Take care.