Jivin J’s Life Links 6-11-10
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
To clarify whether Daniels simply wants to de-emphasize these issues or actually not act on them, I asked if, as president, he would issue an executive order to reinstate Reagan’s “Mexico City Policy” his first week in office. (Obama revoked the policy during his first week in office.) Daniels replied, “I don’t know.”…
The revelations centre on t-shirt designs made for soldiers that make light of shooting pregnant Palestinian mothers and children and include images of dead babies and destroyed mosques.
The t-shirts were printed for Israeli soldiers at the end of periods of deployment or training courses and were discovered by Israeli newspaper Haaretz.
One, printed for a platoon of Israeli snipers depicts an armed Palestinian pregnant women caught in the crosshairs of a rifle, with the disturbing caption in English: “1 shot 2 kills”.
A spokesman for the Israeli Defense Forces has condemned the shirts as “tasteless” and “unacceptable.”
From KBMC in Overland, KS: “According to its web site, the clinic provides more than just abortion services. It provides health care to women.”
Glad they recongize the difference!
Considering all the abortion that goes on in Israel, particularly with IDF, it’s amazing the t-shirt designers could be so stupid!
Check this link out for the real story of what abortion is doing to Israel:
Posted by: Chris Arsenault at June 11, 2010 1:45 PM
I viewed the video clip.
If the are figures that Sandy gave, concerning abortion in Israel, are any where near accurate I am stunned.
I do not want to believe what Sandy is saying, but I have to set my emotions aside and face the facts.
If I simply ‘relied on my own understanding’ I would begin to question my faith in God.
But then I remember that God chose to call one such as me to Himself and forgave all my crimes. Those committed against HIM and those committed against my ‘self’ and those committed against others.
He satisfied the demands of the Law, which HE gave for my good, and suffered and died in my place that I might not just live, but that I might have fullness of joy and abundance of life and peace that surpasses understanding and a an intimate relationship with Him that produces eternal life in me.
HE not only revoked the curses I had brought upon myself by violating the Law, HE has blessed me with eternal and irrevokable blessings.
The sons of Abraham, both natural and spiritual, are heirs to this same promise in the Messaiah.
Therefore I am encouraged that the blood of Jesus can and will redeem all that was lost and expiate the pollution of the Promised Land that has come as a result of the shed blood of the innocents.
The statistics on abortion in Israel in the above video are pretty close to accurate — 50,000 per year, at least 1.5 million since the founding of the State of Israel in 1948. They are cited elsewhere by Jewish organizations working to help women with crisis pregnancies avoid abortion, such as EFRAT (http://www.friendsofefrat.org/) and the Jewish Pro-Life Foundation (http://www.jewishprolifefoundation.org/). While I am disgusted by the aforementioned t-shirts, it does allude to Arafat’s comment that the Palestinian’s greatest weapon was their women’s wombs, and by contrast, Israel’s high abortion rate is a prescription for demographic suicide (http://www.friendsofefrat.org/self-annihilation.php).
For the inhabitants of the Land who are before you committed all these abominations, and the Land became contaminated. Let not the Land disgorge you for having contaminated it, as it disgorges the nation that was before you. For if anyone commits any of these abominations, the people doing so will be cut off from among their people (Leviticus 18:27-29)