Jivin J’s Life Links 7-23-10
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
We can see what caused abortion opponents to be concerned. An official solicitation issued by the PA Insurance Department specified that abortions “will” be covered if they are legal under PA law. And according to news reports, a similar document in NM listed “elective” abortions under “covered services.”,,,
State and federal officials have since scrambled to clarify their intentions. PA officials issued a statement on July 15 saying that for any abortions performed because of reasons other than rape, incest or a threat to the mother’s life, women “will have to pay for them out their own pocket.” And NM backed down just as quickly, issuing a July 15 statement saying “elective abortion is not and has never been intended to be a benefit.”
Chloe at Feministing found this video, and proceeded to blast it as “anti-woman,” and cruelly mocked it, sneering that his mother chose life and ended up with a “C-grade celebrity.” I guess if babies don’t grow up to become A-list celebrities, then they aren’t worth the hassle – in Chloe’s world….
… Is it about the level of celebrity for her? I’m pretty sure that Cannon’s mother doesn’t love her son just because he’s a celebrity, and the point Cannon makes is a good one, whether a parent is considering an abortion or not. All parents wonder what their child will grow up to be, and how far they might go in life. And while Nick Cannon might indeed be a C-grade celebrity, he’s still more well-known than Chloe is, so does she really have much room to be sneering at him for his lack of fame?
And, believe it or not, even babies destined to grow up to be C-grade celebrities deserve a chance to live.
View Cannon’s video below:
[Carey/Cannon photo via Peacefmonline.com]

I’m not a fan of hip-hop, but money talks, and I’ll talk with my wallet and buy Nick’s song for my ipod.
I love this video and I think that Nick was very brave in making it.
Too bad Miss Fiano (and others) called him a c-grade celebrity.
No celebrity status needed to be fully human and a member of the human race. No celebrity status needed for deserving of human dignity.
I admire Nick’s mom for making the beautiful choice for life – and Nick has the creativity to demonstrate that in such an artistic way.
I wish more moms listed to that little voice that says: “Can I live?”
Too bad that Cassy and others answer: “no, you can’t live, and that’s alright with me.”
so sad.
Joy, you missed the target here. Cassy Fiano is one of our best conservative bloggers. She was only quoting and disagreeing with the Feministing blog.
I say we should give “America’s Got Talent” a look as a show of support to Nick Cannon.