Bottom line: Fox wins, White House loses. From the Huffington Post, this afternoon…

White House senior adviser David Axelrod has given an interview to Fox News’ Major Garrett, the latest sign that the administration is ramping down its feud with the cable news outlet.

David Axelrod, Fox, Obama.jpg

Clips of Axelrod’s interview will air on Fox News throughout the day as well as on Special Report with Bret Baier at 6p and The Fox Report at 7p….
The interview touched on topics including Afghanistan, health care, Iran, yesterday’s election and the 1 year anniversary of the President’s election to office. No word if the 2 also discussed the White House’s feud with Fox….

Fox News executive Michael Clemente met at the White House with Press Secretary Robert Gibbs last week. Axelrod had coffee with Fox News chief Roger Ailes in September.
Axelrod told Bob Schieffer on CBS’ Face the Nation Sunday that the White House isn’t “at war with anyone.”
“We’re at war only with people who represent mistruths as truth,” he said. “And that’s true of any network whether it’s Fox, CBS, or any other network. When errors of fact are stated or when opinion is offered as fact, we will challenge that. And that is – that will be our policy going forward. And the American people deserve that. And we have to do that for the sake of the administration.”
Obama campaign manager David Plouffe is set to appear on On the Record Thursday.

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