Jivin J’s Life Links 11-2-09
by JivinJ
In August, the company delayed human clinical trials of the drug candidate because some of the animals treated with the injection developed microscopic spinal cysts. The company has been testing the product on rats and mice.
“Eva Marie is a wee miracle,” says Donna. “I want people to look at Eva Marie’s story and see how she survived at 24 weeks. If there’s anyone out there considering abortion, Eva Marie’s story may make them think again. Doctors say she is a true warrior. Now she’s just like a newborn baby weighing six pounds. Eva Marie is absolutely amazing – she is one of Derry’s real life miracles.”

“anti-abortion-rights”…yeah, right. BOY, I SURE HATE RIGHTS! What a biased piece of crap. The comments section reflects the tone of the bit nicely.
Is there a law in NC against carrying a gun within x feet of an abortion clinic?
There isn’t where I live. It is only against the law to carry a gun into those buildings that have prohibited guns on their premises.