Jivin J’s Life Links 4-8-10
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
The most heartbreaking case isn’t the 12 year old who was raped by her stepfather. It’s not the woman who is pregnant with a very much wanted pregnancy, thanks to donor insemination, and who now has to terminate because of severe anomalies…. But the most heartbreaking case is the woman who takes pains to reassure me, to reassure my manager, to reassure my co-worker, to reassure the doctor, that she isn’t a murderer….
A couple of weeks ago, I counseled one of these women. She had told me about her dissolving marriage and her plans to return to school, she had beamed while talking about her 4 children at home. She had expressed sadness about having this abortion, and we talked about coping and God as a forgiving presence and compassion and the spirit of the pregnancy and I said the words, “You’re still a good person.” At the end of the session, she volunteered another fact that didn’t fit on her medical history: “I’m not a murderer.” And my heart broke.
Jack Kevorkian is a dangerous nut who should be shunned, not celebrated. But you won’t see any of this in the movie, because HBO, the producers, and Pacino don’t know Jack. And the worst part is that they – and the popular media generally – don’t want to know Jack. They have a story they want to tell and facts would just get in the way.
And yes, he does look like a killer.
I had an abortion 3 years ago. When I found out I was pregnant, regardless of how pro-choice I was, all the years of Catholic school and Silent Scream and ridiculous, inaccurate things sprouted up in my mind. It made for a really hard time for me leading up to having the procedure, and it was hard to sift through the information for what I needed. MO laws also made it incredibly difficult for me to actually get an abortion, and I had to wait around and listen to false claims that abortion kills women. I had an abortion, and I have not spent one day regretting it since.
[Poster graphic via Filmofilia.com]
One of the Abortion Gang provides a bunch of reasons why she is pro-choice. Here’s the final reason:
I had an abortion 3 years ago. When I found out I was pregnant, regardless of how pro-choice I was, all the years of Catholic school and Silent Scream and ridiculous, inaccurate things sprouted up in my mind. It made for a really hard time for me leading up to having the procedure, and it was hard to sift through the information for what I needed.
A well-formed conscience is a hard thing to ignore. Those darn Catholics….
Isaiah 5:20
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.
I had to wait around and listen to false claims that abortion kills women.
Why don’t you tell that to the families of the hundreds of moms who have died in “safe” legal abortions?
“I had an abortion, and I have not spent one day regretting it since.”
Scott Roeder shot abortionist and son of an abortionist, George Tiller in the head while Tiller was serving as an usher on Sunday morning in the midst of the congregation that found a way to overlook the blood on Georges hands and Scott Roeder “has not spent one day regretting it since”.
Retroflecting on how you ‘feel’ about something you have done does NOT change the rightness or wrongness of your act.
yor bro ken
If abortion doesn’t kill women (if not physically, it can kill women emotionally or spiritually) then what did Christin Gilbert die of? She died following an abortion that she was forced into because she was a victim of sexual assault. She had DOWNS SYNDROME and the abortion KILLED HER. Instead of going to the HOSPTIAL, her parents went to tiller’s clinic where she stopped breathing. Perhaps if they had gone to a REAL medical facility, Christin could have been saved.
What did Holly Patterson die of? Complications related to the abortion pill.
And you say women don’t die?
Very interesting the girl who had the abortion three years ago is now a lesbian. According to the book “Forbidden Grief” it is not uncommon for most lesbians to have an abortion in their heterosexual past. Its normally the even that catapults them into a homosexual lifestyle.
I don’t get how this woman can call her self compassionate if she doesn’t find a 12 year old rape victim heartbreaking to a greater extent than a woman who is apprehensive about having an abortion.
She is delusional.