White House stops chasing Fox
Bottom line: Fox wins, White House loses. From the Huffington Post, this afternoon…
White House senior adviser David Axelrod has given an interview to Fox News’ Major Garrett, the latest sign that the administration is ramping down its feud with the cable news outlet.
Clips of Axelrod’s interview will air on Fox News throughout the day as well as on Special Report with Bret Baier at 6p and The Fox Report at 7p….
The interview touched on topics including Afghanistan, health care, Iran, yesterday’s election and the 1 year anniversary of the President’s election to office. No word if the 2 also discussed the White House’s feud with Fox….
Fox News executive Michael Clemente met at the White House with Press Secretary Robert Gibbs last week. Axelrod had coffee with Fox News chief Roger Ailes in September.
Axelrod told Bob Schieffer on CBS’ Face the Nation Sunday that the White House isn’t “at war with anyone.”
“We’re at war only with people who represent mistruths as truth,” he said. “And that’s true of any network whether it’s Fox, CBS, or any other network. When errors of fact are stated or when opinion is offered as fact, we will challenge that. And that is – that will be our policy going forward. And the American people deserve that. And we have to do that for the sake of the administration.”
Obama campaign manager David Plouffe is set to appear on On the Record Thursday.
Axelrod told Bob Schieffer on CBS’ Face the Nation Sunday that the White House isn’t “at war with anyone.”
“We’re at war only with people who represent mistruths as truth,” he said.
Does that ‘anyone’ include Jew hating mass murderers and serial killers?
Does that ‘anyone’ include people who hate America and Americans and want to destroy us?
Does that ‘anyone’ include people who agree with your ‘statist ideologies’ and pragmatic approach to people who have lived beyond their ‘productive years’?
yor bro ken
Ken, you seriously need to relax
Does that “anyone” include individuals who circulate false information about where AARP support lies, perhaps? ;)
WOW! That means that the White House must be at war with CNN, ABC, NBC, the NY Times…. The tanks & helicopters must be circling DC by now.
Thanks for the reminder. I am going to my happy place now.
Assuming lotus position, eyes closed, cleansing breaths, ahhhhhhhhhhhhuhmmmmm.
Open eyes, aurameter is almost at neutral.
Body Ph is slighly alkyline.
Blood pressure normal 110 over 70.
Well I certainly ‘feel’ better, but as far as I can tell the present reality has not changed one iota.
Axelrod told Bob Schieffer on CBS’ Face the Nation Sunday that the White House isn’t “at war with anyone.”
“We’re at war only with people who represent mistruths as truth,” he said.
This might explain B.O.’s detachment from the ‘war’ in Afghnistan.
You remember, the war B.O. said we should be fighting.
Does that ‘anyone’ include Jew hating mass murderers and serial killers?
Does that ‘anyone’ include people who hate America and Americans and want to destroy us?
Does that ‘anyone’ include people who agree with your ‘statist ideologies’ and pragmatic approach to people who have lived beyond their ‘productive years’?
Maybe I need to work harder at relaxing.
yor bro ken
I understand Boo Hoo Beck is in the hospital and needs someone who is adept at paranoid crazy talk to take over his show. Ken should audition.
Someone in the Whitehouse finally cracked a book about how PR works.
Just because quisling apologists and apathetic appeasers attempt to divert attention from the present reality by falsely saying I am paranoid does not mean, the Jew hating mass murderers and serial killers are not out to destroy all of us.
Ft. Hood suspect reportedly shouted `Allahu Akbar’
FORT HOOD, Texas – Soldiers who witnessed the shooting rampage at Fort Hood that left 13 people dead reported that the gunman shouted “Allahu Akbar!” before opening fire, the base commander said Friday.
Lt. Gen. Robert Cone said officials had not yet confirmed that the suspected shooter, Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, made the comment, which is Arabic for “God is great!” before the rampage Thursday, which left 30 people wounded, including the gunman.
At least six months ago, Hasan came to the attention of law enforcement officials because of Internet postings about suicide bombings and other threats, including posts that equated suicide bombers to soldiers who throw themselves on a grenade to save the lives of their comrades.
“He said Muslims had a right to attack” the U.S., said Col. Terry Lee, who worked with Hasan at the Texas post, where the devout Sunni Muslim refused deployment. “He said Muslims shouldn’t be fighting Muslims,” he added. “He was very clear on that.”
This summer, Lee says he overheard Hasan praise the Muslim who shot two soldiers at a military recruiting station in Little Rock, Ark.
“He was happy” about it, Lee said in an interview with Fox News. “He said ‘Maybe we should have more of these people. Maybe people should strap [on] bombs and go into town squares.'”
It seems the conservative christians are not the only ones clinging to their God and their guns.
But the Jew hating mass murderers and serial killers are actually using their guns in the name of their god to kill indicriminately.
yor bro ken
We can expect the state-run media to downplay the jihad aspect of this. I’m already reading articles with quotes about harrassment for being Muslim. Countdown for BO to turn this into a “teachable tolerance lesson” in 3, 2, 1…
On another thread the question was raised about the death penalty and I’ll point out that the biblical standard is a minimum of two eyewitnesses. Despite what many may believe, it is NOT primarily as a warning to others, but because God created us in His image:
“Whoever sheds man’s blood, by man his blood will be shed, for in the image of God He made man” (Genesis 9:6). See Leviticus 20 regarding killing your own children/tolerating others to do so. If OT truths seem harsh, try Romans 1:28-32 on for size:
Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless. Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.
God requires a people to address heinous crimes as a society in this way to preserve those who remain and not allow the evil to pervade the civilization as a whole.
Hasan methodically killed 13 yesterday and wounded at least 30. More than two witnesses saw him do so. Since he was only wounded, he must be disappointed his promised 72 virgins do not await him, but he may believe he’ll still be a martyr if executed for this act of jihad.
I just finished reading about some of the Ft. Hood victims, and then saw below the following in Related Stories:
Obama says don’t jump to conclusions on shooting
AP ‘Islam not responsible’ for massacre
AFP Army post shooting rampage leaves 13 dead, 30 hurt
AP US Army committed to religious tolerance: general AFP
Posted by: klynn73 at November 6, 2009 11:18 AM Countdown for BO to turn this into a “teachable tolerance lesson” in 3, 2, 1…
Can we get some perspective, PLEASE? Are they actually going to attempt to turn this into a “poor Major mass murderer was a victim of hate speech” object lesson? That might work just as well for the WH as the attack on Fox has. People are smarter than they give them credit for, and it’s going to bite them & hard if they attempt such shenanigans.