Read Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part VI, Part VII, Part VIII, Part IX, and Part X. Pro-lifers can share their thoughts at #livetweetingabortion. (Also read Bryan Kemper’s Q&A with Angie Jackson today.)
Recall before Angie started her RU-486 abortion she seriously underestimated its seriousness:
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And even after Angie left Planned Parenthood when starting her RU-486 abortion she had no clue…

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What kind of homework did Angie do before deciding on an RU-486 abortion? Apparently none. And what did PP teach Angie about her RU-486 abortion? Clearly nothing.
Well, here’s the harsh reality, from the horses’ mouths:
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Now Angie knows. She found out the hard way, when it was too late to turn back…
angie 2 weeks for ru486.png
Angie Jackson.jpgBy live tweeting her abortion, Angie has performed a different kind of public service than she intended. No one can read her exhaustive and exhausting dismal account and want what she had.
And so we launch the next batch of tweets I pulled, where, after Angie’s 1st dose of misoprostol fails and she has to take another dose, the grind of her RU-486 abortion really begins – along with the nausea, vomiting, headaches, cramping, bleeding, and Vicodin popping….
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At this point I must interrupt Angie’s incessant tweets claiming she over-contracepted herself 3 different ways. It was simply a lie. Jumping ahead to a guest blog post Angie wrote on February 22 indicates Angie’s aborted baby was apparently conceived after his or her irresponsible, hormone-driven parents used no protection. This fact also makes Angie’s claims pregnancy would kill her pretty hard to believe. She wasn’t so worried when it mattered.
Can Angie not keep track of her tales? Does she think people are stupid and won’t compare her various accounts?
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Continuing Angie’s tweets…
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Slide22, live tweeting abortion.PNG
Slide23, live tweeting abortion.PNG
Slide24, live tweeting abortion.PNG
Slide25, live tweeting abortion.PNG

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