Jivin J’s Life Links 6-3-10
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
Compared with women who had 1st trimester abortions, those who had 2nd-trimester abortions were 40% more likely to have had a 2nd abortion by the end of 2006, the researchers found, while they were nearly 4 times as likely to have a 2nd late abortion, and 5 times as likely to have an abortion after 16 weeks’ gestation…..
Lack of access to abortions was unlikely to be a factor in whether or not women had late abortions, the researchers note, given that by Finnish law there must be “no unnecessary delays” in performing abortion once a woman decides to apply for one; also, almost all of the abortions in the study were done in public hospitals.
Something to remember when pro-choicers claim that abortion restrictions only lead to women getting later term abortions.
Jessica Valenti (pictured immediate left) may be a passionate feminist, but she’s clearly no logician. While claiming “there’s no grand arbiter of the [feminist] label,” she nevertheless said that it is “absolutely” possible to exclude women such as Sarah Palin from the feminist camp — in other words, that there is a grand arbiter, and her name is Ms. Valenti.
The touchstone of this grand arbiter is no mystery. While Ms. Valenti mentioned other feminist issues – universal suffrage, pay equity, the persistence of patriarchy – the one measure she invoked no less than 7 times was: abortion.
I’d also note that Valenti’s editorial includes the years-old media created myth that Sarah Palin slashed funding for a shelter for teenage moms.
[Palin photo via gratefuldread.wordpress.com; Valenti photo via idsnews.com]

Something to remember when pro-choicers claim that abortion restrictions only lead to women getting later term abortions.
This argument doesn’t work at all. The fact that women who did not face abortion restrictions had late abortions does not mean that women who faced abortion restrictions do not have later abortions as a result of the restrictions.