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by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN

  • Albert Mohler asks and answers the question, “… [S]hould Christians defy the government and refuse to pay taxes if some involvement in abortion is almost certain?”
  • MIntheGap draws attention to International Planned Parenthood’s Declaration of Sexual Rights in a video produced by American Life League. M states…

    If you cannot believe that a CareNet Pregnancy Center (pro-life) counselor could be objective, how could you believe a counselor who’s [sic] paycheck comes from abortion could be completely objective, or even attempt to encourage anything but the “easy way” out[?] …
    Planned Parenthood, like any company, knows how to grow its market. The key is to allow as much sex to happen as possible, and to do what it can to prevent anyone from voicing a message of restraint:

  • has a video interview from Facing Life Head-On with singer Matt Kennon. Matt was almost aborted but ended up being adopted instead. His song, “The Call” focuses on stories regarding abortion and suicide.
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