Stanek Sunday funnies 2-9-14
Happy Sunday! Here were my top five favorite political cartoons this past week. Be sure to vote for your fav in the poll at the bottom of this post!
by Glenn McCoy at…
by Lisa Benson at…
Happy Sunday! Here were my top five favorite political cartoons this past week. Be sure to vote for your fav in the poll at the bottom of this post!
by Glenn McCoy at…
by Lisa Benson at…
Here’s the last weekly round-up of my favorite funnies for 2013! Be sure to vote for your favorite in the poll at the bottom of the post. Happy New Year!
by Gary McCoy at…
by Glenn McCoy at…
This week critical mass was reached. The Benghazi, IRS, and DOJ scandals became too much for liberal cartoonists to ignore, and they came down en masse on President Obama. It appears the likely straw was spying on one of their own.
Be sure to vote for your favorite in the poll at the end of the post. And be sure to see Part I!
a twofer by Walt Handelsman at…
Hard to choose, but here were my top five favorite political cartoons this week…
by Jerry Holbert at…
Yes, Barack Obama has taken Big Bird under his wing as a vital campaign cause, to the consternation of Democrat operatives and even Sesame Street, which asked the Obama campaign to pull this ad, which it has thus far refused to do….
As I wrote last week, liberals are adept at turning controversies they provoke into the fault of conservatives, most recently President Barack Obama’s contraceptive mandate. Some of their political cartoonists were particularly crude this week, beginning with Jeff Danziger at… by Ted Rall at…
I saw the above Planned Parenthood tweet a couple days and first thought, You have got to be kidding, and then thought, Of course this is how they’ll spin this. The Obama administration provoked a huge nationwide controversy in January by ordering religious groups to cover contraceptives, abortifacients, and sterilization in their insurance plans, and […]
Good morning! I’m on the tail end of a 4-day mini-vacation with my parents and hubby. We traveled 8 hours Friday to stay on Mackinac Island in upper MI for the weekend. (Photo right is of half of the Grand Hotel’s porch – longest in the world - just before sunrise.) Today we’re driving home […]
Here are my top 5 favorite political cartoons this week. There was nothing in particular on our issue – I don’t think… except one by Chan Lowe at may pertain. But I don’t quite get it, because it seems to send a mixed message. Thoughts? This next one by Tom Toles at also […]