Los Altos pro-lifers march against Raging Grannies
The Los Altos, CA, business community calls its city “one of a kind.” I’ll say. Here’s an interesting tradition, as reported by the MercuryNews.com, January 22:
For a few minutes on a drizzly Friday afternoon, quiet downtown Los Altos became a hotbed of protest over one of the most heated political issues of recent decades: abortion.
Every year on Jan. 22, the anniversary of the US Supreme Court’s 1973 decision legalizing abortion in Roe v. Wade, anti-abortion and abortion rights activists march down opposite sidewalks on Main Street….
The 26th annual “Pro-Life Prayer Walk” in Los Altos was timed to coincide with the “March for Life” in Washington, D.C.
In 2002, the local chapter of the American Association of University Women began hosting its own march in Los Altos, “Step Out for Pro-Choice,” to counter the anti-abortion walk.
Friday’s abortion rights walk began with a rally at the Los Altos Youth Center, and the anti-abortion walk began with a Mass at St. Nicholas Church. Both sides took to the streets at about 12:30p, carrying signs saying “Women deserve better than abortion” on one side and “Pro-children, Pro-family, Pro-choice” on the other. They met up on Main Street and walked in the same direction, though on opposite sides. While the abortion rights group shouted occasional chants such as “Trust women, give them choice,” the anti-abortion walkers prayed quietly….
A pro-abort blogger named counterpoint to anti-choice march posted some photos at IndyBay.org…
Here’s what counterpoint wrote to introduce the following photos…
The Raging Grannies sang for inspiration, then led the march through the streets of downtown Los Altos. The 7 Grannies, gathered behind their banner, fell behind on occasion but quickly caught up and led the group in song… loudly enough to be heard by the anti-choice crowd on the other side of Main St….
The Raging Grannies represent the most foolish pro-abort demographic on the planet.
They don’t get that they’re next – and they’re the very reason they’re next.
[Top 3 photos via MercuryNews.com]
Would love to see a comment here from a Raging Granny. How would they defend their position?
Has anyone told these biddies that Woodstock was over 40 years ago and we pulled out of Vietnam already?
Truly nothin’ uglier than singing Pro-Abort Hags praising Womb War Violence. Halitosis of the Heart. The Stench should be considered a toxic pollution that murders, maims, destroys. Don’t those Grannies realize the slim-jim replaces a clothes hanger these days? Don’t those Grannies realize any woman who would use a hanger or slim jim just really needs COUNSELING? Wow. Talk about stuck in a time warp zone. They aren’t over a few clothes hanger traumas of which counseling would have prevented.
Would love to see a comment here from a Raging Granny. How would they defend their position?
Posted by: Janet at January 24, 2010 2:12 PM
The same way all other pro choice adovocates defend their position. Why do you assume it would be any different because they’re grandmothers?
Most “Raging Grannies” aren’t actually grandmothers. I’ve met several through other protest events (not related to abortion), and have yet to find one who did have grandkids. In fact, three said they weren’t event mothers…
On their way to Hell.
How God would love to redeem them from their current path of destruction.
In fact, He already has. I’m sure they’ve been told. They must not want any part of Him.
Places to go, people to see, babies to kill…
Hal @ 4:03,
It would be fun to hear the Grannies’ nonsensical rage. (Age is pretty irrelevant if you look at their photos.)
Pro-life atheist,
Are they as enraged as they purport to be, or is their name just a ploy for attention? Maybe they’re a fun bunch…(?)
“Maybe they’re a fun bunch…(?)”
I’m being sarcastic….
You know, I hate to be mean, but I mean really, the abortionists just do not ever improve their game plan.
They are the most clueless, totally out of it, irrational people who ever managed to dodge the abortionist and crawl out of the womb alive.
I mean, “pro-child, pro-choice”? Are they for real?
I mean, “coathangers”? The “coathanger” and “back alley” fallacy was refuted forty years ago!
I mean, grandmothers? As in, “I was protected when I was an unborn child but you shouldn’t be”?
As in, “we didn’t reproduce but we still expect Social Security and Medicare from all the young workers who aren’t here because, well, you know why they aren’t here”? As in, “we will be the first to go under socialized medicine because there are not enough young people to support the system because…”?
Abortionist activists are just a very difficult group of people to reason with.
I heard that Planned Parenthood has a necklace out with a hanger on it! I wonder how many of these ladies have had an abortion. I used to be like these ladies,pro-choice all the way, mean spirited, bitter, but after I met Jesus Christ as my Savior, years later, I was hurting from my past abortions,(that I had Before Christ) then He lead me to a program for healing and restoration for women that have had abortions. Praise God and now I am Pro-Life!!! We need to pray for these women.
Abortionist activists are just a very difficult group of people to reason with.
Posted by: Joe at January 24, 2010 6:08 PM
I think they’d say the same about you.
Worldwide Womb Terrorists
Next year I want to see Roe’s been saved signs, I think I did see a “join Roe be pro-life” sign at the march this year. I will never be able to understand how any can support abortion, let alone some one who has had a child. These poor women.
from Womb to Tomb via Vacuum (and dumpster)
I have one of the “Roe has been Saved. She’s now PRO LIFE” signs. :D American Life League sells them.
That’s a good one! Another crafty sign I’d like to see would go like this, “Roe has made her CHOICE, she’s PRO LIFE”