Freancheska Velez, Ft. Hood, pregnant, Unborn Victims of Violence Act.png
According to the Washington Post, November 6…

Pfc. Francheska Velez had survived a tour disarming bombs in in Iraq. After a visit home in August, the 21-year-old Chicago resident learned she was pregnant.

Francheska Velez, Unborn Victims of Violence, Ft. Hood 3.jpg

Velez arranged for maternity leave, and she stopped at Fort Hood, TX, on her way home.
Velez was among the 13 people killed Thursday at a soldier readiness facility at the sprawling military post when an Army psychiatrist, Maj. Nidal Hasan, allegedly opened fire on a crowd of soldiers. At least 30 others were wounded….

No, according to the Unborn Victims of Violence Act, signed into law in 2004, Velez’s little preborn baby was a victim, too. That tragically raises the count to 14.
As described in layman’s terms in Wikipedia, the baby was potentially covered by UVVA 3 ways, because the crime was 1) committed on federal property, 2) by a member of the military, and 3) as an act of terrorism.
Two things remain to be seen. First, will the Obama administration allow the Muslim man who shouted “Allahu Akbar!” as he began his shooting spree to be prosecuted as a terrorist?
2nd, will the Obama administration include Francheska Velez’s preborn baby as 1 of the victims, as specified by federal law?

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