Here are my top 5 favorite political cartoons this week.
There was nothing in particular on our issue – I don’t think… except one by Chan Lowe at may pertain. But I don’t quite get it, because it seems to send a mixed message. Thoughts?

This next one by Tom Toles at also stymied me. It appears he’s ultimately blaming God for the Gulf oil spill?

cartoon 6-13 tom toles gocomics 6-13 tarball in heaven.gif
Liberals and most of MSM are trying to bury the scandal and potential illegality of the White House offering Joe Sestak and Andrew Romanoff jobs if they ditched their Democrat primary races, but here’s at least one honest liberal cartoonist, Nick Anderson at, not ready to let it go…
cartoon 6-13 nick anderson gocomics 6-8 job obama congressional primary.gif
As Dan Wasserman at shows, it’s trouble trouble everywhere for President Obama
cartoon 6-13 dan wasserman gocomics 6-10 al gore tipper.gif
This one by Glenn McCoy at is more true than funny…
cartoon 6-13 glenn mccoy gocomics 6-10 wow cereal kicks a.gif
Did I say I was posting only my top 5 picks? Well, here’s a bonus, because there were so many good Helen Thomas lampoons, this one by Glenn McCoy at
cartoon 6-13 glenn mccoy gocomics 6-9 melting.gif

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