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by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN

  • Live Action questions the lack of current yearly report from Planned Parenthood. The last one published was in 2007.
  • Pro Life Blogs posts good news from MI: abortions there declined by 13.9% in 2009….
  • Albert Mohler responds to the discovery of a sperm bank for “celebrity lookalikes” by lamenting society’s obsession with “good looks” as opposed to simply being healthy. Who decides what is beautiful?
  • Wesley J. Smith takes exception to a negative review of his book that states he doesn’t address animal abuse as “debasing our humanity” when, in fact, he does.
  • Big Blue Wave has some excellent thoughts on an Abortion Gang post which reveals feminism isn’t really about promoting women.
  • Catherine Palmer at Ethika Politika examines the stranglehold of abortion on “modern feminism”:
  • To say that abortion is fundamental to a woman’s equal place in society is one of the lowest blows against my gender; for to say this is to propagate one among several discriminatory, anti-woman beliefs inherent in the pro-choice mentality….


    The responsible modern-day woman will go on the Pill so that her fertility does not become an undesired burden to society. Her biology is consistently high-maintenance and potentially expensive, so artificial birth control and abortion are necessary means of mastering her reproductive ability. On its own, a woman’s body just isn’t good enough.
    To strip women of their distinct sexuality in the name of feminism is senseless. It suggests an underlying belief that only those qualities which are male are valuable, or worth celebrating, or deserving of respect. It propagates the lie that pregnancy is a problem up to women to prevent at any and all costs – even the cost of their own dignity.

    [Photo by Planned Parenthood via Feminists for Choice]

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